Created on June 3, 2023
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Monika Opacka VIIIa
The rising number of air pollutants has made breathing fresh, clean air almost impossible. Air pollution being the largest environmental killer, kills over 17 billion people worldwide.
Air pollution consists of chemicals or particles in the air that can harm the health of humans, animals, and plants. It also damages buildings. Pollutants in the air take many forms. They can be gases, solid particles, or liquid droplets.
The Air Pollusion
- the burning of fossil fuels
- industrial emission
- indoor air pollution
- wildfires
- microbial decaying process
- transportation
- use of chemical and synthetic products
- agricultural activities
What causes air pollution?
The Burning of Fossil Fuels
Most of the air pollution takes place due to the incomplete burning of fossil fuels. These include coal, oil, and gasoline to produce energy for electricity or transportation. The release of CO at a high level indicates how much fossil fuel is burned. This also emits other toxic pollutants like nitrogen oxides into the air. The nitrogen oxides are responsible for acid rain and the formation of smog.
industrial emission
Industrial activities emit several pollutants in the air that affect the air quality more than we can even imagine. Particulate matter 2.5 and 10, NO2, SO2, and CO are key pollutants that are emitted from industries that use coal and wood as their primary energy source for the production of their goods. Industrial pollution effects associated with your health can range from:
- Irritation in your eyes and throat
- Breathing issues
- At times can even lead to chronic illness
- VOCs and other emissions from industries can aggregate respiratory disorders like asthma and bronchitis.
- O3 is also released from industries that can increase in asthma attacks
indoor air pollution
Use of toxic products also called Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), inadequate ventilation, uneven temperature, and humidity level can cause indoor air pollution, whether you are in an office, school, or at your comfortable home. House air pollution can take place due to ignorant factors, for instance, smoking tobacco inside a room or leaving mold-infected walls untreated. Carcinogens and toxins from indoor air pollution cause 17% of deaths from lung cancer.
Climate change is not just increasing wildfire but also spiking air pollution. Burning stubble and farm residue is also a major contribution to wildfire. It causes increased PM2.5 in the air which collides with other harmful substances like chemical gas and pollen creating smog. Smog makes the air hazy and people find it difficult to breathe. Visibility also decreases as a result of this smog. Difficulty in breathing, irritation in the eyes, nose, and throat, itchiness in the respiratory tract, etc. are all symptoms of inhaling smog.
- As many as 90% of the wildfires are caused by anthropogenic reasons, a small spark can turn acres of forest area into ashes.
- The soot and dust particles, smoke (that contains several toxic chemicals) can stay suspended in the air for days.
- The average temperature is increasing day by day due to the greenhouse effect. As a result, the rise in temperature affects the rate of wildfires.
- More the temperature, more the cases of wildfires and forest fires. Wildlife, plants, and animals are all impacted by wildfires.
microbial decaying process
Manufacturing, chemical, and textiles industries release a large number of CO, hydrocarbons, chemicals, and organic compounds which contaminate our environment. Bacteria and fungi play a fundamental role in the biogeochemical cycles in nature. They are the key indicators of abnormal environmental conditions. Decaying of these microorganisms present in the surroundings releases methane gas which is highly toxic. Breathing toxic gas like methane may lead to death.
- Decaying process releases carbon, methane, and nitrogen that can affect the quality of air to some extent. As these microbes stay suspended in the air, they can cause
- Asthma aggregation
- Many other discomforts
- Irritation in the eyes, nose, and throat.
- Chances of having skin allergies also increases.
Cars on the roads are increasing day by day. There is no denying that vehicle pollution is the major contributor to air pollution, especially in urban cities, where car ownership rates are more as compared to rural areas. . When the car burns gasoline, it emits pollutants in the air which is as harmful as smoking 10 cigarettes a day. Your vehicle emits: Carbon monoxide, Hydrocarbons, Nitrogen oxide, and Particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10)
When vehicle pollution is high in the atmosphere, it creates a hole in the ozone layer contributing to smog and causing various health issues. Large numbers of cars and other vehicles on the roads contribute to traffic congestion on the roads, affecting the air quality of that particular area to a great extent. This necessitates the need to monitor the air quality at local level, for each area, so that identifying the sources and taking the proper measures can be done. Taking proper and effective measures as individuals to control vehicular emissions such as carpooling, using public transportation (metros, buses, rails) will help in reducing the vehicular emissions
Household products cause indoor air pollution which is 10 times more harmful than outdoor air pollution. We spend more than 90% of our lives indoors, which makes the indoor air pollution impacts more serious and concerning. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) found in paints, cleaners and personal care products such as perfume and deodorants are a reason for common health issues. These are silent killers that can cause risks like asthma or other respiratory issues and lung disease are other issues caused by inhaling poor house air quality. The vast variety of sources indoors release various harmful toxins that affect children, old age people, and even pets. These sources include cooking, smoking, furniture, paints, hobby craft, furnaces, coal powered heaters, and many more.
use of chemical and synthetic products
agricultural activities
Agricultural activities have had a serious impact on the decreasing air quality. To begin with, pesticides and fertilizers are the main sources that contaminate the surrounding air. Nowadays, pesticides and fertilizers are mixed with new invasive species which are not found in nature, for quick growth of the crops and vegetation. Once they are sprayed over, the smell and the effect of the pesticides are left in the air. Some mix with water and some seeps into the ground which not only destroys the crops but also causes numerous health-related issues.
- Stop the burning of fossil fuels - walking, cycling or using public transportation are good alternatives for cars, whereas coal and gas can be replaced by solar, wind and hydro-power as energy sources.
- Reduce intensive use of agricultural chemicals and burning of agricultural residues - using agroecological alternatives and better practices, such as using fertilizer or manure produced by livestock in the soil—rather than adding the chemical on top of what animals already produce—can reduce overall nitrogen emissions from ammonium and methane produced from agriculture.
What can we do?
- Reduce and properly dispose of waste - promoting waste reduction and environmentally sound management of waste can help limit harmful emissions. Reduce the amount of plastic waste that ends up in landfills by avoiding using single use plastic items.
- Be mindful of hazardous chemicals that cause indoor pollution - to prevent indoor air pollution, use alternative cleaning products, eliminate the use of air fresheners and candles, avoid burning coal and wood inside and maintain proper ventilation and moisture control.
What can we do?
- Working as one - UN Environment urges the world to address air pollution by living the 4Rs: reduce, recycle, reuse and recover. Burning less, wasting less, driving less and walking more, as well as adopting clean technologies, are just a few ways we can help to keep our air clean. Governments can also play an important role in the fight for clean air by strengthening their monitoring of air quality and adhering to World Health Organization guidelines, while leading joint actions that integrate financial, environment, health and industrial considerations at national and city level to achieve the sustainable development goals.
What can we do?
World's most polluted countries & regions (historical data 2018-2022)
How polluted is Poland?
Why is air pollution in Poland the worst in Europe?
Towards the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, most of the large Polish citiesare covered in a miasma, which often smells like burning plastic. This forces residents to stay indoors whenever possible and avoid the badly polluted air. It has been quoted that approximately 44,000 Poles die prematurely, each yearfrom illnesses which are directly related to poor air quality
How polluted is the air today in Siemianowice