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Online tour created by Dr. Thomas Husøy-Ciaccia and Olivia Husøy-Ciaccia 2023

Uncovering the Story of the Norwegian Church



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Exploring the Past


This exhibition was made possible with funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund. We also thank the Architectural Heritage Fund, Moondance Foundation, Waterloo Foundation, and Wales Council for Voluntary Action Third Sector Resilience Fund for their financial contributions. The exhibition was organised by the Church's Heritage Officer, Dr Thomas Alexander Husøy-Ciaccia and Carys Thomas (a postgraduate work placement student from Swansea University's MA program in Public History and Heritage). Olivia Husøy-Ciaccia assisted in the set up of the exhibition and digitised it alongside Dr Husøy-Ciaccia. The General Manager, Gareth Lloyds Roberts, contributed with translations, design ideas, and administrative responsibilities. We are also grateful to the Welsh Norwegian Society, Tiger Bay - Cultural and Heritage Exchange, St. Cuthbert's R.C. Primary School, Glamorgan Archive, and Swansea University's Centre for Heritage Research and Training for Letters of Support.



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Cymraeg: Dociau Y Barri/Barry Docks Agorwyd yr Eglwys Norwyaidd yn Nociau’r Barri ar y 27ain o Ebrill, 1890, ac roedd ar agor am 40 flwyddyn nes iddo gau yn 1931. Wrth i'r eglwys fach yma agor, nad oedd llawer o longau Norwyaidd yn cyrraedd Y Barri, a phan agorwyd yr eglwys, dim ond un llong Norwyaidd oedd yn y dociau. Er hynny, fe adeiladwyd yr eglwys. Roedd gobaith dros ddyfodol Dociau’r Barri ar y pryd, ac roedd Tellefesen yn fodlon ariannu adeiladwaith yr eglwys. Nes 1917, daw bugail a chynorthwyydd o’r eglwys yng Nghaerdydd. Ar ôl hynny, fe gafodd yr eglwys cynorthwyydd ei hun. Wrth i lai a llai llongau Norwyaidd dod i’r dociau, fe gaёwyd yr eglwys yn 1931. English: The Norwegian Church in Barry Docks was opened on April 27th, 1890, and remained open for over forty years; the doors of this little church were closed in 1931. When the church opened, there were not many Norwegian ships arriving at the port in Barry, and on the day of the opening of the church, there was only one Norwegian ship in the docks. The reason why Barry was chosen as the location for a new church was the optimism around these docks and that August Tellefsen was willing to fund the construction of the new church. Until 1917 the church was run by the pastor and assistant at the central church in Cardiff. After this, the church got its own assistant until it was abandoned in 1931 due to few Norwegian ships arriving at the docks in Barry. Norsk: Den norske sjømannskirken i Barry Docks åpnet den 27. april 1890, og var åpen i over førti år. Den lille kirken i Barry ble nedlagt i 1931. Da kirken åpnet var der ikke så mange norske skip som var innom Barry, og på åpningsdagen var det kun et norsk skip i havnen. Grunnen til at en sjømannskirke ble grunnlagt i Barry var optimismen i denne havnen og at August Tellefsen var villig til og finansiere konstruksjonen av den nye kirken. Frem til 1917 var kirken drevet av pastoren og assistenten ved kirken i Cardiff. Etter dette fikk kirken sin egen assistent frem til den ble nedlagt i 1931, grunnet lite norsk skipstrafikk ved havnen i Barry.

Cymraeg: Roedd yr is-sefydliad yng Nghasnewydd yn actif ers 1866, pan ddaeth y Genhadaeth i Forwyr Norwy i Gaerdydd. Yn ei flynyddoedd cynnar, rhentwyd y genhadaeth lleoliad er mwyn i’r bugail neu gynorthwyydd o’r eglwys yng Nghaerdydd mynychu un neu ddwywaith yr wythnos. Yn yr 1870au cynnar, rhentwyd hen eglwys agos i’r dociau yng Nghasnewydd. Yn 1890, ariannodd August Tellefsen adeilad newydd fel yn Nociau’r Barri. Symudodd yr adeilad i Abertawe yn 1909, wrth i’r dociau yng Nghasnewydd dirywio. Er hynny, parhaodd y genhadaeth a phrynon nhw adeilad ar 107 Heol Commercial ag oedd yn cynnwys capel, ystafell darllen, a llety ar gyfer y cynorthwyydd. Caeodd yr is-sefydliad yn 1927. English: The Norwegian Seamen’s Mission in Newport was active from 1866 when they arrived in Cardiff. In the earliest years of activity in Newport, the Seamen’s Mission rented a venue, which was attended by either the pastor or assistant at the church in Cardiff once or twice a week. In the early 1870s, the mission rented an old church located near the entrance of the docks in Newport. In 1890, August Tellfesen financed the building of a church in Newport just as he did at Barry Docks. The church building in Newport was moved to Swansea in 1909 due to the decline of the docks at Newport. Nevertheless, the Seamen’s Mission remained active in Newport and in 1914 the Seamen’s Mission purchased a property at 107 Commercial Road, which contained a chapel, reading room, and accommodation for the assistant. The station permanently closed in 1927. Norsk: Den norske sjømannskirken var aktiv i Newport fra 1866 da de ankom Cardiff. I de tidlige årene leide sjømannskirken et lokale som var besøkt av enten pastoren eller assistent fra kirken i Cardiff en eller to ganger i uken. På det tidlige 1870-tallet leide sjømannskirken en gammel kirke nær inngangen til havnen i Newport. I 1890 finansierte August Tellefsen byggingen av en ny kirke i Newport, som han også gjorde i Barry Docks. Dette kirkebygget ble flyttet til Swansea i 1909 på grunn av lav aktivitet ved havnen i Newport. Sjømannskirken fortsatte sin aktivitet i Newport også etter at kirken ble flyttet, og i 1914 kjøpte de en eiendom i 107 Commercial Road, som hadde et kapell, leserom, og bolig for assistenten. Kirken ble nedlagt i 1927.

Cymraeg: Fel yng Nghasnewydd, roedd presenoldeb cynnar gan y Genhadaeth i Forwyr yn Abertawe. Dros y blynyddoedd cynnar, defnyddiodd yr eglwys lleoliad uwchben siop ‘Dan the Sail Maker’. Yn 1907 daeth y penderfyniad i agor eglwys go iawn yn Abertawe, ac yn 1909, fe symudodd yr eglwys o Gasnewydd i Abertawe. Roedd Abertawe yn adnabyddus am ei ddiwydiant copr, ac fe wnaeth hyn annog mwy o forwyr Norywaidd i’r ardal trwy gydol y 19eg ganrif ac 20fed ganrif cynnar. Peintwyd yr eglwys yn wyrdd yn ystod yr Ail Ryfel Byd fel yr eglwys yng Nghaerdydd, er mwyn gallu cuddio o fomwyr Almaeneg. Defnyddwyd yr eglwys trwy gydol y rhyfel fel lloches ysbrydol a chymdeithasol i Norwyaid wedi’u halltudio o Norwy, gan ei fod dan reolaeth yr Almaenwyr Natsïaidd. Fe adawodd y genhadaeth yr eglwys yn 1966, ond fe wnaeth y gymuned Norwyaidd lleol parhau i’w defnyddio nes yr 1990au. Mae’r adeilad yn sefyll heddiw, wedi’i symud i’w lleoliad newydd fel rhan o ddatblygiad SA1. English; There was activity in Swansea from the very beginning of the Seamen’s Mission’s arrival in South Wales. In the earlier years, the church used a venue above the “Dan the Sail Maker” shop. In 1907, it was decided to open a proper church in Swansea, and in 1909 the church building in Newport was moved to Swansea. In addition to the coal industry, Swansea was also known for its large copper industry, which also contributed to the increase of Norwegian sailors in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Like the church in Cardiff, it was painted dark green during WWII to avoid German bombers and was actively used as a spiritual and social refuge for Norwegians in exile from Nazi-occupied Norway. In 1966, the Norwegian Seamen’s Mission decided to withdraw from Swansea, but the local Norwegian community kept the church running until the late 1990s. The building still stands and was moved to its current location as a part of the SA1 developments in the city. Norsk: Sjømannskirken var aktiv i Swansea fra de ankom i Sør-Wales. I de tidligere årene var kirken drevet fra et lokale over butikken «Dan the Sail Maker». I 1907 ble det bestemt å åpne en kirke i Swansea, og i 1909 ble kirkebygget fra Newport flyttet til Swansea. I tillegg til kull industrien var Swansea kjent for sin store kopper industri, som bidro til et oppsving i norske seilere i det nittende og tidlig tjuende århundre. Som kirken i Cardiff ble bygget farget mørkegrønn under andre verdenskrig som kamuflasje mot tyske bombefly, kirken ble brukt aktivt som et åndelig og sosialt fristed for nordmenn på flukt fra nazi okkuperte Norge. I 1966 bestemte Sjømannskirken seg for å trekke seg ut fra Swansea, men det lokale norske miljøet drev kirken frem til sent på 1990-tallet. Bygget står fremdeles og var flyttet til sin nåværende plass som en del av SA1 utviklingen i byen.

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Cymraeg: Cadair goffa gan y Dywsygoges Martha Louise yn ystood ymweliad i agor yr elgwys yn swyddogol yn 1992. English: Commemorative chair from Princess Martha Louise's visit to officially open the church in 1992. Norsk: Stol dedikert til minne om Pinsesse Martha Lousie sitt besøk for å offisielt åpne kirken i 1992.

Cymraeg: Ffenestre wydr lliw. Rydym yn meddwl ey bod yn ffenestri gwreiddiol yr eglwys. English: Stained glass window. These may be one of the original stained-glass windows from the church. Norsk: Glassmaleri vindu. Dette er muligens et av de originale glassmarleriene fra kirken.

Cymraeg: Ffenestre wydr lliw. Rydym yn meddwl ey bod yn ffenestri gwreiddiol yr eglwys. English: Stained glass window. This may be one of the original stained-glass windows from the church. Norsk: Glassmaleri vindu. Dette er muligens et av de originale glassmarleriene fra kirken.

Cymraeg: Hysbysfwrdd gyda rhestr digwyddiadau ac amseroedd agor. 1920. English: Notice Board with opening times and events, ca. 1920. Norsk: Oppslagstavle med åpningstider og arrangementer, ca. 1920. Text reads: THE NORWEGIAN Seamens Church SUNDAY 11 am.MORNING SERVICE 8 pm.EVENING PRAYERS TUESDAY 8 pm.MEETING with LANTERN SLIDES THURSDAY 8 pm.SOCIAL EVENING READING ROOM OPEN EVERYDAY 6 - 10 pm. SUNDAY 5 - 10 pm. Vicarage: 181, Cathedral Road.

Cymraeg: Copi o lun o'r elgwys yn lliwiau'r Ail yfel Byd. Mae'r gwreiddiol yng nghesgliadau hanesyddol Elgwysi'r Morwyr yn Bergen. Mae's copy yma er cof Karen Allen. English: Copy of a painting of the church in WWII colours. The original hangs in the Seamen's Church's historical collections in Bergen. The date of the painting and the artist are unknown. This copy is here in memory of Karen Allen, who dedicated many years to the church. Norwegian: Kopi av et maleri av kirken i andre verdernskirg farger. Orginalen henger i Sjømannskirkens historiske samlinger i Bergen. Datoen og artist for maleriet er ukjent. Denne kopien er her til minne of Karen Allen, som viet mange år til kirken.

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Cymraeg: Llythyr cydnabyddiaeth am ei wasanaeth i ryddhau Norwy yn ystod yr Ali Ryfel Byd. English: Letter of recognition for service to Norway in WWII. Norsk: Anerkjennelses Brev for hjelp med å frigjøre Norge under andre verdernskig.

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Cymraeg: Y fwydlen pan fu'r Tywysog Olav's ymweliad â'r eglwys yn 1941. English: The menu from Crown Prince Olav's visit to the church in 1941. Norsk: Menyen fra kronprins Olav sitt besøk til kirken i 1941.

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Transcribed Menu

Menu Hors d'Oeuvre Norvegienne Vines Haut Sauterne Consomme Paysanne Haut Medoc Creme de volaille St. Estephe Cognac Courvoisier V.S. Aloyau de Boeuf Roti Hennessy Pommes Risolées Haricot Verts Fines Herbes Liqueurs Drambuie Curacao Annisette Van der hum Pouding Diplomate Café Toast List His Majesty the King His Majesty the King of Norway Norway Proposed by: The Lord Mayor Cardiff (Alderman C.H. McCale, J.P) Response by: H.R.H. Crown Prince Olav of Norway Our Guests: Proposed by: The Chairman of the Norwegian Seamen's Welfare committee, Mr. S.H. Stranger, Consul For Norway. Response by: The Right Hon. The Earl of Plymouth, P.C. and Vice-Admiral Tomkinson, R.N.

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Cymraeg: Dyma Tarian oedd yn rhodd i'r gweidnidog Rolf Rasmussen am ei ymdrechion i helpu a gweddio dros y morwyr death i'r eglwys. Does dim dal os wnaeth y person greodd y darian goroesi'r rhyfel. English: Shield gifted to pastor Rolf Rassmussen at the Norwegian Church for his efforts, care, help, and prayers to the seamen who visited the church. It is unknown whether the maker of the shield survived the Second World War. Norsk: Skjold gitt til pastor Rolf Rassmussen ved den norske kirken i Cardiff for hans innsats, omsorg, hjelp og bønner til sjømemmene som besøkte kirken. Det er ukjent om produsenten av skjoldet overlevde andre verdernskrig.

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Cymraeg: Medal St. Olav, a gyflwynwyd i Ewart Parkinson, 2004. English: St. Olav's Medal, awarded to Ewart Parkinson, 2004. Norsk: St. Olavsmedalje, tildelt Ewart Parkinson, 2004.

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Norway Honours Ewart Parkinson When Mary asked me to write about the Medal Ceremony I readily agreed. It had been such a happy, friendly occasion with the Ambassador, the convenor of Hordaland Fylkeskommune, and her colleague Svein, the Leader of Cardiff County Council and Members of the Welsh Norwegian Society altogether. But when I come to sit down and write about it, I find some difficulty in expressing myself. I - and my family - are deeply conscious about the honour that has been given to me by His Majesty King Harald and those in Norway who nominated me. The Medal is a treasure and I and my family will treat it so. Yet I cannot help my mind recalling all those many people in Wales and in Norway who have contributed so much of their thought, their time and their energy to our project. It started in the late 80s with a few people who saw a small church, with windows smashed and its wood and iron corroded, standing in the midst of dereliction where the ince dynamic Bute West Dock had been filled in with rubbish. Yet they remembered that this building was once so beautiful and a testament to Norwegian-Welsh friendship in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and through two world wars. These few people created the Norwegian Church Preservation Trust as a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee. From this small start so many men and women in Norway and in Wales became key players in the building, running, and developing the activities of the Church. So I feel that I accepted this Medal on behalf of all of those who have contributed so much. It is I think fair to say that in the early years, even with Duncan Longden's enthusiasm as chairman, the Trust had little recognition in Wales. Nevertheless, Freddie Waton and Grosvenor Waterside were prepared to consider our request for a free lease of the site it now occupies. While that was going on, things were also happening in Norway. Terje Inderhaug, having completed his Masters's degree in City and Regional Planning at Cardiff University, had returned to his work with Hordaland Fylkeskommune. He had been inspired by the ideas of the Trust. The real breakthrough came when he met a man called Jan Eric Lie in Bergen. He owned and ran a lovely little hotel against a landing stage in Sognefjorden, at a delightful town called Leikanger. Jan was enthused by what Terje had to say, returned to his hotel and asked his colleague, Anne Valvik, to write to some key people in Sogn og Fjordane to contribute to a Support Fund. They were successful. Then Hordaland Fylkeskommune joined in. At a dinner in Bergen, where Steve Pritchard of ABP, Freddie Watson and I were guests in January 1991, Dr Ole Dramdal, Leader of Hordaland Fylkeskommune, said they were collecting with Sogn og Fjordane one million kroner towards the rebuilding of the Church. In the meantime, Roger Allen, an active Trustee from the beginning, had organised the measurement of the dismantling of the building and the storage of those elements that could be saved. So many people were becoming involved. Suddenly the project was realisable. Cardiff Bay Development Corporation, South Glamorgan County Council and businesses in Wales were now helping the project. South Glamorgan County Council and Hordaland Fylkeskommune signed an Agreement of Cooperation. Since its opening in 1992, members of the Management Committee worked hard in managing and running the Church with David Griffiths, Bairbre McAteer and then Karen Allen administrating everything. The Welsh Norwegian Society came into being, growing stronger all the time. The members of the Trust itself ensured that all the developing activities were kept within the legal and financial frameworks. Throughout it all, Peter Persen, Ebba Lovering, George Bartlett and David Schroeter were constantly involved. All these people - and many more that I have not mentioned (like Ellen Wayn, whose mother Mrs. Greve gave us a kitchen and Felicity Dahl who gave the spire) - came into my mind as I stood at the Ceremony. On that happy sunny day I couldn't help feeling that it was they who had together carried out this wonderful enterprise. I suddenly felt uneasy about even wearing the Medal. All I can do is to say how wonderful you all have been. Ewart Parkinson, The Welsh Norwegian Society Newsletter, Summer 2004, Issue 2, Volume 8.

Norway Honours Ewart Parkinson When Mary asked me to write about the Medal Ceremony I readily agreed. It had been such a happy, friendly occasion with the Ambassador, the convenor of Hordaland Fylkeskommune, and her colleague Svein, the Leader of Cardiff County Council and Members of the Welsh Norwegian Society altogether. But when I come to sit down and write about it, I find some difficulty in expressing myself. I - and my family - are deeply conscious about the honour that has been given to me by His Majesty King Harald and those in Norway who nominated me. The Medal is a treasure and I and my family will treat it so. Yet I cannot help my mind recalling all those many people in Wales and in Norway who have contributed so much of their thought, their time and their energy to our project. It started in the late 80s with a few people who saw a small church, with windows smashed and its wood and iron corroded, standing in the midst of dereliction where the ince dynamic Bute West Dock had been filled in with rubbish. Yet they remembered that this building was once so beautiful and a testament to Norwegian-Welsh friendship in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and through two world wars. These few people created the Norwegian Church Preservation Trust as a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee. From this small stat so many men and women in Norway and in Wales became key players in the building, running, and developing the activities of the Church. So I feel that I accepted this Medal on behalf of all of those who have contributed so much. It is I think fair to say that in the early years, even with Duncan Longden's enthusiasm as chairman, the Trust had little recognition in Wales. Nevertheless, Freddie Waton and Grosvenor Waterside were prepared to consider our request for a free lease of the site it now occupies. While that was going on, things were also happening in Norway. Terje Inderhaug, having completed his Masters's degree in City and Regional Planning at Cardiff University, had returned to his work with Hordaland Fylkeskommune. He had been inspired by the ideas of the Trust. The real breakthrough came when he met a man called Jan Eric Lie in Bergen. He owned and ran a lovely little hotel against the landing stage in Sognefjorden, as a delightful town called Leikanger. Jan was enthused by what Terje had to say, returned to his hotel and asked his colleague, Anne Valvik, to write to some key people in Sogn og Fjordane to contribute to a Support Fund. They were successful. Then Hordaland Fylkeskommune joined in. At a dinner in Bergen, where Steve Pritchard of ABP, Freddie Watson and I were guests in January 1991, Dr Ole Dramdal, Leader of Hordaland Fylkeskommune, said they were collecting with Sogn og Fjordane one million kroner towards the rebuilding of the Church. In the meantime, Roger Allen, an active Trustee from the beginning, had organised the measurement of the dismantling of the building and the storage of those elements that could be saved. So many people were becoming involved. Suddenly the project was realisable. Cardiff Bay Development Corporation, South Glamorgan County Council and businesses in Wales were now helping the project. South Glamorgan County Council and Hordaland Fylkeskommune signed an Agreement of Cooperation. Since its opening in 1992, members of the Management Committee worked hard in managing and running the Church with David Griffiths, Bairbre McAteer and then Karen Allen administrating everything. The Welsh Norwegian Society came into being, growing stronger all the time. The members of the Trust itself ensured that all the developing activities were kept within the legal and financial frameworks. Throughout it all, Peter Persen, Ebba Lovering, George Barlett and Schroeter were constantly involved. All these people - and many more that I have not mentioned (like Ellen Wayn, whose mother Mrs. Greve gave us a kitchen and Felicity Dahl who gave the spire - came into my mind as I stood at the Ceremony. On that happy sunny day I couldn't help feeling that it was they who had together carried out this wonderful enterprise. I suddenly felt uneasy about even wearing the Medal. All I can do is to say how wonderful you all have been. Ewart Parkinson, The Welsh Norwegian Society Newsletter, Summer 2004, Issue 2, Volume 8.

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Cymraeg: Medal St. Olav, a gyflwynwyd i Duncan Longden, 1992. English: St. Olav's Medal, awarded to Duncan Longden, 1992. Norsk: St. Olavsmedalje, tildelt Duncan Longden, 1992.

Trefnwyr yr arddangosfa yma: O Norwy yn wreiddiol, mae Dr. Thomas Husøy-Ciaccia nawr yn byw yn Abertawe. Daeth i Gymru’n gyntaf yn 2011 er mwyn astudio Hanes yr Henfyd a Hanes, cyn symud i Gaeredin yn 2014 i astudio MSc yn Hanes Helenistaidd. Yn 2018, daeth yn ôl i Gymru i wneud PhD yn Hanes yr Henfyd ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe. Ym Mis Hydref 2022, dechreuodd fel Swyddog Treftadaeth newydd y Canolfan Gelfyddydau’r Eglwys Norwyaidd ym Mae Caerdydd. Fel Norwyad yng Nghymru, mae ganddo ddiddordeb cryf yn y cysylltiadau hanesyddol rhwng Cymru a Norwy. O Gastell-nedd yn Ne Cymru, astudiodd Carys Thomas BA Athroniaeth a Chymdeithaseg ym Mhrifysgol Birmingham, cyn dychwelyd nôl i Gymru i astudio ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe. Yna, maen nhw’n astudio MA Hanes Cyhoeddus a Threftadaeth. Ymunodd Carys y prosiect ym mis Mawrth 2023, fel rhan o raglen lleoliad gwaith eu cwrs yn Abertawe. Mae gan Carys diddordeb mewn hunaniaeth, ac maent yn awyddus i integreiddio eu haddysg mewn athroniaeth a chymdeithaseg a’u haddysg bresennol mewn hanes a threftadaeth. The Organisers of the Exhibition: Dr. Thomas Husøy-Ciaccia is a Norwegian living in Cardiff's neighbour city, Swansea. He first arrived in Wales to study Ancient History and History in 2011 before he moved to Edinburgh in 2014 to do his Master of Science in Hellenistic History. In 2018, he returned to Wales when he moved to Swansea to do a PhD in Ancient History at Swansea University. In October 2022, he was appointed the new Heritage Officer at the Norwegian Church Arts Centre in Cardiff Bay. As a Norwegian in Wales, he has a keen interest in the historical connections between Wales and Norway. Carys Thomas is from Neath in South Wales and studied Philosophy and Sociology at the University of Birmingham. They returned to Wales to pursue a master’s at Swansea University, where they are now studying Public History and Heritage. Carys joined the project in March 2023, as part of their course’s Heritage Work Placement Programme. They have a strong interest in identity and are keen to integrate their education in philosophy and sociology with their education in history and heritage. Arrangørene av utstilingen: Dr. Thomas Husøy-Ciaccia er en nordmann som bor i nabobyen til Cardiff, Swansea. Han ankom Wales i 2011 for å studere antikken og historie, før han flyttet til Edinburgh i 2014 for å ta en mastergrad i hellenistisk historie. I 2018 flyttet han tilbake til Wales for å begynne en doktorgrad i antikkens historie ved Swansea Universitetet. I oktober 2022 ble han ansatt som den nye antikvaren ved Norwegian Church Arts Centre i Cardiff bukta. Som en nordmann bosatt i Wales, er han meget fasinert av de historiske koblingene mellom Norge og Wales. Carys Thomas kommer fra Neath i Sør-Wales og studerte filosofi og sosiologi ved Universitetet i Birmingham. Hen returnere til Wales for å ta en mastergrad ved Swansea Universitetet der hen studerer offentlig historie og kulturarv. Carys ble en del av prosjektet i mars 2023, som den del av hen sitt kurs kulturminneforvaltnings utplassering. Hen har en sterk interesse i identiteter og er opptatt av å integrere sin utdanning i filosofi og sosiologi med sin utdanning i historie og kulturarv.

Kulturarvsprosjektet ved Norwegian Church Arts Centre I påsken 2022 tok den nye stiftelsen Norwegian Church Cardiff Bay offisielt over nøklene til Norwegian Church Arts Centre fra Norwegian Church Preservation Trust, som var da drevet av Cardiff kommune. Et av formålene med den nye stiftelsen er å utforske kulturarven i bygget igjennom prosjektet «Norwegian Church Heritage Collation Project». Prosjektet er finansiert gjennom et stipend fra National Lottery Heritage Fund, etter en søknad skrevet av Dr. Thomas Alexander Husøy-Ciaccia, som er nå ansatt som antikvar i kirken, og Olivia Husøy-Ciaccia med støtte fra formannen i den nye stiftelsen Dr. Martin Price. Vi takker deltakerne i lotteriet for deres støtte. Vi er også takknemlig for finansiell støtte fra Architectural Heritage Fund, Moondance Foundation, Waterloo Foundation, og Wales Council for Voluntary Action Third Sector Resilience Fund. Dette kulturarvsprosjektet går ut på å samle og utforske den tilgjengelige historiske informasjonen om den norske sjømannskirken i Cardiff og Bristol kanalen fra museer, arkiver, og biblioteker i Wales, resten av Storbritannia, og Norge. Basert på denne historiske informasjonen vil antikvaren og stiftelsen organisere og sette opp et program av utstillinger og kulturarvs arrangement over de neste tre årene. Denne utstillingen er den første av disse, og setter søkelys på historien til den gamle sjømannskirken i Cardiff igjennom gjenstander som finnes i kirkens samlinger, og noen lånt fra sjømannskirkens historiske samlinger i Bergen, samt noen lånt fra medlemmer av Welsh Norwegian Society. Utstillingen er arrangert av antikvaren i kirken, samt Carys Thomas, som er på utplassering fra Swansea Universitetets kulturminneforvaltnings utplasserings program. Vi ønsker å takke de som skrev støttebrev for prosjektet, Glamorgan Archives, St. Cuthbert’s R.C. School, Welsh Norwegian Society, og CHART. De historiske kildene konsultert så langt kommer fra Glamorgan Archives, Cathays Heritage Library, West Glamorgan Archive Service, Statsarkivet i Bergen, Sjømannskirkens historiske samlinger, og Sjøfartsmuseet i Bergen. Vi takker for tilgang på deres samlinger og ressurser.

The Heritage Project at the Norwegian Church Arts Centre During Easter 2022, the new charity Norwegian Church Cardiff Bay officially took over the keys to the Norwegian Church Arts Centre from the Norwegian Church Preservation Trust, which Cardiff Council then ran. A part of the mission of this new charity is to highlight the heritage of the building through the “Norwegian Church Collation of Heritage Project”. This project is funded through a grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, after an application written by Dr Thomas Alexander Husøy-Ciaccia, who is now the Heritage Officer at the church, and Olivia Husøy-Ciaccia with support from the chair of the new charity, Dr Martin Price. We thank the players of the lottery for their support. We are also grateful for financial support from the Architectural Heritage Fund, Moondance Foundation, Waterloo Foundation, and Wales Council for Voluntary Action Third Sector Resilience Fund. This project aims to gather and explore the available historical information about the Norwegian Seamen’s Mission in Cardiff and the rest of the Bristol Channel ports from museums, archives, and libraries in Wales, the rest of the U.K., and Norway. Based on the historical information collected, the Heritage Officer and the charity will organise and set up a programme of exhibitions and heritage events over the next three years. The current exhibition opens this programme with a focus on the history of the Norwegian Church through the artefacts already held at the church, and some items on permanent loan from the Seamen’s Church’s Historical Collections in Bergen, as well as, items lent from members of the Welsh Norwegian Society. The exhibition is organised and set up by the Heritage Officer at the Church, and Carys Thomas, a work placement student from Swansea University’s Heritage Work Placement Programme. We are grateful to those who provided letters of support for the project, Glamorgan Archives, St. Cuthbert’s R.C. School, the Welsh Norwegian Society, and CHART. The material looked at for the heritage project so far comes from Glamorgan Archives, Cathays Heritage Library, West Glamorgan Archive Service, the Regional State Archives in Bergen, the Seamen’s Church’s Historical Collections, and the Maritime Museum in Bergen. We are grateful for the access to their collections and resources.

Y Prosiect Treftadaeth at y Canolfan Gelfyddydau’r Eglwys Norwyaidd Yn ystod Pasg 2022 daeth yr elusen newydd, yr Eglwys Norwyaidd Bae Caerdydd i gymryd drosodd yr eglwys o’r Ymddiriedwraeth Cadwraeth yr Eglwys Norwyaidd, dan Gyngor Caerdydd ar y pryd. Un o fwriadau’r elusen yma yw i arddangos treftadaeth yr adeilad trwy’r “Prosiect Coladiad Treftadaeth yr Eglwys Norwyaidd”. Y Gronfa Treftadaeth y Loteri Genedlaethol sy’n ariannu’r prosiect ar ôl i Dr Thomas Husøy-Ciaccia, nawr Swyddog Treftadaeth yr eglwys, ac Olivia Husøy-Ciaccia ysgrifennu cais gyda chymorth Dr Martin Price, cadeirydd yr elusen newydd. Rydym yn ddiolchgar i chwaraewyr y loteri am eu cefnogaeth. Rydym hefyd yn ddiolchgar am y cymorth ariannol oddi’r Gronfa Treftadaeth Bensaernïol, Moondance Foundation, Waterloo Foundation, a Chronfa Gwydnwch y Trydydd Sector y Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru. Bwriad y prosiect yw i gasglu ac archwilio’r wybodaeth hanesyddol sydd ar gael am y Genhadaeth i Forwyr Norwyaidd yng Nghaerdydd a gweddill y pyrth y Sianel Friste o amgueddfeydd, archifau, a llyfrgelloedd yng Nghymru, gweddill y D.U., a Norwy. Trwy hyn, bydd y swyddog treftadaeth a’r eglwys yn trefnu a sefydlu rhaglen o arddangosfeydd a digwyddiadau treftadaeth dros y tair flwyddyn nesaf. I agor y rhaglen, mae’r arddangosfa bresennol yn ffocysu ar hanes yr Eglwys Norwyaidd gan ddefnyddio’r arteffactau sydd yn yr eglwys yn barod, yn ogystal â rhai itemau ar fenthyciad parhaol o gasgliad hanesyddol yr Eglwys Morwyr yn Bergen, a rhai wedi’u benthyg o aelodau’r Gymdeithas Norwy Cymraeg. Mae’r arddangosfa wedi’i threfnu a’i sefydlu gan swyddog treftadaeth yr eglwys, a Carys Thomas, disgybl lleoliad gwaith o Raglen Lleoliad Gwaith Treftadaeth Prifysgol Abertawe. Rydym yn ddiolchgar iawn i bawb a rhoddodd llythyron o gymorth ar gyfer y prosiect, Archifau Morgannwg, Ysgol Gynradd St. Cuthbert, Cymdeithas Norwy Cymraeg, a CHART. Ar hyn o bryd, daw’r deunydd rydym wedi defnyddio ar gyfer y prosiect o Archifau Morgannwg, Llyfrgell Treftadaeth Cathays, Gwasanaeth Archifau Gorllewin Morgannwg, Archif Talaith Ranbarthol Bergen, Casgliad Hanesyddol Eglwys y Morwyr, ac Amgueddfa Forwrol Bergen. Rydym yn ddiolchgar am y mynediad i’w casgliadau ac adnoddau.

Cymraeg: Rhwymau wedi'u coesi, a darganfuwyd o da yr eglwys. English: Crossed oars found under the original church. Norsk: Kyssede årer funnet under den opprinlige kirken.

Cymraeg: Ffenestr gwydr lliw. Gall rhain fod y ffesnestri lliw gwreiddiol yr elgwys. English: Stained glass windows. This may have been one of the original stained glass windows from the church.Norsk: Glassmaleri vindu. Dette er muligens et av de orinale glassmaleriene fra kirken.

Cymraeg: Roedd hi'n draddodiad gan Eglwys Genhadol Forwyr Norwyaidd gosod rhwyfau mewn siâp croes dan sylfeini eglwys sydd newydd cael ei chodi. Draganfauwyd y rhwyfau hyn dan fyrdday llawr Elgwys Norwyaidd wreiddiol ym Mae Caerdydd pan gafodd ei datgymaly a'i symud lleiliad pressennom ym 1992. Yn 2016, fe'u cysegrwyd er cof am Ewart Parkinson OBE yr oedd ei weledigaeth ar gyfer ailddatblygu Bae Caerdydd yn cynnwys cadw'r elgwys. I gydanbod ei gyfraniad i adfer yr elgwys a hyrwyddo'r diwylliand Norwyaidd, cyflwynodd Brenin Norwy Fedal Sant Olav iddo yn 2004. English: It was a tradition for the Norwegian Seamen's Mission for a pair of oars in the shape of a cross to be placed under the foundations of a newly built church. These oars were found beneath the floorboards of the original Norwegian Seamen's Church when it was dismantled and moved to its current site in 1992. In 2016 they were dedicated to the memory of Ewart Parkinson OBE whose vision included the preservation of the church. In recognition of his contribution to restoring the church and promoting Norwegian culture, he was awarded the St. Olav Medal by the King of Norway in 2004. Norsk: Det var tradisjon for Sjømannsmisjonen at et par årer i form av et kors ble plassert under grunnmuren til en nybygd kirke. Disse årene ble funnet under gulvplankene i den opprinnelige norske sjømannskirken da den ble demontert og flyttet til sin nåværende plass i 1992. I 2016 ble de viet til minnet om Ewart Parkinson OBE hvis visjon inkluderte bevaring av kirken. Som en anerkjennelse for sitt bidrag til å gjenopprette kirken og fremme norsk kultur, ble han i 2004 tildelt St. Olavsmedaljen av Kongen av Norge.

Cymraeg: Roedd hi'n draddodiad gan Eglwys Genhadol Forwyr Norwyaidd gosod rhwyfau mewn siâp croes dan sylfeini eglwys sydd newydd cael ei chodi. Draganfauwyd y rhwyfau hyn dan fyrdday llawr Elgwys Norwyaidd wreiddiol ym Mae Caerdydd pan gafodd ei datgymaly a'i symud lleiliad pressennom ym 1992. Yn 2016, fe'u cysegrwyd er cof am Ewart Parkinson OBE yr oedd ei weledigaeth ar gyfer ailddatblygu Bae Caerdydd yn cynnwys cadw'r elgwys. I gydanbod ei gyfraniad i adfer yr elgwys a hyrwyddo'r diwylliand Norwyaidd, cyflwynodd Brenin Norwy Fedal Sant Olav iddo yn 2004. English: It was a tradition for the Norwegian Seamen's Mission for a pair of oars in the shape of a cross to be placed under the foundations of a newly built church. These oars were found beneath the floorboards of the original Norwegian Seamen's Church when it was dismantled and moved to its current site in 1992. In 2016 they were dedicated to the memory of Ewart Parkinson OBE whose vision included the preservation of the church. In recognition of his contribution to restoring the church and promoting Norwegian culture, he was awarded the St. Olav Medal by the King of Norway in 2004. Norsk: Det var tradisjon for Sjømannsmisjonen at et par årer i form av et kors ble plassert under grunnmuren til en nybygd kirke. Disse årene ble funnet under gulvplankene i den opprinnelige norske sjømannskirken da den ble demontert og flyttet til sin nåværende plass i 1992. I 2016 ble de viet til minnet om Ewart Parkinson OBE hvis visjon inkluderte bevaring av kirken. Som en anerkjennelse for sitt bidrag til å gjenopprette kirken og fremme norsk kultur, ble han i 2004 tildelt St. Olavsmedaljen av Kongen av Norge.

Cymraeg: Angor, a ganfuwyd o dan yr elgwys. English: Anchor, allegedly found under the original church. Norsk: Anker, anngivelig funnet under den opprinnelige kirken.

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Cymraeg: Bu'r ddwy fâs hyn, yn yr eglwys nes iddi gau ym 1974, ac fe’i dychwelwyd i Gaerdydd ar fenthyg o Gasgliadau Hanesyddol Cenhadaeth y Morwyr Norwyaidd yn 2022. English: These two communion vases, was in the church until it closed in 1974, and was returned to Cardiff on loan from the Norwegian Seamen's Mission's Historical Collections in 2022. Norsk: Disse to nattverdsvasene var i Cardiff kirken frem til kirken stengte i 1974, de var returnert til Cardiff fra sjømannskirkens historiske samlinger i 2022.

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Cymraeg: Mae'r Beibl yma yn dyddio i 1885 ac mae wedi'i ysgrifennu yn Norwyeg. Mae'n un o'r arteffactau sy'n dod o'r eglwys wreiddiol. English: The bible on this table dates to 1885 and is written in Norwegian. It is one of the artefacts that comes from the original church. Norsk: Bibelen på dette border daters til 1885 og er skrevet på norsk. Det er en av gjenstandene som kommer fra den opprinnelige kirken.

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Cymraeg: Rhoddwyd y canwyllbrennau i’r eglwys ym Mae Caerdydd gan Gyngor Plwyf Hvaler, Norwy ym 1927. Maent ar fenthyg o Gasgliad Hanesyddol Eglwys y Morwyr Norwyaidd. English: These candlestick holders were given to the church in Cardiff by Hvaler Parish Council in Norway in 1927. They are currently on loan from the Norwegian Seamen’s Church’s Historical Collection. Norsk: Disse lysestakken var gitt til Cardiff kirken i 1927 av Hvaler Menighetsråd. De er nå på utlån fra Sjømannskirken's historiske samlinger.

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Cymraeg: Mae’r bowlen fedyddiol hon wedi’i harysgrifio ag enw chwaer Roald Dahl, Alfhild Dahl, a fedyddiwyd yn yr eglwys ym 1914. English: This Christening bowl is inscribed with the name of Roald Dahl’s sister Alfhild Dahl, who was baptised at the church in 1914. Norsk: Denne døpeskålen er inngravert med navnet til Roald Dahl sin søster Alfhild Dahl, som var døpt i kirken i 1914.

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Cymraeg: Dyma'r Bedyddfaen gwreiddiol yr eglwys yma ym Mae Caerdydd, ac fe'i defnyddiwyd pan fedyddiwyd yr awdur enwog Roald Dahl yma yn yr Eglwys Norwyaidd yn 1916. Mae'n rhan o Gasgliadau Hanesyddol Eglwys y Morwyr Norwyaidd ac mae ar fenthyciad tymor hir, yma. English: This is the original Baptismal Font from the church here in Cardiff, and it was used when the famous author Roald Dahl was baptised here at the Norwegian Church in Cardiff in 1916. It is now a part of the Historical Collections of the Norwegian Seamen's Church and is now in the Norwegian Arts Centre in Cardiff on a long-term loan. Norsk: Dette er den orginale døpsfonten fra kirken her i Cardiff, og den var brukt da den bermøte forfatteren Roald Dahl var døpt her i sjømannskirken i Cardiff i 1916. Den er nå en del av sjømannskirken's historiske samlinger, og er nå på langtidsutlån til Norwegian Arts Centre i Cardiff.

Cymraeg: Mae'r ddyfais sgrin gyffwrdd hon yn rhan o brosiect casglu gwybodaeth am dreftadaeth Canolfan Gelfyddydau'r Eglwys Norwyaidd. Mae'n rhan o bartneriaeth â Tiger Bay - Heritage and Cultural Exchange, nhw sydd wedi darparu gwybodaeth hanesyddol yn Gymraeg a Saesneg am hanes Bae Caerdydd. Mae'r sgrin hefyd yn cynnwys gwybodaeth am hanes Eglwys y Morwyr Norwyaidd yng Nghaerdydd, yr eglwysi eraill ar hyd Môr Hafren, a chymuned Norwyaidd Cymru. Bydd y sgrin yma yn yr adeilad yn barhaol, er mwyn i ymwelwyr gallu darllen a diddori dros y wybodaeth hanesyddol. Cyn hir, bydd y wybodaeth hefyd yn cael ei storio ar-lein, fel adnodd agored i bobl fyd-eang. English: This touchscreen device is a part of the Norwegian Church Collation of Heritage project at the Norwegian Church Arts Centre. It features as a part of a collaboration with Tiger Bay - Heritage and Cultural Exchange, who has provided historical information in English and Welsh about the general history of Cardiff Bay. The screen also features information about the history of the Norwegian Seamen's Church in Cardiff, the other churches along the Bristol Channel, and the Norwegian community in Wales. The screen will be permanently in the church for visitors to look at the historical information that is on the screen. The material will also eventually be stored online as an open-access resource for the public globally. Norsk: Denne berøringskjerm enheten er en del Norwegian Church Collation of Heritage projektet ved Norwegian Church Arts Centre. Det er en del av et støre samarbeid med Tiger Bay - Heritage and Cultural Exchange, som har forsynt oss med informasjon på Englesk og Walisisk om den generelle historien til Cardiff Bukta. Skjermen inneholder også informasjon om historien til den norske sjømannskirken i Wales. Skjermen er permanent i kirken for besøkened som ønsker å se den historiske informasjonen som finnes på skjermen. Dette matrialet kommer også til å bli tilgjenlig online som en åpen tilgang resurs, tilgjengelig globalt.

Cymraeg: Yn neuadd yr eglwys mae model o long sy'n hongian o'r to, fel y byddai wedi gwneud yn wreiddiol. Pan gaeodd yr eglwys ei rhestr eiddo ym 1974, anfonwyd y model hwn i Lundain am y tro cyntaf i'w storio yn yr Eglwys Norwyaidd yn Llundain. Oddi yno fe'i dychwelwyd i Lerpwl am gyfnod byr cyn ei anfon yn ôl i Ganolfan Gelf yr Eglwys Norwyaidd ym 1992. English: In the church hall, there is a model of a ship hanging from the roof, as it would have done originally. When the church closed its doors in 1974, this model was sent to London to be stored in the Norwegian Church in London. From there, it was sent to Liverpool for a short time before being sent back to the Norwegian Church Art Centre in 1992. Norsk: I kirkehallen henger en modell av et skip fra taket, slik det opprinnelig ville ha gjort. Da kirken stengte dørene i 1974, ble denne modellen sendt til London for for å lagres i Den Norske Kirken i London. Derfra ble den sent til Liverpool i en kort periode før den ble sendt tilbake til Norwegian Church Arts Centre i 1992.

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Cymraeg: Yn neuadd yr eglwys mae model o long sy'n hongian o'r to, fel y byddai wedi gwneud yn wreiddiol. Pan gaeodd yr eglwys ei rhestr eiddo ym 1974, anfonwyd y model hwn i Lundain am y tro cyntaf i'w storio yn yr Eglwys Norwyaidd yn Llundain. Oddi yno fe'i dychwelwyd i Lerpwl am gyfnod byr cyn ei anfon yn ôl i Ganolfan Gelf yr Eglwys Norwyaidd ym 1992. English: In the church hall, there is a model of a ship hanging from the roof, as it would have done originally. When the church closed its doors in 1974, this model was sent to London to be stored in the Norwegian Church in London. From there, it was sent to Liverpool for a short time before being sent back to the Norwegian Church Art Centre in 1992. Norsk: I kirkehallen henger en modell av et skip fra taket, slik det opprinnelig ville ha gjort. Da kirken stengte dørene i 1974, ble denne modellen sendt til London for for å lagres i Den norske kirke i London. Derfra ble den sent til Liverpool i en kort periode før den ble sendt tilbake til Norwegian Church Arts Centre i 1992.

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Cymraeg: Plât alwminiwm gydag Eglwys Gadiriol Tromsø oedd yn arfar parthyn i'r hen eglwys. English: Alumninium Plate with Tromsø Cathedral engraved, which used to belong to the old church. Norwegian: Aluminiumsfat fra den gamle kirken med Tromsø domkirke inngravert.

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Cymraeg: Plât alwminiwum o'r hen eglwys. English: Aluminium plate from the old church. Norsk: Aluminiumsfat fra den gamle kirken.

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Cymraeg: Plât Sir Hordaland. English: Hordaland County Plate. Norsk: Hordaland Fylke fat.

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Cymraeg: Llun o'r eglwys mewn lliwiau'r Ail Ryfel Byd. English: Photo of the Church in WWII Colours. Norsk: Foto av kirken i andre verdernskrigsfarger.

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Cymraeg: Llun gan George Holmes, 2006. English: Drawing by George Holmes, 2006. Norsk: Tegning av George Holmes, 2006.

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Cymraeg: Model o'r elgwys, sy'n ymddangos un y llun,yn dangos uyr elgwysyn derbyn arian grant. English: Model of the church, which appears in the accompanying photograph showing the church receiving grant funding. Norsk: Modell av kirken, som vises på det medfølgende bildet som viser kirken som mottar tilskuddsmidler.

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Cymraeg: Cwpan a gynhyrchwyd gan Rhymney Pottery. Roedd rhain yn cael eu gwerthu yn yr eglwys. English: Mug produced by Rhymney Pottery. These used to be sold in the church. Norsk: Krus produsert av Rhymney Pottery. Disse be tidligere solgt i kirken.

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Cymraeg: 'Llygoden Fawr y Llong', a darganfuwyd y tu mewn i fodel llong fach yr eglwys pan gafodd ei symud i gael ei glanhau rai blynyddoedd yn ôl. Pan y dychwelwyd y llong i drawstiau Neuadd Grieg yr eglwys (lle y mae yn hongian), anghofiwyd i roi'r llygoden yn ol! English: A 'Ship Rat', which was found inside the ship model when it was removed many years ago. When the ship was returned to the church's Grieg Hall rafters (where it still hangs), the cleaners forgot to return the Rat! Norsk: En 'Skipsrotte', som ble funnet inne i kirkeskipsmodellen da den be fjernet for rengjøring for noen år siden. Da skipet be returnert til taket av kirkens Grieghall (hvor det fortsatt henger), glemte renholderene å returnere Rotten!

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Cymraeg: Llun o Alf B. Danielsen, gweinidog y eglwys rhwng 1947 a 1952. Mae'n sefyll wrth yr hen allor. Sylwch y canhwyllbrenau, sef yr un rhai sydd wedi'u cynnwys yn yr arddangosfa hon. English: Photo of Alf B. Danielsen, pastor at the church between 1947-1952, standing at the old altar. Notice the candlestick holders are the same ones as included in this exhibition. Norsk: Foto av Alf B. Danielsen, pastor i kirken mellom 1947-1952, stående ved det gamle alteret. Legg merke til at lysestakholderene er de samme som er inkludert i denne utstillingen.

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Cymraeg: Lun o Dywysog y Goron Olav a Pastor Rolf Rasmussen yn eglwys yn yr Ail Ryfel Byd. English: Photo of Crown Prince Olav and Pastor Rolf Rasmussen at the church in WWII. Norsk: Foto av kronprins Olav og pastor Rolf Rasmussen ved kirken under andre verdenskrig.

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Cymraeg: Llyfr emynau o'r eglwys yn 1927 (chwith) a Beibl o 1978) ill dau wedi eu hysgrifeenu yn Norwyeg. English: Hymn book from the church that dates to 1927 (left) and Bible from 1978 (right), both are written in Norwegian. Norsk: Salmebok fra kirken publisert i 1927 (til venstre) og Bibel fra 1978 (til høyre) begge skrevet på norsk.

Cymraeg: Sefydlodd y Genhadaeth i Forwyr Norwy ei phedwaredd eglwys yma ym Mae Caerdydd, yn 1866. Yn 1868, cafodd adeilad newydd ar gyfer yr eglwys ei chysegru ar ei safle gwreiddiol rhwng y Dociau Gorllewinol a Dwyreiniol Bute. O ganlyniad i’w phoblogrwydd, cafodd yr adeilad yma eu hymestyn sawl gwaith, gan gynnwys yr ystafell darllen yn 1884 ac 1894, a’r ychwanegiad o’r oriel a’r twr gloch yn 1885. Wrth i fasnach lleihau yn nociau Caerdydd, fe wnaeth poblogrwydd yr eglwys lleihau hefyd. Fewnaeth y Genhadaeth gadael yr eglwys yn 1959, a chafodd yr eglwys ei rhenti i’r Ffederasiwn Lwtheraidd Byd-eang. Parhaodd y cymunedau Norwyaidd, Almaenwyr, ac Estonaidd Caerdydd i ddefnyddio’r eglwys nes iddi gloi yn 1974. Cafodd yr adeilad ei thynnu lawr a’i storio yn 1987. Dechreuodd ail-adeiladiad yr eglwys yn ei safle presennol yn 1991, ac agorodd yn 1992 fel y Ganolfan Celfyddydau’r Eglwys Norwy. Cafodd yr eglwys ei adnewyddu rhwng 2010 a 2011. English: The Norwegian Seamen’s Mission established their fourth church here in Cardiff Bay in 1866. In 1868, a purpose-built building was built at the original site between East and West Bute Docks. The popularity of the church saw it extended several times, including the reading room in both 1884 and 1894, and the addition of a gallery and bell tower in 1885. As the trade in the Cardiff docks declined, so did the popularity of the church. The Mission left the church in 1959, and the church building was rented to the Lutheran World Federation. The Norwegian, German, and Estonian communities in Cardiff continued to use the church until it closed in 1974, and in 1987 it was dismantled and put into storage. The rebuilding of the church at its current site began in 1991, and it reopened the following year as the Norwegian Church Arts Centre. This building was refurbished between 2010 and 2011. Norsk: Den norske sjømannskirken åpnet sin fjerde kirke her i Cardiff bukta i 1866. I 1868 ble et eget kirkebygg innviet på den originale plassen mellom East og West Bute Docks. Grunnet kirkens popularitet ble den utvidet mange ganger, leserommet ble for eksempel utvidet i 1884 og 1894, og galleriet og klokketårnet ble lagt til i 1885. Da handelstrafikken i havnene i Cardiff gikk ned, gikk også populariteten til kirken ned. Sjømannskirken forlot kirken i 1959, og bygget ble leid ut til det lutherske verdensforbund. Lokale nordmenn, tyskere, og estlendere fortsatte å bruke kirken fram til den stengte i 1974, og i 1987 ble kirken tatt ned og satt på lager. Gjenreisingen av kirken på dens nåværende plass begynte i 1991, og den ble åpnet igjen det følgende året som Norwegian Church Arts Centre. Denne bygningen ble renovert mellom 2010 og 2011.

The different colours of the church Cymraeg: Fel y gwelwch yma, nid gwyn oedd lliw’r Eglwys Norwyaidd yng Nghaerdydd fel y mai heddiw. Yn ystod yr Ail Ryfel Byd, cafodd yr eglwys ei phaentio’n wyrdd tywyll er mwyn osgoi bomwyr Almaenaidd. Cafodd yr eglwys Norwyaidd yn Abertawe ei phaentio’n wyrdd hefyd. Gwyrdd oedd lliw’r eglwys yma nes 1950, pan gafodd yr adeilad ei phaentio’n llwyd gan ddefnyddio paent o long Norywaidd oedd yng Nghaerdydd ar y pryd. Yn 1964, cafodd yr eglwys paentio’n wyn fel y gwelwch heddiw. English: The Norwegian Church in Cardiff has not always been white as it is today. During WWII the church was painted dark green, which made it harder to spot for German bombers. The church remained in this colour until 1950 when it was painted grey using paint provided by a Norwegian ship that was in Cardiff. In 1964, it was painted white, which is the colour we see it in today. Norsk: Den gamle sjømannskirken i Cardiff har ikke alltid vært hvit som den er i dag. I andre verdenskrig var kirken malt mørkegrønn, så den var vanskeligere å oppdage for tyske bombefly. Kirken hadde denne fargen frem til 1950 da den ble malt grå, med maling gitt av et norsk skip som var innom Cardiff. I 1964 ble kirken malt hvit som er den fargen den har nå.

Cymraeg: Llyfrgell, yn Eglwysi y Mowrwyr Norwyaidd, fel arfer roedd ystafell darllen lle gallai ymwelwyr dod i ddarllen llenyddiaeth Norwyaidd. Dyma gyfle i ni arddangos llyfrau Norwyaidd sydd yn cael eu cadw yn yr elgwys nawr. English: Library, in Norwegian Seamen's Churches, there were reading rooms where visitors could read Norwegian literature. This display shows some of the books held at the church now. Norsk: Bibliotek, i norske sjømannskirker var det lesesaler hvor besøkende kunne lese norsk litteratur. Denne ustillingen viser noen av de norske bøkene som finnes i kirken nå.

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