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Erin Harkness
Created on August 1, 2023
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Bilingualism is a unique characteristic shared by many MLLs with and without special needs. Bilingualism rarely means equal proficiency in both languages --MLLs' backgrounds in the languages can vary.
Bilingualism means equal proficiency in both languages
Second Language AcquisitionMisconceptions and Realities
Second Language AcquisitionMisconceptions and Realities
Semilingualism in non-non categories are the results of tests that do not measure the full range and depth of student's language proficiencies.
Semilingualism is a valid concept, and non-non classifications are useful categories.
Second Language AcquisitionMisconceptions and Realities
Commonly used native language proficiency assessments provide a limited view of MLLs' oral language proficiency.
Native language assessments present a clear picture of linguistic proficiency.
Second Language AcquisitionMisconceptions and Realities
Literacy instruction in a second language differs from native language instruction; a different framework is needed.
Literacy instructional frameworks devleoped for monolingual students are appropriate for developing language learners.
Second Language AcquisitionMisconceptions and Realities
Literacy instruction in a second language differs from native language instruction; a different framework is needed.
Literacy instructional frameworks devleoped for monolingual students are appropriate for developing language learners.
Second Language AcquisitionMisconceptions and Realities
Students who receive some native language instruction achieve at higher levels in English than students who do not receive any native language instruction.
The more time students spend receiving English instruction, the faster they will learn.
Second Language AcquisitionMisconceptions and Realities
The length of time it takes students to acquire English varies a great deal, from four to seven years or more.
All MLLs learn English in the same way at about the same time.
Second Language AcquisitionMisconceptions and Realities
Exposure to English and interactions with others are important, but they are not enough to provide the support MLLs' need to be able to fully participate in classroom learning and achive to their potential.
MLL learners acquire English in the same way they acquired their native language.
Second Language AcquisitionMisconceptions and Realities
Errors are a positive sign that the student is making progress and are a necessary aspect of SLA. Errors provide clues about a student's interlanguage.
Errors are problematic and should be avoided.
Second Language AcquisitionMisconceptions and Realities
Most MLLs, particularly long-term English learners, are simultaneous (not sequential) bilinguals.
The majority of MLLs in the U.S. are sequential bilinguals.