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NES Support Worker Learning week


Support Workers Learning Week 2023 Public Health Scotland

To find out who Public Health Scotland (PHS) is and what learning opportunities their virtual learning environment can offer.

Session Aim

Scotland's lead national body for improving and protecting the health and wellbeing of all of Scotland's people.

Public Health Scotland is an NHS board and was launched in April 2020.

Who is Public Health Scotland?

Our purpose is to continue to lead and support work across Scotland to prevent disease, prolong healthy life, and promote health and wellbeing.

Our vision is working towards a Scotland where everybody thrives.

What do we do?

How do we work?

Our values are at the heart of our work.

We work in collaboration with others.

Scotland needs collective action to improve healthy life expectancy and reduce health inequalities.

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-ND

PHS Virtual learning environment?

  • Public Health Scotland website
  • PHS Strategic-plan-2022-to-2025
  • PHS Virtual Learning Environment
For further information contact us at phs.wdteam@phs.scot

    Find out more about Public Health Scotland on the links below.
