Barrie Public Library - Native Gardens
Created on July 25, 2023
Explore the native gardens at the Barrie Public Library's Downtown location! Planted in spring 2023, they are expected to flourish over the next few years.
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Amelanchier canadensis
Serviceberry Tree
Amelanchier canadensis, commonly called shadblow serviceberry, is a deciduous, early-flowering, large shrub or small tree which typically grows 15-30' tall. Features showy, 5-petaled, slightly fragrant, white flowers in drooping clusters which appear before the leaves emerge in early spring. Finely toothed, elliptic, medium to dark green leaves (1-3" long) change to orange-red in autumn. Flowers give way to small, round, green berries which turn red and finally mature to a dark purplish-black in early summer. Edible berries resemble blueberries in size and color and are used in jams, jellies and pies.
Rudbecki fulgida
Black-Eyed Susans
A resilient wildflower that grows well in disturbed or unfavourable environments. Vibrant yellow flowers bloom biennially (every other year), though it reseeds quickly so flowers are seen every year. Best planted in bunches. Compliments rock gardens, ponds, fence lines, or along barn walls. Mixes well with Purple Coneflower and Wild Bergamot. Add a beautiful grass for contrast, such as Indian Grass, or Little Bluestem.
Panicum virgatum
Silky, green-blue leaves and purple, cloud-like seed heads provide a visual delight in mid-summer. A low maintenance grass that tolerates both low and high moisture. Remains in seed from the mid-summer to mid-winter making it a good source of food for the birds. Because of its size, it will need a good portion of garden space to grow. A clump-forming grass that is great for soil stabilization and preventing erosion. A warm-season grass that grows during the summer.
Juniperus communis compressa
Compressa Juniper
Compressa Juniper is a rigidly narrow and upright accent evergreen for the garden. Very compact and never growing more than a few feet tall, its extremely fine foliage lends a soft texture a solitary accent. Ideal as a rock garden feature.
Juniperus horizontalis
Creeping Juniper
Juniperus horizontalis, commonly called creeping juniper, is an evergreen shrub that is typically found growing in rocky or sandy soils. It forms a low groundcover that generally rises to 6-18” tall but spreads by long trailing branches with abundant short branchlets to form a dense, 4-10’ wide mat. Foliage is typically green to blue-green during the growing season, but often acquires purple tones in winter.
Potentilla fruticosa
Shrubby Cinquefoil
A popular small garden shrub, Shrubby Cinquefoil is a perennial whose branches remain over the winter, though the leaves die off every fall. Its small, yellow flowers have no noticeable scent, but their nectar is attractive to butterflies, bees, and some flies. Their leaves also provide a food source for some butterfly larvae. These plants require very little care, making them a good choice for revegetation of disturbed areas.
Dense Blazing Star
Dense Blazing Star
Tall and showy, pink-purple blooms which last most of the summer. Enjoy watching Monarch butterflies and other insects coming for a nectar drink along their journey. A great plant for full sun locations. Should not be over-fertilized. Excellent as a cut flower.
Verbena bonariensis
Meteor Shower
An airy, tall variety with a long bloom period; pinkish-purple buds open to lilac flowers that will eventually mature to nearly white. Meteor Shower Verbena features airy clusters of lilac purple flowers with violet overtones at the ends of the stems from late spring to mid fall. The flowers are excellent for cutting. Its narrow leaves remain green in color throughout the season. Meteor Shower Verbena will grow to be about 24 inches tall at maturity, with a spread of 12 inches.
Potentilla fruticosa
Shrubby Cinquefoil
A popular small garden shrub, Shrubby Cinquefoil is a perennial whose branches remain over the winter, though the leaves die off every fall. Its small, yellow flowers have no noticeable scent, but their nectar is attractive to butterflies, bees, and some flies. Their leaves also provide a food source for some butterfly larvae. These plants require very little care, making them a good choice for revegetation of disturbed areas.
Sporobolus heterolepsis
Prairie Dropseed
Great, slow growing, short grass that will not overtake your garden. Nice groundcover for hot and dry areas with a unique fragrance that resembles coriander. Beautiful in rock gardens and provides the background to accentuate other perennials. Easy to grow and tolerates a variety of soils, including dry, rocky soil and heavy clays. Mature seeds drop on the ground in fall, but plant does not easily self-seed.
Potentilla fruticosa
Shrubby Cinquefoil
A popular small garden shrub, Shrubby Cinquefoil is a perennial whose branches remain over the winter, though the leaves die off every fall. Its small, yellow flowers have no noticeable scent, but their nectar is attractive to butterflies, bees, and some flies. Their leaves also provide a food source for some butterfly larvae. These plants require very little care, making them a good choice for revegetation of disturbed areas.
Danthonia Spicata
Poverty Oat-Grass
Danthonia spicata is a petite cool season perennial grass with dense tufted foliage. Leaves from the current season are wiry and bluish green. Twisted older leaves develop a bronzy hue and are retained at the base of each clump. In late spring delicate flower panicles rise above the foliage. This grass thrives in sunny exposures with poor dry soil.
Verbena bonariensis
An airy, tall variety with a long bloom period; pinkish-purple buds open to lilac flowers that will eventually mature to nearly white. Meteor Shower Verbena features airy clusters of lilac purple flowers with violet overtones at the ends of the stems from late spring to mid fall. The flowers are excellent for cutting. Its narrow leaves remain green in color throughout the season. Meteor Shower Verbena will grow to be about 24 inches tall at maturity, with a spread of 12 inches.
Verbena bonariensis
Meteor Shower
Verbena Simplex
Narrow-Leaved Vervain
A beautiful wildflower that is becoming increasingly rare in the wild. Charming, lavender flowers begin emerging in June. New flowers will progressively emerge above the older ones, which gives this wonderful plant a long bloom period. Flower nectar attracts various bees and moths (carpenter bees, cuckoo bees, leaf-cutting bees, green metallic bees, and verbena moths). It is also a host for Common Buckeye butterfly larvae.
Eupatorium maculatum
Joe Pye Weed
Tall and shrubby, quick-growing perennial requiring little maintenance. Rose-coloured flowers bloom on tall, strong stems and last for several weeks in summer. Blooms attract dozens of butterfly species. Grows best in moist organic soil but can adapt to dryer soil conditions. Avoid overhead watering to prevent powdery mildew. Deer resistant.
Ceanothus americanus
New Jersey Tea
Thrives in hot, dry conditions. Drought tolerant and short growing. Roots are nitrogen fixing which enriches the soil where it is planted. Dry the leaves to make tea. This sun-loving shrub produces lovely white flowers that add a sweet fragrance to your garden. Flowers provide a source of food for butterflies.
Cleome hassleriana
Spider Flower Cleome
Spidery poufs of flower heads top tall stems in a striking display. The curious looking bloom clusters bring fragrance, soft color and lightness to gardens and large containers. Ideal choice for beds, borders, and cutting gardens. Superb backing plant for mixed borders. Cut flowers are long-lasting in fresh bouquets.
Geum triflorum
Prairie Smoke
An early blooming native Ontario perennial with a unique twist. The wispy pinkish-purple blooms may remind one of a Dr. Seuss illustration. Great for rock gardens and will survive in hot, dry areas of the garden. Deer resistant and highly attractive for bumblebees.
Rudbecki fulgida
Black-Eyed Susans
A resilient wildflower that grows well in disturbed or unfavourable environments. Vibrant yellow flowers bloom biennially (every other year), though it reseeds quickly so flowers are seen every year. Best planted in bunches. Compliments rock gardens, ponds, fence lines, or along barn walls. Mixes well with Purple Coneflower and Wild Bergamot. Add a beautiful grass for contrast, such as Indian Grass, or Little Bluestem.
Echinacea purpurea
Purple Coneflower
An adaptable, easy-to-grow wildflower for your garden. Grows in a variety of soil types and moistures but is intolerant to long, dry periods and might begin to droop. The stunning blooms are long-lasting throughout the summer. Highly attractive to the Monarch butterfly and large seed heads attract small birds later in the season. Grows nicely alongside prairie grasses and Black-Eyed Susan.
Rudbecki fulgida
Black-Eyed Susans
A resilient wildflower that grows well in disturbed or unfavourable environments. Vibrant yellow flowers bloom biennially (every other year), though it reseeds quickly so flowers are seen every year. Best planted in bunches. Compliments rock gardens, ponds, fence lines, or along barn walls. Mixes well with Purple Coneflower and Wild Bergamot. Add a beautiful grass for contrast, such as Indian Grass, or Little Bluestem.