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'Both/And' Leadership

The Financial Proposal

The Lean-Agile Mindset

The Lean-Agile LeaderLeading Self

The Lean-Agile LeaderInterpersonal Leadership

The Lean-Agile LeaderOrganisational Leadership

The Lean-Agile LeaderStrategic Leadership

Core Modules


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How Good Leaders Communicate

You Want It By When?!

How to Be a Goal Setter & a Goal Getter

How to Develop a Superteam

You Want It Done. You Don't Have To Do It Yourself.

Click on any thumbnail to find out more

3hOne f2f workshop plus eLearning

3hOne f2f workshop plus eLearning

3hOne f2f workshop (or live webinar) plus eLearning

The Business Case



3hOne f2f workshop plus eLearning

3hOne f2f workshop plus eLearning

3hOne f2f workshop plus eLearning

Changing Leadership GearsInfluential leaders routinely shift between two seemingly opposing modes. Learn when to take charge and when to get out of the way! Learn how to build teams good at switching back and forth.Reconciling Opposite Leadership TraitsHow to be a Strategic Executor, a Tech-savvy Humanist, a High-integrity Diplomat, a Humble Hero, a Globally-minded Localist, or a Traditioned Innovator?Thinking Fast and SlowWhat are System-1 and System-2? Learn when and how to engage each system or bypass them. Diagnose your cognitive biases and find out how to outsmart them.

The Lean-Agile Leader'Both/And' Leadership

Duration: 3hDelivery: One f2f workshop plus eLearning

Combining Agility and Continuous Improvement (Kaizen)How can the team retain its passion and momentum while focusing simultaneously on process improvement? What is the most suitable framework? How can we use the methodology to make time for new habits? Learn how Kaizen and Agile can work synergistically with real examples.Creating new team/organisational habits What practices, tools and methods support the establishment of a Lean-Agile mindset in the team? How can we turn them into organisational habits?Building learning into the workflowHow can we make time for the practice of reflection in our teams? How can we lead Kaizen events to build a continuous learning culture based on open and candid feedback?

The Lean-Agile Mindset

Duration: 3hDelivery: One f2f workshop plus eLearning

How to solve the puzzles of:Acting versus reflectingResearch shows the habit of reflection can separate extraordinary professionals from mediocre ones. But how can you make time for self-reflection? Being responsive versus being consistentFew individuals are equally consistent and responsive, just as few are ambidextrous. So how can you hold these traits in balance?Getting in deep when there is so much pressure to do itMost leaders live organisational life as a series of occurences. How can these occurences become valuable experiences?

The Lean-Agile LeaderLeading Self

Duration: 3hDelivery: One live webinar plus eLearning

How to solve the puzzles of:Valuing failures versus discouraging ineffectiveness Creating a culture that simultaneously values learning through failure and rooting out inaptitude is difficult. Learn how to manage the puzzle.Cultivating confidence versus not tolerating complacencyPractising management effectively takes a good deal of confidence. But how about your overconfident team members? They can be even worse. Learn how to walk the tightrope.Delegating when so much info is personal, oral or privilegedLeaders seem damned by the nature of the information they hold to a life of either overwork or frustration. Learn how to relieve this tension.

The Lean-Agile LeaderInterpersonal Leadership

Duration: 3hDelivery: One live webinar plus eLearning

How to solve the puzzles of:Top-down versus All-in leadershipTop-down or all-in? Giving clarity or offering involvement? Fast decisions or swift implementation? Learn how to do both.Collaboration versus individual accountabilityThe avalanche of demands for input or advice or just presence in a meeting causes performance to suffer. Too much teamwork saps productivity. Learn how to avoid collaborative overload.Psychological safety versus brutal honesty Psychological safety is a two-way street. If it's safe for them to criticise your ideas, it should be safe for you to be completely honest with theirs, whether higher or lower in the organisation.

The Lean-Agile LeaderOrganisational Leadership

Duration: 3hDelivery: One live webinar plus eLearning

How to solve the puzzles of:Planning and strategising in a hectic jobCan strategies form without being formulated? Can they emerge through informal learning? Thinking before acting or acting before thinking? Learn how to walk the tightrope.Managing for today versus leading for tomorrowOutlining an inspiring vision or setting specific goals? Thinking big or getting it done? Efficiency or innovation? Bold vision or smart objectives? Learn how to make the best of both worlds.Balancing interconnection versus meeting local needs Unity over diversity or diversity over unity? Building a collective identity and cohesion or shaping an open community? Learn how to create the right balance.

The Lean-Agile LeaderStrategic Leadership

Duration: 3hDelivery: One live webinar plus eLearning

Why We Avoid Feedback: Managers know giving and receiving feedback is valuable, so why do many resist it?Giving Effective Feedback: Feedback is a critical ingredient in fostering learning and high performance on your team. Discover how to make it part of your team’s routine and how to ask for feedback to improve your own performance.Customizing Feedback: Want your employees to really listen to your feedback? Deliver it in the way they’ll receive it best. How can it be tailored to suit personality profiles (DISC)Creating a Supportive Environment: Feedback requires trust. Discover how to create a workplace culture in which the process is supportive, not stressful.Seeking Feedback: Effective managers know they must receive feedback—not just give it. Learn how to use feedback to enhance your own performance.

Feedback is a critical ingredient in fostering learning and high performance on your team. Discover how to make it part of your team’s routine and how to ask for feedback to improve your own performance.

Thanks For The Feedback!

Duration: 4hDelivery: Two live webinars, (2h each) plus eLearning

Why Set Goals? Goal setting helps you decide how to focus your resources and spend your time. Learn how to set the right goals that boost your and your team’s performance.Set Goals Your goals directly affect your organization, group, and success. Learn how to define the highest-potential goals for your group, employees, and yourself.Get GoalsWhen you lead your team in taking steps to accomplish goals, you create a culture of achievement. Learn how to keep yourself and your team on track and avoid potential pitfalls in reaching goals.Evaluate GoalsReaching a goal is not the end of the process. Learn why evaluating your goals and capturing lessons learned can be just as important as accomplishing goals.

Goal setting is a powerful skill that directly relates to success. When goal setting is done well, it rallies teams around the most impactful things to achieve a shared dream. It leads to better outcomes, higher engagement and more vital trust between groups.

How to Be a Goal Setter and a Goal Getter

Duration: 4hDelivery: Two live webinars, (2h each) plus eLearning

Become an adaptive listenerWe spend more than half our workday listening to other people. But are we any good at it? Learn how to uncover your Default Listening Style.Understand their communication modesDifferent people respond best to specific communication modes that good communicators can use. Prepare your messageWhat are you trying to achieve? Learn to look for any underlying biases affecting your view and the message you are trying to convey.ResonateStructure your messages. Learn about misunderstood and misused words.CaptivateLearn how to zoom in on what you say and how you say it.Leverage your personality and presence to create a memorable impression.

Clear communication is critical to business and personal success but is often fraught with difficulties. Learn the essential elements of the communication process and principles that will help you improve your communication skills, both as a ‘sender’ (the speaker or writer) and a ‘receiver’ (the listener or reader) of messages.

How Good Leaders Communicate

Duration: 4hDelivery: Two live webinars, (2h each) plus eLearning

Compile a listLearn how to create a list of the decisions likely to arise in coming months, without regard for their significance - everything from significant investments to promotions to when to hold the next all-hands meeting.Use a point systemUnderstand the characteristics of the tasks and learn how to use a point system to score them.Sort them into three categories.Learn how to categorise your tasks into three categories, each requiring a different type of decision-making.Understand the timingUnderstanding where to focus and when is one of the most essential things a senior team can do. Creating and managing a decision agenda is one of the fastest and most efficient ways.

Leaders often pride themselves on their ability to deal with an onslaught of decisions. But they often make rapid-fire calls on big and small issues and waste their time. Learn an approach that treats decisions as a deliberately structured workstream.

You Want It By When?!

Duration: 4hDelivery: Two live webinars, (2h each) plus eLearning

(Re-)designing the teamWhat is the Belbin team role profile of your team? What actions can you take to balance your team? How can you create high-performance teams by tweaking team composition?Developing the teamHow can you diagnose the stage of development of your team? How can you adjust your leadership style to move your squad fast to the performing stage?Troubleshooting the teamHow can you identify your team's dysfunctions by name? How can you be on the lookout for them and address their root causes? How can you use practical tools that help improve critical teamwork fundamentals?Leading the teamHow can you develop team alignment, capability and empowerment? How can you effectively lead virtual and hybrid teams?

Good leadership is vital to team performance. So, how can you increase your team’s productivity without causing burnout? Learn tips for prioritizing work, simplifying processes, right-sizing your team, and making joint decisions.

How to Develop A Superteam

Duration: 4hDelivery: Two live webinars, (2h each) plus eLearning

Identifying the activity to be delegatedLearn how to be clear about what you want to delegate.Identifying the right personLearn not to be too one-dimensional when selecting the right person for the job.Negotiating the delegated activityDelegation works best when the person taking on the activity fully understands what is required and is enthusiastic and willing to do it. Confirm the extent of responsibility and authorityLearn how to use the empowerment matrix and the seven levels of delegationMale it happenSubject to the agreed terms of reference, the routes by which delegates achieve what is required are up to them. Learn how to get out of the way.

Delegation is a vital management skill, but some managers do not delegate effectively. The key is to make sure that you delegate, but without either abdicating responsibility on the one hand or interfering on the other.

You Want It Done. You Don't Have To Do It Yourself.

Duration: 4hDelivery: Two live webinars, (2h each) plus eLearning

TAOLIN is a London-based, award-winninglearning and technology company specializing in leadership development through blended learning

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The Business Case Behind the Programme

The results of last year's 360 review of the Heads & Directors of Kaizen Gaming suggest a potential organisational capability deficit in Operating Acumen and Continuous Improvement. This finding is persistent and aligns with our own independent assessment of part of the Talent Pool (Team Leaders & Individual Contributors) through the Leadership Bootcamp we ran in the first quarter of 2023.To address this issue, we designed a development programme for the organisation's senior leaders centred around a single theme: 'Agile Lean Leadership' (a more fitting title could also be 'Kaizen Agility'). The programme aims to introduce lean process thinking and combine it with agility to remove potential barriers to business growth. We aim to help place the company firmly onto the top right quartile (McKinsey's Organisational Health Index) by cultivating new skills and mindsets.The central tenet of the programme is the maintenance of the unique culture of Kaizen Gaming; with that in mind, we introduce the idea of 'Both/And' Leadership, strengthening your leaders with complementary skills and guiding them when and how to change leadership gears. We will deliver the programme in a blended format, including in-person workshops, live webinars, eLearning, business simulations, etc...

Terms & Financials

DeliveryYour total investment is €79,750 for six modules and seventy-five people, based on the descriptions highlighted above. Each module is delivered in a blended format, including either a f2f half-day workshop or a 180' live webinar and concurrent eLearning, including reporting and gamification; five Groups of fifteen learners each.Adding a simulationIf an online simulation on Lean-Agile is added, the cost becomes €94,750



Addtional sessionsFurther costs will apply in the event of additional events or additional learners, as per the below.

  • Full-day, in-person workshop: €3,200
  • Half-day in-person workshop: €1,600
  • 180' live webinar: €1,320
  • 120' live webinar: €1,000
  • Digital fee for additional learner per module: €83
Payment Thirty (30) Days Net Instalments Three(3) equal instalments,Cancellations
  • Charges for cancellations (including postponement):
  • Over 30 days prior to a Live Session: No cancellation fee
  • 15-29 days prior to a Live Session: 50% cancellation fee
  • Less than 14 days prior to a Live Session: 100% cancellation fee
Offer ValidityThe offer is valid for ten days (10)


DeliveryYour total investment for one module is €3,245 based on the descriptions highlighted above. Each module is delivered in a blended format, including two live 120' webinars and concurrent eLearning, including reporting and gamification. Groups of fifteen learners each.