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Foreign Languages and Cultures

Final project

18 of July 2023

Nicholas Austin

Patrícia Moreira da Silva

University Thesis

Hugo Oliveira.

Trainee colleague

The CIP team: Prof Mário Cruz, Prof Ricardo Queirós, Prof Daniela Mascarenhas and Prof Carla Pinto.

Main actors

CIP - Pedagogical Innovation Centre, specialised unit of IPP.

Internship location

During this semester I completed a total of 177 internship hours

Internship hours

Renata MAssafera

"In a highly connected world, bilingual education is an essential tool to empower students and help them have a much brighter future!"


Used to prove that French is an important criterion in the seriation of candidates for scholarships.

Campus France

Used to demonstrate the importance of French in the diplomatic world.

Alliance Française

Used to support the idea that multilingualism is an advantage.


To support the statements I made, I researched platforms of great importance. Such as:


  • Education;
  • Fashion and luxury industry;
  • Diplomatic communication;
  • Tourism.
  • Academic communication;
  • Labour market;
  • Personal development.



Translation, communication, and writing in multiple languages.

Plurilingualism in academia.



Application of knowledge acquired throughout the degree in the creation of a MOOC

Technological skills acquired in the UC Cultural Matrices applied in the use of platforms such as: Genially, Quizlet, and Google Forms
Linguistic knowledge applied in translations
Creation of an educational resource accessible to a wide audience and promoting language learning and intercultural understanding. Very useful in the current context of linguistic diversity in the European Union
Written communication skills aplied through the French A1 course for english speakers, and ATHENA members

Improvement of my written communication skills

Opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in practical situations

Improvement of my language skills

Advantages of doing the internship at CIP

Preparation of goodie bags, reception and orientation of speakers and participants


Creation of a MOOC in partnership with ATHENA

MOOC French A1

P.PIC - from English to Portuguese and FrenchCIP - from Portuguese to English and French

Website Translation

Any questions?

Thank you!