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TEMA: “Time contrasts” MATERIAL DE LECTURA DE UNIDAD #1: Grammar structure of the English sentences


Students will recognize the significance of using the appropriate time tenses to ensure clarity and precision in their spoken and written communication.

Students will be able to construct grammatically correct sentences in the present, past, and future tenses, using appropriate verb forms and time expressions.

Students will understand the specific contexts and situations in which each time tense is used, including their differences in expressing actions, states, and events.

We will go into the fascinating world of time tenses and explore how they shape our communication in real-life situations. Our goal is to develop a deep understanding of the usage of all tenses and their application in various topics of daily life. Effective communication relies on our ability to express actions, events, and states accurately in relation to time. We use different tenses to convey specific meanings and create a coherent narrative of past experiences, present situations, and future plans. By mastering time contrasts, we can become more proficient in expressing ourselves and engaging in meaningful conversations.By the end of this class, you will not only have a comprehensive understanding of time contrasts but also be better equipped to communicate effectively in English. You will have the tools and knowledge to express yourself accurately and fluently across different time frames.


Time contrasts

Time contrasts it is the way we express our ideas using different time tenses at the time of speaking to transmit a complex message that involves many expressions in different times.

Time contrasts, how does it work?

Yesterday I _____ (eat) pizza, today I _______ (not eat) anything but tomorrow I ______ (eat) some tacos.
Let´s do the practice

PRactice time: Complete the exercise in the next slide.

Last weekend, my friends and I _____ (decide) to go on a hiking trip. We _____ (plan) this adventure for weeks, and we were all very excited. On Saturday morning, we _____ (meet) at the designated meeting point. The weather _____ (be) perfect, and we _____ (hope) for a great day outdoors. As we _____ (start) our hike, we _____ (admire) the beautiful scenery around us. The sun _____ (shine) brightly, and the birds _____ (sing) their melodious songs. We _____ (feel) a sense of serenity and joy as we _____ (walk) through the lush green forest. During the hike, we _____ (come) across a picturesque waterfall. We _____ (stop) to take pictures and _____ (enjoy) the breathtaking view. We _____ (spend) some time there, capturing the moment in our memories. As the day _____ (progress), the weather _____ (begin) to change. Dark clouds _____ (gather) in the sky, and we _____ (realize) that rain _____ (approach). We _____ (check) the weather forecast beforehand, so we _____ (come) prepared with raincoats and umbrellas. Just as we _____ (prepare) for the rain, it _____ (start) pouring. We _____ (hurry) to find shelter under the trees. Despite the rain, we _____ (continue) to have fun, sharing stories and laughter. After a while, the rain _____ (stop), and we _____ (decide) to continue our hike. We _____ (reach) the top of the mountain just in time for sunset. The view _____ (be) absolutely breathtaking, and we _____ (feel) a sense of accomplishment and awe. As darkness _____ (fall), we _____ (make) our way back down the mountain. We _____ (use) flashlights to guide our path. Tired but happy, we _____ (return) to our starting point. The hiking trip _____ (be) a memorable experience that we will cherish forever. Richard, C. (2005).

Throughout this class, we have reinforced the fascinating world of tenses, exploring the past, present, and future, and their application in various contexts. By engaging in matching exercises and practicing with different phrases, you have shown your understanding of time contrasts and sharpened your language skills. Through the matching activities, you have increased your ability to identify and pair phrases that accurately convey different time frames. By analyzing the context and determining the appropriate tense, you have developed a keen sense of how tenses shape our communication and convey precise meanings. As we conclude this class, I encourage you to continue practicing and applying your knowledge of time contrasts in your everyday communication. Take every opportunity to engage in conversations, express your thoughts, and share your experiences using the appropriate tense. The more you practice, the more natural and effortless it will become. Remember that mastering time contrasts is a journey that requires a lot of practice, By doing so, you will further develop your language skills and deepen your understanding of tenses.


Riggenbach, H., & Samuda, V. (1993). Grammar Dimensions: Form, Meaning, and Use. Heinle & Heinle publishers. Richard, C. (2005). Interchange: Student's Book [2]. (3.ª ed.). Cambrigde university press.

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