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The golden age cover the 18th century and it was called also Augustan age. 

In this period there was a rejection about superstition, fanaticism, verbal violence, also the supremacy of the reason brought a better condition for the literate aspect and increase the spread of journalism, essay writings , and novels, above all at the Coffe house.

The woman was considered the angel of the house, she had to stay at home and educate. The only way the women could read was trough circulating libraries.
The golden age
James II
The Restoration and the Augustan Age
Charles II
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The golden age cover the 18th century and it was called also Augustan age. In this period there was a rejection about superstition, fanaticism, verbal violence, also the supremacy of the reason brought a better condition for the literate aspect and increase the spread of journalism, essay writings , and novels, above all at the Coffe house. The woman was considered the angel of the house, she had to stay at home and educate. The only way the women could read was trough circulating libraries.

The golden age

George I


James II



George II



Queen Anne


The Restoration and the Augustan Age


Charles II


Moll Flanders,


Daniel Defoe was born in 1660 into a family of Dissenters and he was educated at Newington Green. He started to write in Whig papers and became a famous intellectual by writing political essay and pamphlets. Then he rejected his Whig ideas and became a secret agent for the new government. When he was about 60, he started to write novels: Robinson Crusoe, Captain Singleton, Moll Flanders, Roxana. Defoe died in 1731. Defoe is regarded as the father of the English novel. His novels are fictional autobiographies. The structure is characterised by series of episodes of a single hero. Defoe used first-person narration and the characters are presented from the inside and usually appear in isolation.

Daniel Defoe

STYLEThe events are described in chronological order, rich in detail, the language is simple and the narration is in the first person.

Man Friday

A dreadful deliverance

I was born of a good family

CHARACTERSRobinson belongs to the middle class. The story begins with an act of transgression because he decided to leave his family and travel around the world and make his fortune.

PLOT Robinson decides to leave his home and travel around the world and make fortune. He became the owner of a plantation and leaves for Africa in search of slaves. During this journey he is shipwrecked on a desert island and in this period he writes a diary. After 12 years he finds a group of cannibals and then decides to attack them; they escape and leave one of their prisoners, whom he calls Friday, At the end Robinson returns to England.

Robinson Crusoe

Realizzato da:Gandolfo Francesca Sagona Sabrina

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