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Grammatical writing of sentences: Past, present and future tense

Unit I: Grammar Structure of The English Sentence.

Technical English.


In the following work we will find the grammatical structure of the sentences in the simple past, simple present and future tense, which will also be able to see their different expression foramas which are affirmative form, negative form and their interrogative form.

At the end of this work we conclude that it is very important to know the grammatical structure of the sentence as well as its time auxiliaries to know how to express the actions correctly.


• Simple future | Estructura y ejemplos en inglés | ABA English https://www.abaenglish.com/es/gramatica-ingles/tiempos-verbales-ingles/simple-future/

• Formas del presente simple en inglés - Gramática - GCFGlobal Idiomas https://idiomas.gcfglobal.org/es/curso/ingles/gramatica/formas-del-presente-simple-en-ingles/#

• Past Simple: el pasado simple en inglés | British Council https://www.britishcouncil.org.mx/blog/past-simple

• Pasado simple en inglés - Gramática - GCFGlobal Idiomas https://idiomas.gcfglobal.org/es/curso/ingles/gramatica/pasado-simple-en-ingles/#