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Move forward 3 steps!

Move forwards 2 steps! 2022 pre-away day meal - just after I was made PL!

Move forward 1 step! My PL interview slides:

Enhanced leadership skills - and recognising the importance of delegating/devolving leadership as teams/projects grow. Understanding the balance between democratic leadership, transformative, and more commanding/bureaucratic means my leadership style has evolved to be more situational. Help others: - will enable me to better lead our team towards School and personal goals & achievements - through appropriate stakeholder engagement can empower a vision and enhance team motivation - will empower other project leads to further enhance their own leadership skills through devolved structures - devolved leadership structures provide developmental opportunities for staff at each level

Managing my imposter syndrome This was a big one for me! (which I got on top of surprisingly quickly) Techniques- Reality challenge Reapparaising Adopting more of a growth mind-set Utilising the support available to me effectively Re-direct the energy into something useful that will improve something (in turn, enhancing my confidence) Don't feed the beast! Help others: -Carry this forward by mentoring others (formally and informally) -Being a positive role model to colleagues and students

move backward one step! PL interview slide:

Navigating issues to ensure a coherent team Skills I have developed: listening to others, not making assumptions, seeing things from others' perspective, communicating Helping others: Supporting managers with navigating challenging situations with reportees School culture - discussed at management away days Identified need for staff empowerment on modules

Go Back One!

A small success! Secured an external examiner position at London Met - will help me with supporting the School in quality assurance

A small success! Supported the graduate attribute task group, working with senior colleagues and stakeholder engagement. Developed strong understanding of embedding of GAs, and the process of transferring old to new. Wrote the student-facing page: https://arden.ac.uk/student-life/graduate-attributes Contributed to staff-training video. Will be useful when our programmes come to review and graduate attributes need updating on MDFs ad modules Blended and Online Distance Learning Courses | Arden UniversityWe want you to thrive and succeed as an Arden graduate. In the world of work, there is a growing demand for a highly skilled workforce that is...Arden

Move forward one

Up-skilling in digital learning and digital tools -PGCert digital education -Digifest -Linkedin Learning -Immersive Learning -Co-chair of the digital innovation cross-institutional special interest group help others: -Teaching and digital innovation focus area as DHoS > supporting CPD of others -Enhance the student experience -Enhance student progression through innovation in assessment (e.g. immersive tech) -Share good practice cross-institutionally through the SIG -Being a positive role model to the team (through completing PgCert)

Go forwards 2! The best work breaks are cuddle breaks!

Small success! Developed in-depth knowledge of recruitment processes, having played a key role in recruitment of ~ 20 associate lecturers, and increase in PAYE team from 44 to nearly 75, including 2 new PLs, senior admin, 4 SLs (+ 1 pending) helping others: Supporting a project to enhance/streamline/improve recruitment processes, and embedding more inclusivity into the process. This will take pressure of staff who support with interviews, our talent acquisition partner, and make the recruitment process more equitable and enjoyable for neurodiverse candidates

Small success! Learning about budgeting, and supporting HoS Recognised training needs, and have an upcoming training session around this. Helping others: Will allow me to support HoS more effectively, and continue learning about the operational aspects of a School

go back one!

Move forward 2! At conference with Shaz in Maastricht where I presented some research (World Fed Neuropsychology Rehab) Closing the door gently on the neurorehab world and committing to organisation & leadership - felt refreshing

Move forward 1! But here's a pic I love to make you laugh, from my strategy day with Sophie (well, post-strategy day)

The POWER of effective team work - not just in performance and productivity but in terms of job satisfaction and well-being helping others: Encouraging more collaboration Scaffolding activities that embed sense of belonging e.g. upcoming L4 strategy day, Away day with team-build focus

Move backwards one step! The amazing Digest where I learned about different ed tech, networked, and spent some time with the fab Liz Ellis

Move forward 1! My office buddy - has a key role in strategic decision making. His input is invaluable.

SFHEA Applying for and securing SFHEA status allowed me to reflect and further my knowledge of the UKPSF (in particular as they relate at the senior level). This includes integration of theory and reflection to enhance practice. I found this especially useful to develop my leadership and mentoring/coaching. Helping others: Now mentoring SFHEA applicants (with mixed success!) Improved my leadership/mentoring/coaching > better line manager for my reportees, helping them to develop and overcome barriers

Move forward 2 steps! SFHEA Writing retreat (evening) - where I wrote the entirety of my SFHEA application!

Move forward one step! Summer graduation 2022 - following successful PL interview

University level impact and promoting it Through many projects and initiatives (e.g. AWG) I have learned about how the university operates and how to contribute to cross-institutional impact. I have worked with the AWG, and have wrote papers for LTAC to share good practice of the professional development opportunities in the School. I have also presented at all colleague call and academic briefing to promote the work. Through this, I have also began to develop relationships with senior staff across the university. Helping others: -mentoring others -impact can benefit students at scale (e.g. enhancing marking procedures, transparency in marking)

Go back one! Evening after our last School away day

Move forward one! DHoS' bowling after the academic forum. Team bonding!

Enhanced skills in - Developing and evaluating strategic interventions e.g. student progression strategy (in progress), Evaluating existing interventions (and aligning to strategy) Thinking big picture, logistically, thinking of steps and timelines, getting together a team... Helping others: Supporting the SLT

Tiny tiny win Learned (even more) the importance of thinking about productivity and not time spent working . And even when really busy, active breaks and weekends are off important. STRESS + REST = GROWTH Helping others: embedding this in School culture (Peak performance lit) --- BUT need to emphasise prioritisation

Go forwards one! Post management away day dinner

Managing difficult situations/conversations with individual staff (including reportees) e.g. performance issues, and more recently improper behaviour leading to termination of associate contract Have learned: need to keep thorough record, ensure processes and protocols are followed, be compassionate but assertive. Sometimes having difficult conversations is kindness, as it gives people a chance to change. PIP process Helping others: Now feel more comfortable in supporting staff through issues, and supporting other staff to go through difficult conversations.

More forward one space strategy strategy strategy

CATE application, and academic briefing Reflecting and aligning the work to nationwide standards of collaboration - reach, value, impact. Useful to think of the future of the schemes (i.e. embedding, rather than 'an extra')

Factors (and teams) involved in Launching a programme on BL! e.g. effective PTL, a process of working and Teams site, marketing, authors of SMEs, centre staff Helping others: identifying areas where current process of working falls short > recruit, level leads, SLs in centre, integration of BL and DL, re-think marking allocation process

Develop greater understanding of progression and continuation at a wider level e.g. problem mainly at L4, not related to demographic within our School, wide-spread across the university and sector. Other universities introducing micro-credentials to tackle the issue. Related to wider issues such as non-standard entry, 'hidden curriculum', inclusion - structural barriers in place to mitigate? Complex, multi-faceted issue helping others: inform strategy to support students support the School, faculty, university with KPIs

go forwards one! Celebrating my PL success at Goodwood FOS

Reflection skills Reflecting on my practice - leadership, strategy, project work/managment Recognising how to do things better in future, recognising what I did well, being open and receptive to feedback. Reflecting on the 'chess game' that is leading a School (and how that sits in the even bigger chess game that is Arden, and the sector), using this to inform best ways forward e.g. delaying MSc applied neuroscience course helping others: Enhancing student experience, supporting colleagues through increasing efficiency in meaningful work, being a better leader to others (and hopefully someone who people like to work with work with)

Fast-forward to finish!

Fast-forward to Finish!