Want to create interactive content? It’s easy in Genially!

Over 30 million people create interactive content in Genially.

Check out what others have designed:




Reminders, Tips, and tricks


Starting your year with canvas


How to embed a website

How to add canva to an assignment

How to synch grades to skyward

Kami and canvas

how to create group assignments

How to migrate classic quiz to new quiz

How to convert test bank to item bank

How to import courses

How to Cross-list courses

How to create Banners & Buttons


Create a template in Google Drawings Banner- 800 X 225 pixels Buttons- 175 X 175 pixels Save your images to your desktop


Set your inner creative superhero free!

How to create banners and buttons



How to cross-list courses


+Addtional info

How to import course(s)


How to Create groups & assignments


Click the Courses in the Navigation bar, then click the name of the course that contains the quiz you want to migrate.




To migrate a quiz, click on the 3 dots to the right of the quiz you want to migrate and select "Migrate"

Once migrated, the quiz displays a New Quiz icon (solid rocket). To open your quiz, click the name of the quiz

Click on the quizzes link

How to Migrate Classic Quiz to New quiz

How to convert test bank to item bank


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Name Surname

How to synch grades with skyward

  1. Log into your Canvas account.
  2. Go to the Courses tab and select the course where you want to share your design with.
  3. Select Assignments and then the + Assignment button.
  4. Add assignment details (e.g. title, instructions, due date, etc.).
  5. Click on the App or plug icon and select Canva for Education.
  6. Select the design you’ve already created or create a new one. If you created a new design, make sure to press Publish to Canvas once done.
  7. In the submission type section, select Online and tick Website URL.
  8. Click on Save & Publish to finish setting up the assignment. Students will see the assignment in their Canvas account.

How to add Canva to an assignment

step 4

step 3

step 2

step 1

In the code, replace Paste URL HERE (though not the quotes), with the website you would like to embed in the page. BONUS: You can adjust the height and the width of the website in the HTML editor.


Paste the code below into the html editor <p><iframe src="PASTE URL HERE" width="600" height="3200" style="overflow: hidden;"></iframe></p>

Open the HTML editor, it looks like this ---> </>

Open the website that you would like to share. In another tab, open the Canvas Rich Content Editor Hint: RCE is available in Pages, Assignments, or Discussions

How to embed a website