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01 effect on working class

02 middle class

The World Economic Forum estimates that by 2025, technology will create at least 12 million more jobs than it destroys, a sign that in the long run, automation will be a net positive for society (Nunes).

03 Job creation

White collar jobs

Manual Laborers





How does automation effect those in the middle and working class?

The Impact of Automation have on employment

Human doctors are inferior to machines due to human emotion and tiredness. Machines can perform faster and more precisely than humans. Machines are also able to exchange medical history and experience with each other across the world.

Many artists would not survive automation with mass production becoming cheaper and safer.

Automation can do most if not all manual labor like transportation better and faster than humans, and they are not yet developing.

Repeating tasks done by white-collar workers are also replaceable by bots.

The lawyers' job is to determine current cases by looking at past ones. Humans may mess up on This long and tedious process due to carelessness or tiredness. Machines can do this faster and more precisely, making them better lawyers.

With white-collar jobs being "more expensive and more numerous - the incentive to automate their jobs is greater than low-skilled work" (Grey 7:40). White-collar jobs repeat similar tasks every day making their jobs easily replaceable by bots. AI is able to work much longer for a lower price. The demand for human mental labor is going down.

"Humans are about a third of their total cost for many transportation companies. That's just their straight salaries cost" (Grey 6:30). Machins are able to do these human jobs better, faster, and more cost-effective. They won't need rest or get injured. Although they many not be able to make no mistake all the time, they don't need to be perfect, only better than humans.

AI arts have developed to the point where they are becoming indistinguishable when compared to human arts. AI is able to create faster and better and many times to the average people, they only need something good rather than something famous. Art is a profession dependent on popularity resulting in only a minority of people able to survive automation.



It is still possible for people to adjust to automation with help from others.

Adaption to automation

Actions needed by workers to adapt

Effects on current workers

Effect on individual workers

Pros of automaiton

Working class effected the most while the upper class having little to no effect

Percent of jobs effected from each class


EX: Fast food workers, Janitors, retail workers


EX: Legislators, machine setters, operators, and tender, education administrators


EX: Refractory materials repairers, astronomers, rail transportation workers

Percent effected


"Paying workers less is a surefire way to boost margins. But this strategy is also risky. Technology does not purge the need for human labor but rather changes the type of labor required. Autonomous does not mean humanless" (Nunes). Human labor is never replaced but is always redirected elsewhere. The economy is constantly expanding and labor is always needed. People simply need to learn new skills to adapt.

"An agricultural company in California that automated its manual fruit packing process. And this company was able to retain 90% of its employees because they train them to operate and maintain the new fruit packing machines" (Locke). Companies are able to save money from hiring new employees by training their current employees to operate new machines. This allowed the company to get experienced workers immediately.

"Take Waymo, the Google-backed startup developing driverless taxis. In recent years, the company's sensor-laden, white minivans have become a common sight in some American suburbs. However, mobility sans driver raises concerns about job loss... take up new jobs created by self-driving technology, gigs like self-driving fleet technicians, rider support operators, and software engineers (Nunes). Oftentimes when old jobs disappear, new jobs are created to take their place. New skill sets are required for them which is why it is hard for people to adapt to automation.

"Krueger found that computer-savvy workers - laborers who worked alongside automation -commanded wage premiums of 10 to 15% more than their computer-illiterate counterparts" (Nunes). Automation increases the value of individual workers and can raise the living standard of human society as a whole.

"Workers can mitigate job loss by gaining a combination of skills needed for what's termed in-demand jobs, or those fastest-growing occupations that are creating jobs. These include skills like active listening, critical thinking, or even technical expertise like maintaining a piece of equipment" (Locke). Workers can stay employed by learning new skills that allow them to adapt to the new work requirements which require more mental work rather than physical. Jobs are shifting towards needing a more educated workforce to fit the more advanced technologies and equipment.

Holzer, Harry J. “Understanding the Impact of Automation on Workers, Jobs, and Wages.” Brookings, 9 Mar. 2022, www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2022/01/19/understanding-the-impact-of-automation-on-workers-jobs-and-wages/. Locke, Dawn. “Which Workers Are the Most Affected by Automation and What Could Help Them Get New Jobs?” U.S. GAO, 23 Jan. 2023, www.gao.gov/blog/which-workers-are-most-affected-automation-and-what-could-help-them-get-new-jobs. Noor. “How Has Automation Affected the Job Market in 2023.” Rav.Ai, 6 Dec. 2022, rav.ai/blog/how-has-automation-affected- the-job-market/. Nunes, Ashely. “Automation Doesn’t Just Create or Destroy Jobs - It Transforms Them.” Harvard Business Review, 2 Nov. 2021, hbr.org/2021/11/automation-doesnt-just-create-or-destroy-jobs-it-transforms-them. Zickuhr, Kathryn. “Exploring the Impact of Automation and New Technologies on the Future of U.S. Workers and Their Families.” Equitable Growth, 17 Dec. 2021, equitablegrowth.org/exploring-the-impact-of-automation-and-new-technologies-on- the-future-of-u-s-workers-and-their-families/."Humansneednotapply."Youtube, uploaded by CGP Grey, 13 August, 2014, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Pq-S557XQU
