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Truth or lie

1. Have you ever stolen anything? 2. Have you ever been to France? 3. What’s your favourite kind of weather? 4. Who’s your favourite pop star? 5. Do you like English? 6. How often do you have a shower or bath? 7. What’s your favourite football team? 8. Can you play an instrument? 9. What job would you like to do in the future? 10. Have you ever cheated in an English exam?

Choose 3 of these questions


1. Have you ever stolen anything? 5. Do you like English? 8. Can you play an instrument?


You will need to answer the 3 questionsBUT you need to lie in 1 of them



Go into breakout rooms Set an order: 1st Carlos, 2nd Agatha... Write the questions you chose in the chatStart asking questions and find the lie! Each one of you can just ask 2 more questions to guess the lie.
