Rosa Lima
Created on May 30, 2023
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The new education
Towards virtual learning
Definição de Educação Virtual
Podemos definir a educação virtual como uma estratégia pedagógica focada na gestão de recursos, conteúdos e dinâmicas de aprendizagem significativa, centrada no aluno e em sua participação interativa a partir de um ambiente não presencial.
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Virtual teaching is one of the fastest growing teaching modalities today, as it has many advantages for students as well as for teachers.
History of virtual teaching
Ela surgiu da necessidade do preparo profissional e cultural de milhões de pessoas que, por vários motivos, não podiam frequentar um estabelecimento de ensino presencial, e evoluiu com as tecnologias disponíveis em cada momento histórico, as quais influenciam o ambiente educativo e a sociedade.
Evolution of virtual teaching
If you're interested in a timeline of the relationship between e-learning and education, and how technology led to virtual education, here it is.
Se empieza a hablar de campus virtual y nacen los primeros LMS (Learning Management System)
La Universidad de Wisconsin empieza cursos basados en comunicación telefónica. Un poco más tarde, en 1968, la Universidad de Standford funda la Red de Televisión Educativa
Penetración mundial de los MOOC (Masive Open Online Courses)
Se abre un recurso gratis online con materiales del Instituto de tecnología de Massachusetts con más de 500 cursos. Nace MOODLE
Nace el concepto de e-learning
Section I
Characteristics of education
virtual and face-to-face
Characteristics of the virtual and classic models
A common but not always well understood characteristic is a contrast between the virtual and the real. This opposition does not allow for you to deeply think about virtual teaching. Virtual learning is still real because it uses the Internet or online media as a form of presence.In fact, the virtual represents the gateway to a more accentuated wealth in Distance Education (EAD).
Before virtual education, there was already distance education, for example, in the country, where people were educated via educational programs and materials, listening to classes on the radio and attending some meetings sometimes weekly, monthly or quarterly in accordance with the program.
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Section II
In virtual teaching
When we talk about methodologies we mean the "how" of teaching and this means that we think about how a person learns or, rather, the forms, and also the ways of teaching.This reflection is known as didactics and we have many examples, such as constructivist didactics that will emphasize peer learning and social environment and behavioral didactics that will emphasize the study of students' responses to different stimuli.These are just two examples, but there are different types of didactics.In the case of virtual teaching, learning and teaching also have their particularities.
For virtualteachers:
A tip for online teachers is to take care of specific aspects that we mention and not to try to transpose or transfer the same practices from the classical teaching model, sometimes called the old teaching model, to the virtual teaching model.
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For online students
And for students, in addition to the responsibility of virtual learning, participation and interaction with teachers and other students will always be productive, because it will give you an idea of how things are going. from what people think and it will enrich the way you approach the topic you are studying and learning.
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Virtual teaching assumes what some call maturity.
essays, work and other proposed activities.
That is, the dedication you must have, to do the readings, reflections...
A tip: be clear about your goals and aspirations..
Section III
to virtual teaching
Myths related
Section IV
Uses of Virtual Teaching
Uses of virtual teaching
The statistics show not only the current status of virtual education, but also its trends for the coming years. In fact, the total number of students in contact with virtual education is expected to be nearly $70 billion, more than three times the gross domestic product of the entire European Union.
01. Postgraduate
02. Undergraduate
03. Basic Education
Un dato interesante que resalta es el uso y penetración de la enseñanza virtual en el nivel universitario de posgrado. Esto no es de sorprender, porque normalmente los estudiantes en esta etapa ya están dentro del campo laboral y trabajando varias horas por día en horarios fijos que no se ajustan a los horarios de clases en las universidades. Según OBS:
- Hasta 2020 el e-learning habrá entrado en todas las ofertas de posgrado de alguna forma.
- El mercado de enseñanza virtual crecerá de 7,6 % a 9,6 % por año hasta 2020, según.
- En Asia, por ejemplo, la enseñanza virtual puede llegar a crecer un 18 %, principalmente en India y China.
En el caso de niveles universitarios de pregrado, normalmente es más común la enseñanza híbrida, donde los estudiantes pueden realizar algunas materias de forma virtual y otras de forma presencial. Incluso, hay materias que tienen una propuesta virtual con encuentros presenciales mensuales o trimestrales.
En el caso de la educación básica lo virtual entró como un eje de la educación y dependiendo del acceso a la tecnología e Internet, algunas escuelas proponen muchas de sus actividades y evaluaciones de manera virtual. Incluso a través de sistemas que permiten el seguimiento del aprendizaje por parte de los padres. De cualquier forma, es ya bien sabido que las generaciones más jóvenes están tan familiarizadas con la tecnología que ya es parte de la vida cotidiana y no tiene sentido dejar de aprovecharla en la educación.
A trend that emerges from the academic curriculum curve is the growing movement of free online course offerings. This type of course offers rich knowledge, the only difference is that some do not offer university-recognized certificates.Here you can see the best selling niches of online courses:
Salud y Deportes
Desarrollo personal
Negocios y carrera
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