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Reading Comprehension
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Reading Comprehension

Saving Hawaiian Monk Seals Marine animal experts are on a mission. They want to save Hawaiian monk seals from becoming extinct. Extinct means "no longer existing." ​ Monk Seal Population Today, about 1,100 seals live near the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Experts fear that the population will drop in the next five years. "The clock is ticking," says scientist Jen Palmer. Experts worry that the seals are not getting enough food. Many of the pups are thin and are not living past their first few years. Scientists are trying to figure out why.
What is the main idea of the passage? A. Today, about 1,100 monk seals live near the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. B. Experts worry that monk seals are not getting enough food. C. Hawaiian monk seals are in danger of becoming extinct. D. Many of the pups are think and are not living past their first few years.

A. bend back to the original position B. carry an object very carefully C. relieve incrediable pain D. keep something still

What does the word stabilize mean as it is used in the following paragraph? 20 Ana saw that one of his legs was crooked, bent a little sideways between the knee and the ankle. A broken leg! 21 She remembered what the first-aid book had said about broken legs: If there is no ambulance, stabilize the bone before moving the victim.

(1) During the summer, kids and their families attend junior ranger programs every day at Badlands National Park. (2) On May 30, 2010, a seven-year-old girl named Kylie Ferguson went on one of these programs with her family.

A. They describe the first event in a sequence of events.B. They describe the first event in a sequence of events. C. They describe Kylie and compare her to the palentologists. D. They explain a problem that will be solved in the rest of the passage.

What is the purpose of the first two paragraphs in "Kylie's Fossil Find"?

Read the paragraph. 1) Neil and I put on our space suits. Neil climbed out first and descended Eagle’s ladder to the Moon’s surface. Everyone listening back on Earth heard Neil’s first words: “That’s one small step for . . . man, one giant leap for mankind.” What is the meaning of the word descended as it is used in the sentence?

A. to raise B. to fall off C. to lower D. to extend

A. astronaut B. exploration C. orbit D. rover

Read the sentence from paragraph 4 of “What Was the Apollo Program?” ​ 4)The first manned mission to the moon was Apollo 8. It circled around the moon on Christmas Eve in 1968. However, Apollo 8 did not land on the moon. It orbited the moon, then came back to Earth. The crew was Frank Borman, Bill Anders and Jim Lovell. What is the meaning of the word mission as it is used in the sentence?

What is the main idea of the passage “Winning the Vote”? A. The suffrage movement began in the 1800’s. B. Thousands of women marched in New York City. C. Men made the rules and would not let women vote until 1920. D. The suffrage movement led to women getting the right to vote.
Winning the Vote Imagine if men made all the rules. That's how it was when the United States was founded in 1776. Women were not allowed to vote until 1920! Thousands of women marched in New York City for the right to vote. The women's suffrage movement began in the 1800s. Suffrage is the right to vote. To win this right, women held protests and marches. Hundreds of those women were arrested and jailed. Women's groups across the country honor those who fought for this right with special events throughout the year. "Learning how women's actions changed America is important. It encourages us to understand that we can make a better world," said Molly Murphy MacGregor, the president of the National Women's History Project.

What is the main idea of the passage? A. By purring, kittens can tell their mother where they are. B. A cat purrs when it is happy and when it is injured or in pain. C. No one knows for sure why a cat purrs. D. Purring causes a cat’s body to shake in a soothing way.

A Cat's Purr No one knows for sure why a cat purrs. Many people think it means the cat is in a good mood. Kittens learn how to purr when they are only a couple of days old. By purring, kittens can tell their mother where they are. ​ As the kittens grow up, they continue to purr. Many believe a cat purrs from when it is happy. However, a cat also purrs when it is injured and in pain. Dr. Elizabeth Von Muggenthaler is a veterinarian. She has suggested that the purr is a natural way of healing. Purring causes the cat's body to shake in a soothing way. It may be able to strengthen and repair bones. It might also ease pain and heal wounds.

A. important details around the map areaB. important details about the picnic table C. important details that include where the item was found D. important details that include what the item looked like

What does the graphic in "Kylie's Fossil Find" help the reader understand about fossil discovery?

Read the sentence from paragraph 10. ​ (10)“‘Strange, strange!’ he remarked. ‘You all have fine-looking throats, as fine as ever crickets had, and yet our singing is very faint; there is not as much volume to it as in the old days. I will call on Doctor Frog this very day, and see what he thinks about it.’ Which word means the same as faint as it is used in the sentence?

A. clear B. loud C. quiet D. strong

A. examined B. plastered C. protected D. uncovered

Read the sentence from paragraph 13. ​ Paleontologists carefully excavated the fossils. ​ Which word means the same as excavated as it is used in the sentence?​

In the passage “What Was the Apollo Program?”, how does the information in paragraph 9 support the idea that space travel is important? A. It explains how the Apollo Program happened in stages B. It explains how scientific research on the moon is important. C. It explains how space travel to other planets became possible. D. It explains how astronauts drove special wehicles to explore the moon.

9) In 1961, President John F. Kennedy challenged the nation to land astronauts on the moon by the end of the decade. NASA met that challenge with the Apollo program. It was the first time human beings left Earth’s orbit and visited another world. These missions made it possible to explore more distant worlds further in the future.

2) I climbed down the ladder and joined Neil. There was no color on the Moon. A flat landscape of rocks and craters stretched in all directions. Everything was gray or white. The shadows and the sky above were as black as the blackest velvet I had ever seen. I exclaimed: “Magnificent desolation.” 3) I could see Earth, our home, in the sky overhead—blue water, white clouds, and brown land. I could see the continents, and I knew that they were younger than the Moon dust in which Neil and I were now leaving our footprints.

What does Buzz mean by the observation ""Magnificient desolation" as it is used in paragraph 2 of Reaching for the Moon? A. He saw a complete lack of color as he descended the ladder. B. He saw so little color in space that he compared it to velvet. C. He saw a complete lack of color on Earth and its continents. D. He saw so little color in space that he compared it to the rocks and craters.

A. “There, he found a new suit, a new hat, and a pair of shoes.” (paragraph 4)B. “In a twinkling, he jumped down from his bed to look on the chair standing near.” (paragraph 4) C. “The Marionette opened the purse to find the money, and behold— there were fifty gold coins!” (paragraph 7) D. “The bright face of a tall boy looked at him with wide-awake blue eyes, dark brown hair and happy, smiling lips.” (paragraph 8)

Which of the following quotations describes the setting of the story?

What does critizized mean in the 6th paragraph?

A. to show disapproval B. to show approval C. to be proud of D. to dislike

A. bend back to the original position B. carry an object very carefully C. relieve incrediable pain D. keep something still

What does the word stabilize mean as it is used in the following paragraph? 20 Ana saw that one of his legs was crooked, bent a little sideways between the knee and the ankle. A broken leg! 21 She remembered what the first-aid book had said about broken legs: If there is no ambulance, stabilize the bone before moving the victim.

A. being very committed to a purpose or mission B. thinking something is unlikely or impossible C. showing disappointment in the current situation D. expressing appreciation for hard work done by others

(3) This was especially bad for poor African American farmers, who relied on selling cotton to support themselves. Carver was dedicated to helping those farmers, so he came up with a plan. What does dedicated mean as it is used in paragraph 3 of "The Peanut Man"?

A. “There, he found a new suit, a new hat, and a pair of shoes.” (paragraph 4)B. “In a twinkling, he jumped down from his bed to look on the chair standing near.” (paragraph 4) C. “The Marionette opened the purse to find the money, and behold— there were fifty gold coins!” (paragraph 7) D. “The bright face of a tall boy looked at him with wide-awake blue eyes, dark brown hair and happy, smiling lips.” (paragraph 8)

Which of the following quotations describes the setting of the story?

A. created B. dropped C. lifted D. slipped

What does the word hoisted mean as used in the following paragraph? Realizing the firmness of the voice on deck and believing that a few words from him to the captain would reveal his identity and get the boat turned around to New York, Harvey put on the shoes and hoisted himself up the ladder and out on the deck.

A afraid B concerned C unfamiliar D uninterested

Harvey looked at this crude but kind boy with some amazement unaccustomed as he was to being given orders by anyone. Then he arrogantly replied, "If your dad's so anxious to see me, he can come down here." Based on paragraph 3, what does unaccustomed mean?

Which of the following is the best central idea for the paragraph below? A. There are many steps to take care of your glasses B. Wearing glasses is fun C. It is very easy to care for your glasses D. Wearing glasses is nerdy
​ ​Do you wear glasses? Make sure your glasses fit well. The earpieces should be at eye level. Don’t try to adjust the earpieces yourself. Take your glasses for adjustments to the place you bought them. Keep your glasses in a case when you’re not wearing them. This will prevent scratches. Keep the lenses clean. A soft cloth is best for cleaning.

A. the comparison to the toys of today B. the explanation of the problem of transportation C. the mention of the cause for only a few trips to town D. the use of words and numbers that indiciate periods of time

(1) Can you imagine life without video games or trips to the mall? For pioneer children growing up in the 1800s, the nearest town could be days away by horseback or covered wagon. Trips to the town store were treats for children, as families might only visit them a few times a year. Inside the store, pioneer children glimpsed toys, but none that ran on batteries or electricity. Which information most contributes to the organization of paragraph 1?

A. The little crickets got out of bed quickly and with excitement. B. The little crickets got out of bed quietly and with caution. C.The little crickets got out of bed curiously and with fear. D. The little crickets got out of bed slowly and with care.

Read the sentence from paragraph 6. ​ (6)“Oh, mother, is it a story?” asked all the little crickets, jumping out of bed with a bound and gathering about their mother. ​ What does the phrase jumping out of bed with a bound tell the reader about how the crickets got out of bed?

A. available B. circled C. cleaned D. decorated

Read the sentence from the paragraph 4. What does the word furnished mean as it is used in the following sentence? He looked all about him and instead of the usual walls of straw, he found himself in a beautifully furnished little room, the prettiest he had ever seen.

A. consider B. wander C. change D. hover

What is the meaning of the word drift as it is used in the following paragraph? ​18 Priya, Enrique and Farah stood up and looked at what they had done. The pavement was covered in bright colors and shapes: triangles, circles, squares and diamonds, all mixed together. Their classmates began to drift over to see what was happening.

How does the narrator present information in paragraphs 1–4 in the passage No Dream Too High ? A. by explaining a sequence of events B. by describing the setting of the scene C. by comparing and contrasting reactions D. by presenting a problem and a solution in an event

1) I wasn’t certain what Neil would say when he first set foot on the Moon, but I was quite sure it could not be some [chance] statement that just popped into his mind. We were intensely aware that every move we made and every word we spoke on the Moon would be seen and heard by untold millions of people, possibly for generations to come. But I really had no idea what Neil might say the moment he first set foot on the moon. Even as we approached the Moon, still in the command module, Mike attempted to pry the secret out of Neil, asking him questions such, “What are you going to say when you get down there? ”2) “Oh I don’t know,” Neil said, playing down the significance of his initial statement. “If our mission is successful, I’ll think of something.” 3) I smiled, knowing that whatever Neil decided to say it would be well thought out and appropriate to the moment. 4) It was. “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,” Neil proclaimed, and he was right.

A. dug up B. grew C. protected D. washed away

Read the sentence from paragraph 10. ​ Every time it rained, the butte eroded and more of the fossil was exposed. ​ What is the meaning of the word eroded as it is used in the sentence?

At the beginning of the story, how do the little crickets feel about having to wake up? A. The little crickets are excited about joining their cousins. B. The little crickets would rather sleep than chirp all night. C. The little crickets want to get up and listen to a story. D. The little crickets want to show that they are good.

1) “Come, children, it is time to get up,” said Dame Cricket to her ten little crickets. 2) “Hurry, now, and take your bath and put on your little black caps and your little brown suits. The sun has almost gone down over the hill and the birds will soon be asleep.” But the little crickets snuggled under the bedclothes just as if they did not hear their mother’s words. 3) “Come, come,” she said, a few minutes later, “you will sleep all night if you don’t hurry. Some of our cousins are already singing, and it will soon be dark.” 4) “Oh dear! Why do we have to get up?” said one little cricket, poking his head over the clothes. “Lots of bugs sleep all night.” 5) “Yes, but they are up all the daytime,” answered Dame Cricket, “and they run a great risk, I can assure you, my dear. Our family used to sing in the daytime, but if we had kept on there would be no cricket family. There is a reason for our sleeping days and singing at night.”

A. told to do something B. dared to do something C. made it harder to do something D. questioned about doing something

Read the sentence from paragraph 9 of “What Was the Apollo Program?” 9) In 1961, President John F. Kennedy challenged the nation to land astronauts on the moon by the end of the decade. NASA met that challenge with the Apollo program. It was the first time human beings left Earth’s orbit and visited another world. These missions made it possible to explore more distant worlds further in the future. ​ What does the word challenged mean as it is used in the sentence?

2) I climbed down the ladder and joined Neil. There was no color on the Moon. A flat landscape of rocks and craters stretched in all directions. Everything was gray or white. The shadows and the sky above were as black as the blackest velvet I had ever seen. I exclaimed: “Magnificent desolation.” 3) I could see Earth, our home, in the sky overhead—blue water, white clouds, and brown land. I could see the continents, and I knew that they were younger than the Moon dust in which Neil and I were now leaving our footprints.

Why is the sky described as being “as black as the blackest velvet”? A. to illustrate that the moon was bright B. to elaborate on the openness of space C. to emphasize how truly dark the sky was D. to show that the sky was a beautiful sight to see

A. take a look at B. have an idea of C. feel a thrill from D. hear a noise from

What does the phrase get a glimpse of mean as used in the following paragraph? 12. There were so many people at the auction, I couldn’t see what was happening. I had to stand on my tiptoes to get a glimpse of each foal that was brought out. But I could hear the bidding and the crowd going wild. When the price was as high as it could go, the auctioneer yelled, “Sold!” Then another foal would come out, and the bidding would start all over again.

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