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Escape room

Countable and uncountablenouns


There are many different types of nouns in English. Objects, ideas, and places can all be nouns. Every noun is either countable or uncountable. Countable nouns are nouns you can count, and uncountable nouns are nouns you can't count. Countable nouns can take the singular or the plural form of a verb. Uncountable nouns always take the singular form of the verb.


Look at the note on the fridge


There is some water in that pitcher.

That is the equipment we use for the project.



There is a book on the table.

That student is excellent!

There are some students in the classroom.

Those houses are very big, aren't they?

ACTIVITY: Paradise Bound

What would a person need if they were stranded on a desert island? This fun game will give your students a chance to discuss it. Put your class into groups of about four or five. Tell your class that each group must decide on what items they will need to survive on their island. They can only bring ten items (though they can choose the quantity of the item that they want) and at least four of those items must be noncount nouns. Have the group discuss it and then present their final list to the class after everyone is finished.

starT over?





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