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Health and wellness

Body size and proportion

Fine motor skills

Gross motor skills

Sensory development

Brain maturation

Physical Development in Childhood

Physical development in children is closely connected to the brain as the development of motor skills and coordination relies on the growth and maturation of the brain. The brain plays a crucial role in controlling and coordinating movement, and as the brain develops, children are able to master more complex physical skills.

Brain Maturation

Sensory development

This includes the development of the five senses - sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell - and the ability to integrate information from multiple senses. Infants are born with basic sensory abilities that improve over time as they gain more experience and practice.

Gross motor skills

These are the large muscle movements that enable children to crawl, walk, run, jump, and play sports. Gross motor skills develop gradually over time, with infants first learning to control their head and neck movements before progressing to more complex movements like rolling, crawling, and walking.

These are the smaller muscle movements that enable children to perform more precise tasks like grasping and manipulating objects, writing, and using scissors. Fine motor skills develop gradually over time, with infants first learning to grasp objects with their hands and progressing to more complex skills like buttoning clothes and tying shoes.

Fine Motor skills

Children's bodies change in size and proportion as they grow, with changes in height, weight, and body composition. These changes are influenced by genetics, nutrition, and physical activity.

Body size and proportion

Children's physical development is closely tied to their overall health and wellness. Factors like nutrition, exercise, sleep, and access to medical care can all affect children's physical development and overall well-being.

Health and wellness