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Created on July 25, 2023
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Welcome to the Hendricks County Museum!
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TOP FLOOR - Adult's Bedroom, Children's Room, Bathroom, Hallway
ANNEX - Central Normal College Room, Agriculture Room
MAIN FLOOR - Sheriff's Office, Parlor Room, Late-1800s Kitchen, Midcentury Kitchen, Military Room
GROUND FLOOR - Old Men's & Women's Jail
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Room Directory
Children's Room
Below are the different rooms on this floor. Click each room to see more.
Top Floor
Click to see a photo gallery about the Bedroom
Click to see a video about the Bedroom
This room reflects the lifestyle of adults in the late 1800s. The feather bed is typical of those used in the last half of the 19th century. It is higher off the floor than modern beds, keeping the sleeper away from cold drafts.
Click to see 360 Interactive tour of the Bedroom
Click on the pictures below to enlarge them and read the descriptions.
Close up of photograph. Text reads: "Wedding Picture of America Alice Leak and Thomas Jefferson Nelson Married May 31, 1868 Thomas Nelson and his good friend Henry Leak enlisted and served together in the 54th Infantry during the Civil War. Back home near Lizton, they became brothers-in-law when Tom Nelson married Henry's little sister, Alice Leak. Sadly, the marriage lasted only 11 years. Alice Nelson died when the youngest of their four children, Amanda Eldora, was 22 months old. Eldora went to live with her grandparents, and later with her uncle. In 1906, Eldora married George Albert Keeney."
Close up of glove measuring tool. Text reads: "This device was found in many stores that carried women's fashion. It was used to measure the lady's hand to determine the correct glove size."
Close up of a small brush with a dog head handle.
Image of side wall of the bedroom. Items in this photo includes two ornate dresses, a hat on a hat rack, and a pair of dress gloves.
Close up of Leak Family Hair Wreath. Hair Wreaths were common in the late 1800s, and were made to show friendship or to remember loved ones who had passed away.
Click to see a photo gallery about the Children's Room
Click to see a video about the Children's Room
The second floor has three rooms, which were bedrooms for the families. The museum has two of these rooms on the tour. The children’s room has many early toys that include trains, handmade dolls and china head dolls.
Click to see 360 Interactive tour of the Children's Room
Children's Room
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Children's Room
Close up of kids hats on a shelf.
Photo of wall inside the Children's Room. Items in this picture include: a dresser, a mirror, porcelain dolls, and various toys.
Close up of the doll house found in the Children's Room. The next few pictures will show interior pictures of the doll house.
First interior image of the doll house.
Second interior image of the doll house.
Click to see a photo from the Upstairs Hallway
Click to see 360 Interactive tour of the Upstairs Hallway
The upstairs hallway leads to the adult's bedroom, a children's room, and a bathroom. The hallway features several personal items, as well as a series of portraits painted by a former inmate at the Old Jail.
Upstairs Hallway
Close up of portraits of former Sheriff Merle Funk and his wife, Ruth Funk. Merle was sheriff from 1962-1970 and lived in this house. The portraits of the Funk family were painted by former prisoner, Keith Wright, in 1968.
Click to see photos of common Bathroom items in the 1800s-1900s
Click to see 360 Interactive tour of the Bathroom
The upstairs bathroom features several items that were used from the late 1800s through the mid-1900s.
Midcentury Kitchen
Late 1800s Kitchen
Military Room
Sheriff's Office
Below are the different rooms on this floor. Click each room to see more.
Main Floor
Parlor Room
Click to see a photo gallery about the Sheriff's Office
Click to see a video about the Sheriff's Office
Click to see 360 Interactive tour of the Sheriff's Office
The sheriff maintained his main office at the court house. On the weekends and evenings he used a room within the home. There are several items that belonged to former sheriffs.
Sheriff's Office
Click on the pictures below to enlarge them and read the descriptions.
Sheriff's Office
Pictures of the corner of the Sheriff's Office. Items include a sheriff's jacket, a sheriff's hat, a typewriter, a few books, and a fingerprint testing kit.
Close up of Sheriff Merle Funk's badge and jacket.
Close up of an old finger print testing kit.
Close up of an old finger print testing kit, opened.
Click to see video about the Military Room
Click to see a photo gallery about the Military Room
This collection has many items from the Civil War, World War I, World War II, and the Korean War. A major feature is the Civil War uniform of Col. Abel Streight who escaped from a southern prison camp and made his way home to Indiana.
Military Room
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Military Room
Photograph of Civil War Uniform that belonged to Colonel Abel D. Streight.
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Texts read: "Colonel Abel D. Streight Col. Streight was commander of the 51st Indiana Infantry. Captured by the Confederates in Georgia in May of 1863, he and other officers were sent to Libby prison in Richmond, Virginia.
Close up of Civil War Spherical Shot. Text reads: Shells included an explosive charge and were designed to burst into fragments in the midst of enemy infantry or artillery. For smoothbores, the projectile was referred to as "spherical shell". A primary weakness of shell was that it typically produced only a few large fragments, the count increasing with caliber of the shell. Spherical shell used time fuses. Fuse reliability was a concern. This shot is 4.5 inches in diameter and weighs close to 6 lbs. Muzzle velocity would have been close to 1,439 feet per second, and a range of about 1,523 yards.
Close up of a gas mask used by Paul Herod. These gas masks were used to protect people from mustard gas.
Inscription reads (from left to right): "August 7, 1897 - December 20, 1989" "Virgil 'Doc' Foster" "World War I"
Close up of an old military hospital wheel chair
WWII uniform jacket of Major Ralph Wilcox, Army aviator
Close of Illustration of a book cover. Text reads: "Good-Bye My Soldier Boy"
Click to see video about the Parlor Room
Click to see a photo gallery about the Parlor Room
30 families lived at this former Hendricks County Sheriff’s residence. The families brought their own furniture into the home. When the building was turned over to the Historical Society, the building was empty.
Parlor Room
Click to see 360 Interactive tour of the Parlor Room
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Parlor Room
Photo of the Parlor Room. Items included are a piano, a couch, and a porcelain doll. This room was used for hosting and entertaining.
Close up of a stereoscope and stereoscope cards. A stereoscope is a device for viewing a pair of separate images, depicting left-eye and right-eye views of the same scene, as a single three-dimensional image.
Close up of portraits painted by former sheriff William Calvert.
Photo of the Parlor Room. Items included are a dress, the original fireplace, and two rocking chairs.
Close up of photograph of Virginia J. Bell. Text reads: "Virginia J Bell passed away on Thursday, March 27, 1918. Eleven children were born of this union. Della, Charles, Joseph, James Blaine, Ethel, Clovia, and John Allen. The other four preceded her in death. Her youngest son, John Allen, was born May 25, 1895, in the family quarters of the jail in Danville, Indiana, while her husband, John T. Bell was Sheriff of Hendricks County. Two of her sons, Joseph and Blaine Bell were their fathers deputies. She prepared all meals for the prisoners, and was a devoted wife and mother. Interment was at Stilesville, Indiana."
Click to see video about the 1800s Kitchen
Click to see a photo gallery about the 1800s Kitchen
Some items in the late 1800s kitchen include: a tin bathtub, a cook stove that used wood or coals for fuel, a fire-less cooker, which was an early version of the crock pot, a dry sink and many kitchen utensils.
1800s Kitchen
Click to see 360 Interactive tour of the 1800s Kitchen
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1800's Kitchen
Photo of an old stove and oven from the late 1800's.
Close up of Hat Shaped Bath Tub. Text reads: "This tin bathtub, pictured in the 1902 Sears, Robuck Company catolog, used a minimum amount of water for bathing. HAT SHAPED BATH TUB No. 24R7555 Hat Shaped Bath Tub, made of heavy 3X tin, japanned and varnished outside; had heavy base and legs, size 12 2/3 x 40 inches. Price each ..... $4.10"
Close up of a canning station for the early 1900s
Close up of various kitchen items from the time period: Ball Jar Rubbers and a Coffee tin.
Click to see video about the Midcentury Kitchen
Click to see a photo gallery about the Midcentury Kitchen
An early television amazes young people because it was so small. Fiesta dishes, as well as the autumn leaf pattern dishes, are displayed, which women bought from the “Jewel Tea” man a; peddler who drove his truck to homes.
Midcentury Kitchen
Click to see 360 Interactive tour of the Midcentury Kitchen
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1950's Kitchen
Photo of the Midcentury Kitchen.
Close up of various kitchen items from the time period.
Text reads: "The Estate Electric Toaster from the 1920s was made by the Estate Stove Company, founded in 1854. They were bought by RCA in 1952, which was bought by Whirlpool in 1955. Estate stoves are still manufactured by Whirlpool."
Central Normal College Room
Agriculture Room
Below are the different rooms on this floor. Click each room to see more.
Click to see a photo gallery about the Central Normal College Room
Visit the Central Normal Room and learn about how it became Canterbury College in Danville, Indiana. Where did it originate? From Ladoga, Indiana!
Central Normal College
Click to see 360 Interactive tour of the Central Normal College Room
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Central Normal College
Photo of a corner in the Central Normal College exhibit.
Close up of a portrait, with various old sports photos
Various items from the Central Normal College, including a gas lamp. Text about the lamp reads: "In the late 1800s, gas became a practical household staple across Europe and America. Most early lamps had an open flame and were dangerous for homes. In 1891, the gas mantel was invented which changed home use and made gas safer for home use. The gas flowed into the mantel made from an asbestos material and caused the gas to glow rather than an open flame. This is an example of such a light. The chains regulated the gas and also worked as a shut off. Inside the glass is an example of what a mantel would have looked like."
Close up of a Quilt. Text description reads: "Elsie was a Central Normal student in 1903-1904. She graduated with her degree music major in piano. Elsie lived in Bartholomew County, Indiana. The quilt was found in a flea market in Shelbyville and returned to Hendricks County in 2014." Stitching on the Quilt reads: Elsie P. Heilman. Jan., 30 1904 At CNC Danville, Ind. Mother."
Close up of Typewriter used at Central Normal College, next to a Typist's Certificate.
Click to see a video about the Agriculture Room
Click to see a photo gallery about the Agriculture Room
This exhibit changes every year. This display is about the history of Hendricks County Farms and Farming. Come learn about agriculture and farm life in our county!
Agriculture Room
Click to see 360 Interactive tour of the Agriculture Room
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Agriculture History
Photo in the Agriculture History Room.
Close up of a toy farm house
Close up of toy store model
Close up of miniature log cabin. Text reads: "Log Cabin c. 1925 Made by George Miller (1863-1933)"
Close up of map that shows the farms that have stayed in the family for 100+ years.
Old Jail
Below are the different rooms on this floor. Click each room to see more.
Ground Floor
Click to read more about the Old Jails
Click to see a photo gallery about the Old Jails
Click to see a video about the Old Jails
Hendricks County has had four jails in its history, each located in Danville. The first two were on North Washington St just north of the courthouse square. The third jail and Sheriff’s Residence was built in 1866 at 170 S. Washington St.
Old Jails
Click to see 360 Interactive tour of the Old Jails
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Old Jails
Photo of the hallway in the Men's Jail section.
Photo of the cell block and toilet in the Men's Jail.
Photo of beds in the old jail.
Photo of a bed frame and toilet in the women's jail.
Photo of a checker board in the jail. If you look closely at the wall, you can see wall carvings from previous inmates.