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Um WebQuest é uma atividade de reflexão estruturada, baseada na investigação e na utilização de recursos disponíveis na web. Este tipo de metodologia permite aos estudantes desenvolver o seu pensamento crítico, criatividade e capacidade de decisão.

O desenvolvimento do projeto

O projeto WASTELINES visa melhorar a forma como a promoção da saúde e a educação climática são abordadas no campo educacional, fornecendo diferentes recursos de aprendizagem baseados em desafios. Dentro destes recursos educativos, os parceiros do projeto desenvolveram até à data diferentes WebQuests e Breakouts Digitais.

2nd NewsletterFevereiro 2023

“The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”




Breakouts (Fugas Digitais)

Os parceiros já criaram o conteúdo para 15 desafios em formato de WebQuests, relacionados com a dieta e nutrição e a ligação entre alimentos processados e obesidade. Em seguida, realizaram uma revisão aprofundada mútua de cada um dos recursos criados para dar a sua opinião aos parceiros a desenvolver o conteúdo, de forma a poderem modificá-lo e melhorá-lo.

Além disso, o conteúdo de aprendizagem para 15 recursos de Digital Breakout também foi desenvolvido. Estes recursos educativos foram desenvolvidos utilizando diferentes ferramentas Google, tais como Google Sites e Google Forms. Posteriormente, os parceiros efetuarão uma revisão aprofundada de cada um dos Digital Breakouts criados.


Os Digital Breakouts (fugas digitais) são recursos educativos online baseados na resolução de enigmas ou puzzles para atingir um determinado objetivo final. Com este tipo de recurso, seremos capazes de motivar os estudantes a aprender, mantê-los ativos e empenhados.











Una webquest es una actividad de reflexión estructurada basada en la investigación y el uso de recursos disponibles en la red. Este tipo de metodología permite a los estudiantes desarrollar su pensamiento crítico, su creatividad y su capacidad para tomar decisiones.

El desarrollo del proyecto

El proyecto WASTELINES pretende mejorar el enfoque de la promoción de la salud y la educación climática en el ámbito educativo proporcionando diferentes recursos de aprendizaje basados en retos. Dentro de estos recursos educativos, los socios del proyecto han desarrollado hasta ahora diferentes webquests y breakouts digitales.

2ª NewsletterFebrero 2023

“The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”




Los breakouts digitales son recursos educativos online basados en la resolución de acertijos o rompecabezas para conseguir un objetivo final. Con este tipo de recursos conseguiremos motivar al alumnado para que aprenda y mantenerlo activo y comprometido.

Los socios ya han creado el contenido de 15 WebQuests relacionadas con la dieta y la nutrición y la relación entre los alimentos procesados y la obesidad. Después, los socios realizaron una profunda revisión de cada uno de los recursos creados con el fin de introducir modificaciones y mejoras.

Además, también se han desarrollado el contenido para 15 Breakouts Digitales. Estos recursos educativos se han desarrollado utilizando diferentes herramientas de Google, como Google Sites y Google Forms. Del mismo modo, los socios llevarán a cabo una revisión en profundidad de cada uno de estos recursos.













A webquest is a structured reflective activity based on research and the use of resources available on the web. This type of methodology enables students to develop their critical thinking, creativity and decision-making skills.

The Project's development

The WASTELINES project aims to enhance how health promotion and climate education is approached in the educational field by providing different challenge-based learning resources. Within these educational resources, the project partners have developed different webquests and digital breakouts so far.

2nd NewsletterFebruary 2023

“The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”





Partners have already created the content for 15 WebQuests challenges related to diet and nutrition and the relationship between processed foods and obesity. After that, partners conducted an in-depth peer review of each of the resources created and sent their feedback to the developing partners in order to to make modifications and improvements.

Moreover, the learning content for 15 Digital Breakout resources has been developed too. These educational resources have been developed using different Google tools such as Google Sites and Google Forms.After that, partners will conduct an in-depth peer review of each of the Digital Breakouts created.


Digital breakouts are online educational resources based on solving riddles or puzzles to achieve a certain end goal.With this type of resource we will be able to motivate students to learn and keep them active and engaged.











Η ιστοεξερεύνηση είναι μια δομημένη αναστοχαστική δραστηριότητα που βασίζεται στην έρευνα και την αξιοποίηση πόρων που είναι διαθέσιμοι στο διαδίκτυο. Αυτός ο τύπος μεθοδολογίας επιτρέπει στους μαθητές να αναπτύξουν την κριτική τους σκέψη, τη δημιουργικότητα και τις δεξιότητες λήψης αποφάσεων.

Η πρόοδος του Έργου

Το έργο WASTELINES έχει ως στόχο να βελτιώσει τον τρόπο με τον οποίο προσεγγίζεται η προαγωγή της υγείας και η εκπαίδευση για το κλίμα στον χώρο της εκπαίδευσης, παρέχοντας μια ποικιλία μαθησιακού υλικού που βασίζεται σε προκλήσεις. Σε ό,τι αφορά το μαθησιακό υλικό, οι εταίροι του έργου έχουν αναπτύξει μέχρι στιγμής ιστοεξερευνήσεις και ψηφιακά δωμάτια απόδρασης.

2ο Ενημερωτικό ΔελτίοΦεβρουάριος 2023

“The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”




Τα ψηφιακά δωμάτια απόδρασης είναι διαδικτυακοί εκπαιδευτικοί πόροι που βασίζονται στην επίλυση γρίφων ή παζλ για την επίτευξη ενός συγκεκριμένου τελικού στόχου. Με αυτό το υλικό θα μπορέσουμε να παρακινήσουμε τους μαθητές να μάθουν και να διατηρήσουμε ενεργό το ενδιαφέρον τους και την προσοχή τους.

Οι εταίροι έχουν ήδη δημιουργήσει το περιεχόμενο για 15 προκλήσεις Ιστοεξερευνήσεων που σχετίζονται με τη διατροφή και τη δίαιτα καθώς και τη σχέση μεταξύ επεξεργασμένων τροφίμων και παχυσαρκίας. Στη συνέχεια, οι εταίροι πραγματοποίησαν μια εις βάθος ομότιμη αξιολόγηση (peer review) για κάθε μαθησιακό υλικό που δημιουργήθηκε και έστειλαν τα σχόλιά τους, προκειμένου να γίνουν τροποποιήσεις και βελτιώσεις.

Επιπλέον, έχει ήδη ετοιμαστεί το περιεχόμενο 15 ψηφιακών δωμάτιων απόδρασης. Αυτό το εκπαιδευτικό υλικό αναπτύχθηκε με τη χρήση διαφόρων εργαλείων της Google, όπως το Google Sites και το Google Forms και αναμένεται η εμπεριαστατοωμένη ετερο-αξιολόγηση τους από τους εταίρους.












Δωμάτια απόδρασης

Una webquest è un'attività riflessiva strutturata, basata sulla ricerca e sull'utilizzo di risorse disponibili sul web. Questo tipo di metodologia consente agli studenti di sviluppare un proprio pensiero critico, rafforzare la creatività e le proprie capacità decisionali.

Sviluppo del progetto

Il progetto WASTELINES mira a migliorare il modo in cui la promozione della salute e l'educazione climatica vengono affrontate nel campo dell'istruzione, fornendo diverse risorse di apprendimento basate sulle sfide. Nell'ambito di queste risorse educative, i partner del progetto hanno finora sviluppato diversi webquest e breakout digitali.

2nd NewsletterFebbraio 2023

“The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”




I breakout digitali sono risorse educative online basate sulla risoluzione di enigmi o puzzle finalizzate al raggiungimento di un determinato obiettivo finale. Questo tipo di risorse digitali consentono di motivare gli studenti nel loro percorso di apprendimento e a mantenerli attivi e coinvolti.

I partner hanno elaborato il contenuto delle 15 sfide che compongono le WebQuest. Esse sono incentrate sulla dieta e nutrizione e sul rapporto tra queste, gli alimenti trasformati e l'obesità. Successivamente è stata condotta un' approfondita revisione di ciascuna delle risorse create e i partner hanno inviato il loro feedback affinchè le potessero modificare e migliorare.

Sono stati inoltre elaborati i contenuti per 15 DIgital Breakout. Queste risorse educative sono state sviluppate attraverso diversi strumenti Google, come Google Sites and Google Forms. Successivamente hanno realizzato un'approfondita revisione di ogni Digital Breakout creata.













Un webquest este o activitate reflexivă structurată, bazată pe cercetare și utilizarea resurselor disponibile pe web. Acest tip de metodologie le permite elevilor să-și dezvolte gândirea critică, creativitatea și abilitățile de luare a deciziilor.

Dezvoltarea proiectului

Proiectul WASTELINES își propune să îmbunătățească modul în care promovarea sănătății și educația climatică sunt abordate în domeniul educațional, oferind diferite resurse de învățare bazate pe provocări. În cadrul acestor resurse educaționale, partenerii proiectului au dezvoltat până acum diferite webquest-uri și breakout-uri digitale.

2nd NewsletterFebruarie 2023

“The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”





Partenerii au creat deja conținutul pentru 15 provocări WebQuests legate de dietă și nutriție și de relația dintre alimentele procesate și obezitate. După aceea, partenerii au realizat o evaluare și revizuire aprofundată a fiecăreia dintre resursele create și transmis feedback-ul partenerilor care au dezvoltat resursele, pentru a face modificări și îmbunătățiri.

Conținutul de învățare pentru 15 resurse de tip Breakout-uri Digitale a fost și el dezvoltat. Aceste resurse educaționale au fost dezvoltate folosind diferite instrumente Google, cum ar fi Google Sites și Google Forms. Urmează ca partenerii să desfășoare o evaluare și revizuire aprofundată a fiecăreia dintre resursele de tip Digital Breakouts create.


Breakout-urile digitale sunt resurse educaționale online bazate pe rezolvarea de ghicitori sau puzzle-uri pentru a atinge un anumit scop final. Cu acest tip de resursă vom putea motiva elevii să învețe și îi vom menține activi și implicați.







