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Recruitment and Selection


The modular framework for the learning



The business problem, learning gap and outcomes


Analysis and design


Part 1 - Learning Experience Design Plan

Ashlie Knight

The learning experience

Who is the learning aimed at


Analysis and DesignThis assignment will follow the ADDIE Model and is focused on the analysis and redesign of a training programme with an outcome of Sheffield City Council managers and employees involved in recruitment having the knowledge and skills to perform effectively in the recruitment process. The assignment will outline the following elements of training analysis: Who - the target audience illustrated with learner personas Why - the reason the training is needed and the learning outcomes What - the content to be covered, shown in a modular framework How - the macro design, mapped out to show the end to end learning experience

The Who of Learning


Team Leader


Service Manager


Select the images below to view the personas.

Commentary: The Who of Learning Learning Personas “To ensure success when using the ADDIE model, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your target audience”. Anchal Dhingra, Learning Consulting Manager at AIHR. I interviewed a random selection of the target audience to identify shared characteristics and used this data to create 2 personas which represent many of the managers and employees who work for Sheffield City Council. Design considerations Examination of the personas identified varying levels of experience, with some similarities in motivations and obstacles to learning.

  • Learning style: A blended course would meet both learner’s needs by providing them with engaging multimedia learning that can be revisited and creating a synchronous programme to ensure their learning is scheduled and not dismissed.
  • Technical proficiency: Learners have varying skill levels, but all are proficient in the use of technology and would be capable of completing eLearning and attending virtual classrooms.
  • Digital learning: Learners have a variety of experiences with digital learning, some being negative due to the quality they have experienced in the past, where others have a positive opinion, having undertaken more modern digital learning. This will be taken in to account when designing the eLearning module.
  • Accessibility: All learners have access to a work laptop with MS365. None identified any accessibility requirements, but Universal Design Principles will be followed to ensure the programme is accessible to all.
Already having some insight in to the target audience, I would not have previously considered completing full personas, however by gathering persona data, it allowed me to put the learner at the front of the design process ensuring content was being created that is learner centred and not just corporately provided.

Persona 1

Age: 32Job: Team LeaderLocation: SheffieldTime with Sheffield City Council: 10 years

Short Bio

Marcus has worked in the organisation for 10 years in a number of roles. They have previously been a line manager but have never been part of the recruitment process. They are friendly and supportive of colleagues, enjoy learning new things and are a hybrid worker, mostly working from home. They have a young child.

Main Goals and Drivers


  • To feel confident in their role
  • To understand good practice
  • Career progression
  • Mandatory learning to be part of a recruitment panel

  • Proficient in the use of technology
  • Has a Windows laptop through work with MS365
  • Has a personal iPad and Smart phone
  • Has headphones for audio learning
  • Can connect virtually at home or in the office

Digital Learning Preferences

  • Would prefer learning that has different learning methods, interactive elements, videos, quizzes (mixed media)
  • Relevant and connected to the organisation
  • Modern looking
  • Ability to revisit sections

Goals and Aspirations

Barriers to Learning

  • Time constraints
  • Works part time
  • Can sometimes struggle to attend full day training due to carer commitments

Perception of Digital Learning

Based on digital learning completed in the past

  • Not very interactive
  • Information heavy
  • Clunky
  • Not very attractive
  • Not very memorable

Technology Considerations


Persona 2

Age: 56Job: Service ManagerLocation: RotherhamTime with Sheffield City Council: 36 years

Short Bio

Taylor has worked for the organisation for over 30 years in a number of roles and has been a manager for over 20. They have been part of the recruiment process at all levels many times and have a wealth of experience. They like trying new things, are a hybrid worker and commute to work on the tram on office days.

Main Goals and Drivers


  • To be seen as being credible and knowledgeable
  • Has ambitions to grow and improve service
  • To know how to assist other and have the knowledge to direct people for information

Digital Learning Preferences

  • Like podcasts and eBooks so can do things by myself
  • Would prefer synchronous learning for more formal programmes of learning
  • Quick and engaging

Goals and Aspirations

Barriers to Learning

  • Will deprioritise their own learning to do other things

Perception of Digital Learning

  • Flexibility do it as and when I choose to
  • Likes the portability of eBooks and podcasts
  • Opportunity to learn on the go i.e. Listening to podcasts on the train or whilst cleaning

  • Has a council laptop, tablet and smartphone
  • Average IT skills, can find way around a website
  • Can function in 365 apps

Technology Considerations


The Why of Learning

Learning Outcomes

  • Describe the importance of equality, fairness and inclusion throughout the recruitment and selection process (R)
  • Recognise Value Based recruitment and how this fits within Sheffield City Council (R)
  • Identify and demonstrate best practice and fairness during recruitment (U)
  • Identify pre-recruitment and recruitment stages of the process (U)
  • Identify key principles to writing a good advert (U)
  • Apply Sheffield City Council short-listing criteria (A)
  • Prepare for interviewing, including setting competency and value-based questions (A)
  • Demonstrate appropriate key skills, qualities and behaviours when interviewing (A, C)

Programme Audience

All Sheffield City Council managers and employees taking part in the recruitment process to appoint new staff.

Business Problem

A new mandatory requirement for all managers and anyone involved in the recruitment process to have approved recruiter status by completing the Recruitment and Selection training, ensuring a fair, equitable and inclusive recruitment and selection process in line with the Council's values.

Learning Gap

The target audience has a mix of experience in recruitment and selection, however, it has been highlighted by the Council’s senior leadership team that not all of those with experience are following the process and adhering to the Council’s Code of Practice.


Commentary: The Why of Learning The programme has been devised to develop managers and those recruiting to ensure a fair, equitable and inclusive recruitment and selection process in line with the Council's values. The programme has been developed using a bottom-up approach, building on content from an existing course to design a more learner centred, digital learning experience. Learning Outcomes The learning outcomes have been set using the first three levels of Blooms Taxonomy:

  • Level 1: Remember
  • Level 2: Understand
  • Level 3: Apply
  • Level 6: Create
The learners need to know and understand the processes and practices to enable them to apply these during their recruitment. The learning outcomes have been formulated so they are learner-centred and address the identified learning gaps. They are expressed using action verbs and apply the rule of SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely) meaning the learning intentions are clear, relevant, and measurable during the recruitment process. SMARTSpecificMeasurableAttainableRelevantTime-basedMake your goals specific and narrow for more effective planning.Define what evidence you will prove you’re making progress and re-evaluate when necessary.Make sure you can reasonably accomplish your goal within a certain timeframe.Your goals should align with your values and long-term objectives.Set a realistic ambitious end-date for task prioritization and motivation.The learning outcomes are specific, learner centred and address the learning gaps.Learning will be measured during the programme via a quiz, and simulation activities.Evidence of learning will be highlighted during the recruitment process.Learners will receive all the information they need to achieve and be able to implement the outcomes during their recruitment.Learning outcomes align with the organisations values and will enable learners to achieve the purpose of the programme.Learners will be attending this training prior to taking part in the recruitment process where they will implement their learning.

The What of Learning


The modular framework is linear and includes topics the learners will need to meet the learning objectives.Select the + buttons in each module for further information.




Recruitment and Selection Principles

Recruitment and Selection Practice Part 1

Recruitment and Selection Practice Part 2

Commentary: The What of Learning The ‘what’ outlines the modules and key topics designed to deliver the principles of recruitment and selection, followed by the practicalities of the process. The content has been divided in to 3 modules which will build the learners knowledge and understanding of the recruitment and selection process and teach them how to apply this learning in practice. Each module has been split into topics which are mapped to the learning outcomes. Some topics don’t map to a specific learning outcome, however they build knowledge and understanding required for the next topic where the outcome will be met.

Module 1Recruitment and Selection Principles


  1. Our Policy
  2. Our Commitment to Fair Recruitment Practices
  3. Value Based Recruitment
  4. Fluent English
  5. The Recruitment stages
Module 1 Learning Outcomes
  • Identify and demonstrate best practice and fairness during recruitment
  • Describe the importance of equality, fairness and inclusion throughout the recruitment and selection process
  • Recognise Value Based recruitment and how this fits within Sheffield City Council
  • Identify stages in the recruitment and selection process

Module 2Recruitment and Selection Practice Part 1


  1. Introduction
  2. Organisational design and identifying a vacancy
  3. Reviewing the job description
  4. Advertising the post
Module 2 Learning Outcomes
  • Identify key principles to writing a good advert

Module 3Recruitment and Selection Practice Part 2


  1. The recruitment panel
  2. Shortlisting
  3. Preparing the questions and assessment methods
  4. Skills and qualities of an effective interviewer
  5. Be aware of bias
  6. Interview practice
  7. Post interview
Module 3 Learning Outcomes
  • Apply Sheffield City Council short-listing criteria
  • Prepare for interviewing, including setting competency and value-based questions
  • Demonstrate appropriate key skills, qualities and behaviours when interviewing

The How of Learning


This is a blended learning programme consisting of multimedia eLearning, a virtual classroom and a physical classroom session. The programme will be delivered in a linear form.Select the + buttons in each module for further information.




Recruitment and Selection Principles

Recruitment and Selection Practice Part 1

Recruitment and Selection Practice Part 2

Part 2 of this assignment will focus on module 1.

Commentary: The How of Learning Mode of Delivery This is a blended learning programme which will enable learners to schedule their learning and will allow for social learning. Module 1 will be asynchronous, allowing learners to complete this in their own time but must be completed prior to starting module 2 and 3 which will be synchronous learning. Timeline

  • 1 Multimedia eLearning (40 minutes)
  • 1 Virtual Classrooms (2 hours)
  • 1 Physical Classroom (4 hours)
Module 2 and 3’s classrooms will be delivered 1 week apart with a requirement to complete module 1 prior to attending the module 2's virtual classroom. Flow Model The learning will be linear and will flow in order of the recruitment and selection process with the eLearning, virtual classroom and physical classroom all consisting of activities and/or formative assessments. Module 1 will provide the bulk of the learning content, going in to more detail on the main principles and stages of the Council's Recruitment and Selection Process. Learners must have an understanding of the principles before moving on to the more practical modules. Having the core information in the first module also allows learners to revisit this as they go through the process in a real world scenario. Module 2 and 3 will allow learners to practice what they have learned. These modules include opportunity to complete related activities including interview simulation. Modules 2 and 3 give ample time for learners to gain peer and trainer support and provide opportunity to ask questions. Format Module 1 will consist of multimedia eLearning to deliver the principles of recruitment and selection followed by a quiz (summative assessment) to test how much the student has learned. Module 2 will be delivered via virtual classroom and will cover the practical elements of stages 1-3 of the recruitment and selection process. This module will include polling and group activities using break out rooms. Module 3 will be delivered in a physical classroom and will cover the practical elements of stages 4-8 of the recruitment and selection process and will include interview simulation/practice. Both modules 2 and 3 will allow for social learning, trainer and peer support.

Module 1: Recruitment and Selection Principles Delivery Mode: Asynchronous Duration: 40 minutes approx. Flow Model: Linear Formats: Multimedia eLearning, Quizzes This module must be completed prior to attending module 2's virtual classroom.

Module 2: Recruitment and Selection Practice Part 1 Delivery Mode: Synchronous Duration: 2 hours Flow Model: Linear Formats: Virtual classroom This module must be completed prior to attending module 3's classroom.

Module 3: Recruitment and Selection Practice Part 2 Delivery Mode: Synchronous Duration: 4 hours Flow Model: Linear Formats: Classroom, Simulations This module will be delivered 1 week after module 2.