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Global Citizenship Lesson Design



Topic & Lesson Goals

"Diversity: Cultivating and managing identities, relationships and respect for diversity."

One of the UNESCO themes for Global Citizenship Education is Diversity. This is included in the curriculum for both streams of education. For this session we will focus on General Secondary Education (VO). As a class, use the Jamboard to brainstorm some of the key elements of diversity that you may want to discuss with your target group of learners (GSE aged 11-15). Draw upon your own experiences as a learner and teacher in training. Be concrete in exactly what you would like your learners to address.


"Learners explore the diverse society of the Netherlands in the context of a globalising world; focusing on philosophical movements, values and beliefs."

This is how the Dutch curriculum advisory (SLO) state the national learning outcome for the theme of Diversity for GSE learners.Keeping that national learning outcome in mind, go back to the Jamboard and choose one topic that you want to focus on during your lesson. Now, write your own lesson goal(s), thinking specifcally about what you want your learners to do and what is achievable for your target group, in the timeframe.Post your ideas on Page 2 of the Jamboard.


Topic: Cultural AwarenessBy the end of the session, learners:
  • will demonstrate a basic understanding of the term 'culture',
  • will be able to recognise characteristics of their own culture and that of their classmates,
  • will understand why it is important to learn about the cultures of others in the community

Once we have a lesson goal, we also need to think about the three skill domains of global citizenship education. UNESCO describes each domain as:Cognitive: knowledge and thinking skills necessary to better understand the world and its complexities.Socio-emotional: values, attitudes and social skills that enable learners to develop affectively, psychosocially, and physically and to enable them to live together with others respectfully and peacefully.Behavioural: conduct, performance, practical application and engagement.





Topic: Cultural AwarenessBy the end of the session, learners:

  • will demonstrate a basic understanding of the term 'culture',
  • will be able to recognise characteristics of their own culture and that of their classmates,
  • will understand why it is important to learn about the cultures of others in the community.
Come up with a cognitive, socio-emotional and behavioural aspect to the lesson goal above. You can find examples by clicking on the chart.Record your ideas on Page 3 of the Jamboard.



Activity Design


Review form

Lesson plan

Once we have lesson goals we can start to think about how to teach to them, which workforms to use and how we will measure the learners' attainment.LT2 calls for you to design an interactive lesson that introduces the topic and teaches something about the learner's role in a global society.Your teacher has already planned a sample lesson and materials for you to review this session. You will use the pitch review form to reflect on the lesson goals, content, structure, material and appropriateness to the target group. This is the same form you will use to review your peers' lesson design in a few weeks.Form groups of 3-4 and work through the lesson plan and form. Compile your comments on Page 4 of the Jamboard.


How will you know that hey have done it?

How do you want them to do it?

What do you want your learners to do?

What does the government say the learners should do?

Goal Attainment
Activities & Materials
Lesson Goals
National Outcomes
Target Group


Learning Task 2

For your second learning task you are going to design a lesson that teachers your (GSE or VSE) learners something about global citizenship. Before we get started, make sure you are familiar with the assignment details of LT2. Now; visit LT 2 details


Understanding the similarities and differences beween societies and cultures (beliefs, language, traditions, religion, lifestyle, ethnicity)


Developing values and skills that enable people to live together peacefully (respect, equality, sympathy,emathy, caring, solidarity, tolerance, inclusion, communication, management, negotiation, resolving conflict, non-vioelnce, accepting different perspective)


Learning to appreciate and respect diversity and interact with others in the community and wider world