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Alba Casero


Alba Casero 5ºB


- Most of the population were peasants- A few owned their land, but the majority were serfs who had no right.- Some were craftspeople and merchants.


The clergy:

-They were bishops, priests, abbots, monks and nuns.-They carried out religious and cultural activities.-There were churches in every village .- Big monasteries were built.

-They were the knights and ladies.-They live in castles -The king gave them land.-They protected the king and the land. This was called vassalge.

The nobility:

Society:Society in the Christian Kingodm was organised in to three groups:The nobility , The clergy and workers.

what was life likE IN a christian village?

  • The storehouse, the blaksmith's forge, the stables, the chapel and the soldiers'rooms were located here.
  • The nobles and their families lived in the keep, a fortified tower.
  • It consisted of the familly rooms and a banquet room to recive important visitors.
  • The nobles and their families, the soldiers who made up their armies, and the servants all lived in the castle.
  • Medieval castles were fortresses, protected by walls, moats, a drawbridge and towers.
  • The castle has a central courtyard called a parade ground.

life in the castlle

  • The majority of the peasnats lived in small villages.
  • Peasants huts were smal, made of mud, wood and straw.
  • The peasants worked for the nobles or clergy.
  • They ate the crops they grew and wove cloth to make their clothes.
  • Peasants survived on a poor diet and no medicines.
  • They did not live very long.
  • They paid taxes to the king, the Church and the landwonder.
  • There was littke money left for the families.


  • Medieval cities were surrounded by walls. City gates were closed at night.
  • The city was organised into neighbourhoods or boroughs.
  • Merchants and crafts people were called the bourgeoisie.
  • The city governed by a conducil.
  • The most important buildings were the cathedral the city hall and the palaces of the nobles and rich merchants.
  • Some cities had a university.
  • There were many craft workshops.
  • The important events of the city took place in the main marquet square.

From the 12th century, trade expanded and cities increased in size.

what was life like in a christian city?

  • The merchants traded their products in the main square.
  • Attended trade fairs wherepeople come from to sell their products.

trade and comerce


  • Craftspeople inclued carpenters, weavers, tailors, goldsmiths, etc.
  • There were three categories :
The master, the journeyman and apprentices.

There were many craftspeople in medieval cities. The merchants also lived in the cities and traded their products.

What was medieval trade and comerce like?