Reading 5th Grade U2
Marc Rivera
Created on June 29, 2023
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Going out to Dinner
5th Grade Unit 2
Reading and Writing
Activity 1
Readingpage 71
Activity 2
WritingRiddlespage 72
Post-Activity 1
Reading and WritingSequencepage 73
Post-Activity 2
Thinking Skills page 76
Bonus Activity
CLILCornerpage 80
Click on these symbols to complete the activities.
Complete the activity below to practice vocabulary.
Read the story.
Before the Greens go out to dinner, they look at their new home. It’s a pretty two-story house. It has a lot of windows, two bedrooms, and a master bedroom. The kitchen, living room, family room, and dining room are very nice. There are three bathrooms. One is in the master bedroom, one is in the hall upstairs, and there is a guest bathroom downstairs. There is a porch in the front, but there isn’t a garage. Mom and Dad look at the garden, and they see it needs grass and flowers. They like the outside paint; the color is great. Inside, Molly and Steven sit beside the fireplace, talking about how exciting it is to have a new place to live and all the fun times they will have. Dad comes inside and says that it is time to go eat.
Read the story.
As they drive down the main avenue, they see a lot of interesting places, tall buildings, and small buildings. There is a bookstore and a theater. There is a beautiful park full of trees. There is a big school, a university far away on a hill, and a train station. There are a lot of people walking on the street. The Green family drives past a restaurant. When they see the restaurant, everyone argues about what they want for dinner. Steven says that they had eggs and bacon for breakfast, and now he would like spaghetti or pizza. Molly says that they had pasta for lunch, and now she wants fried chicken or hamburgers. Mom says she wants Chinese food. Dad stops at a traffic light and tells his family not to argue about what to eat. He thinks for a moment and tries to find a way to make everyone happy. At a corner, he asks a man for directions to a buffet restaurant.
Read the story again.Answer these questions with complete sentences.
You can write the answers on page 72 or you can use this Google Doc
Bonus ActivityGuess the answers to the riddles!
Click here andread the text again.
Going out to Dinner Before the Greens go out to dinner, they look at their new home. It’s a pretty two-story house. It has a lot of windows, two bedrooms, and a master bedroom. The kitchen, living room, family room, and dining room are very nice. There are three bathrooms. One is in the master bedroom, one is in the hall upstairs, and there is a guest bathroom downstairs. There is a porch in the front, but there isn’t a garage. Mom and Dad look at the garden, and they see it needs grass and flowers. They like the outside paint; the color is great. Inside, Molly and Steven sit beside the fireplace, talking about how exciting it is to have a new place to live and all the fun times they will have. Dad comes inside and says that it is time to go eat. As they drive down the main avenue, they see a lot of interesting places, tall buildings, and small buildings. There is a bookstore and a theater. There is a beautiful park full of trees. There is a big school, a university far away on a hill, and a train station. There are a lot of people walking on the street. The Green family drives past a restaurant. When they see the restaurant, everyone argues about what they want for dinner. Steven says that they had eggs and bacon for breakfast, and now he would like spaghetti or pizza. Molly says that they had pasta for lunch, and now she wants fried chicken or hamburgers. Mom says she wants Chinese food. Dad stops at a traffic light and tells his family not to argue about what to eat. He thinks for a moment and tries to find a way to make everyone happy. At a corner, he asks a man for directions to a buffet restaurant.
What's full of holes but still holds water? You use it to wash dishes. s--n-e
What gets wet when drying?You use it after you shower. t--e-
What has a face but no eyes, hands but no arms?You use it to tell time.c---k
Click here andread the text again.
You can write on page 73 or you can use this Graphic Organizer.
Write the story in sequence. Use first, next, then, and last.
Going out to Dinner Before the Greens go out to dinner, they look at their new home. It’s a pretty two-story house. It has a lot of windows, two bedrooms, and a master bedroom. The kitchen, living room, family room, and dining room are very nice. There are three bathrooms. One is in the master bedroom, one is in the hall upstairs, and there is a guest bathroom downstairs. There is a porch in the front, but there isn’t a garage. Mom and Dad look at the garden, and they see it needs grass and flowers. They like the outside paint; the color is great. Inside, Molly and Steven sit beside the fireplace, talking about how exciting it is to have a new place to live and all the fun times they will have. Dad comes inside and says that it is time to go eat. As they drive down the main avenue, they see a lot of interesting places, tall buildings, and small buildings. There is a bookstore and a theater. There is a beautiful park full of trees. There is a big school, a university far away on a hill, and a train station. There are a lot of people walking on the street. The Green family drives past a restaurant. When they see the restaurant, everyone argues about what they want for dinner. Steven says that they had eggs and bacon for breakfast, and now he would like spaghetti or pizza. Molly says that they had pasta for lunch, and now she wants fried chicken or hamburgers. Mom says she wants Chinese food. Dad stops at a traffic light and tells his family not to argue about what to eat. He thinks for a moment and tries to find a way to make everyone happy. At a corner, he asks a man for directions to a buffet restaurant.
Click here andread the text again.
You can write on page 76 or you can use this Graphic Organizer.
Think about the story "Going Out to Dinner". Everybody wants to eat something different. What do you think is the best solution?
Going out to Dinner Before the Greens go out to dinner, they look at their new home. It’s a pretty two-story house. It has a lot of windows, two bedrooms, and a master bedroom. The kitchen, living room, family room, and dining room are very nice. There are three bathrooms. One is in the master bedroom, one is in the hall upstairs, and there is a guest bathroom downstairs. There is a porch in the front, but there isn’t a garage. Mom and Dad look at the garden, and they see it needs grass and flowers. They like the outside paint; the color is great. Inside, Molly and Steven sit beside the fireplace, talking about how exciting it is to have a new place to live and all the fun times they will have. Dad comes inside and says that it is time to go eat. As they drive down the main avenue, they see a lot of interesting places, tall buildings, and small buildings. There is a bookstore and a theater. There is a beautiful park full of trees. There is a big school, a university far away on a hill, and a train station. There are a lot of people walking on the street. The Green family drives past a restaurant. When they see the restaurant, everyone argues about what they want for dinner. Steven says that they had eggs and bacon for breakfast, and now he would like spaghetti or pizza. Molly says that they had pasta for lunch, and now she wants fried chicken or hamburgers. Mom says she wants Chinese food. Dad stops at a traffic light and tells his family not to argue about what to eat. He thinks for a moment and tries to find a way to make everyone happy. At a corner, he asks a man for directions to a buffet restaurant.
In the Green family's new city there are a lot of public places and buildings where you can do many things. Some places are for public service, some are for recreation, and some are for shopping for things you need. Complete the activity below. Classify the places according to what you do in them.
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