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values and ideals
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prsonal values and ideals

What do you think of discrimination and does it exist in your country?

In your country what is the major religious belief?

In your country, are people losing the ability to be compassionate?

Tell me some of the personal values you have

What things do you believe in?

What do you think would be the best thing about volunteering?

Would you like to volunteer?

What is your opinion about: fast food restaurants / using the car to go everywhere / giving away money to beggars / international volunteering?

If you worked in a company involved in polluting or in the weapon industry, what would you do?

Do you do something to improve your world, family relationships, the atmosphere around you?

What would your ideal world be?

What is more important for you: work or your social life?

Have your personal values changed since you were a child?

Are you concerned about the welfare of others? Why/Why not?

Does money change people’s values?

Who is more responsible for teaching values to children: parents or schools?

What do you consider to be your best and worst qualities?

Some people are very ambitious. Do you think this is a good thing?

Do you think personal values are stronger now or in the past?

What is more important for you in a friend: loyalty or honesty?

Do you think that being competitive is a good thing or a bad thing?

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