3.5 1st Grade Landing
Epic Design Team
Created on May 12, 2023
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Weekly Essential Questions
Topic 3, Lesson 5
Required: Pencil Crayons or Markers Phonics Notebook EpicEd Workbook Journal Recommended: White Board Dry Erase Marker
Checkpoint:Literacy Skills
Topic Wrapup and Optional IXL
Review Game
Pick an activity when youneed to take a fun break!
Brain Breaks
Move & Freeze
Ready for Launch
Wiggle It
Clap it Out
Pick an activity when youneed to take a fun break!
Brain Breaks
Move & Freeze
Ready for Launch
Warm Up:Pledges, Journal, & Songs
What is a main idea? What are supporting details? What is punctuation and how do I use it? How are other cultures like mine? How are they different?
Checkpoint: Spelling and Sight
Wiggle It
Stomp Clap Dance
Ready for Launch
Move & Freeze