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A Governess's Diary 1875



Which quotation shows the speaker as enjoying teaching?

'when I see their young eyes light up'

Question 1/10

'modelling the highest standards'

'Food tastes much better in company'

Which quotation shows who she is teaching?

Question 2/10

'unable to reprimand their behaviour'

'Adela barely listened...Abel was not much better'

'overworked scullery maid'

Which quotation shows that the speaker is unhappy and constrained in her job?

'I cannot achieve this if I cannot reprimand them'

Question 3/10

'teaching the children reading, writing and arithmetic'

'the older they’ve become, the more devious they’ve turned.'

Which quotation shows the speaker as having to teach in many areas?

Question 4/10

'always the first to rise and last to sleep. '

'My position as governess prevents me from ever lowering my guard...'

'to paint, sing, play the piano, speak French and dance'

Which quotation shows the speaker as feeling lonely?

'...disapprove my criticism of her dear children.'

Question 5/10

‘excludes me as far as possible…engaging in family life’

'I fear the children’s mother above all else'

Which quotation shows that the speaker's role as a teacher is on a small scale and more personal with just one family?

Question 6/10

'...reading of holy books...'

'I am excited to leave the monotonous days in this increasingly claustrophobic household...'

'After I wed Eden, I will leave this life behind me.'



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