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S43 Training for Sales and Projects Tracking

  1. Exploring the Sales and Projects Tracking dashboard and its unique features
  2. How to view and approve projects
  3. How to view and approve deal requests

Course Objectives

Sales and Project Tracking Dashboard

Click on this icon to discover what functionality exists within this dashboard

Click on this icon to discover what functionality exists within S43

Projects tab

The projects tab shows all projects under their status in one area

Click on this icon to explore these pages in more detail

View Projects Page

There are four sections of projects:

  1. The project itself
  2. Kit list section
  3. Notes section
  4. Project history:
Once this has been reviewed, project can be approved or rejected

Project approval/rejection Confirmation page

  • Upon pressing the "Reject Project" button on the previous page, a box will pop-up allowing you to enter a Reason for rejection as well as to leave a comment.
    • This will allow the sales channel to know what they need to correct to get the project approved
  • Upon pressing the "Confirm Project" button, a similar box will pop-up allowing you to add an optional comment before confirming the approval

Deal Requests page

  • Shows the different types of deal requests from the channels
    • Shows some information such as customer, deal type, deal period as well as the project associated with it
  • As with projects and kit lists, you can open up the deal request to see the full details
  • Corporate deals will need to be reviewed and approved by the Sales and Projects Tracking team

Deal Requests

  • Upon opening up the deal request you can see the full details of the deal request as well as the kit list that is associated with it
  • You can also download this kit list as a pdf if needed
  • After review you can make the decision to Deny or Approve this request

In this course we have covered:

  1. Exploring the Sales and Projects Tracking dashboard and its unique features
  2. How to view and approve projects
  3. How to view and approve deal requests
