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U.S. History STAAR Review

Welcome! Today we will be reviewing the eras of U.S. History. Each era will be represented by a gym leader who you will need to defeat to earn your gym badges and complete the genially.

Civil Rights

Roaring 20's

Gilded Age:

America Becomes a World Power


Cold War

Great Depression

Modern Era

Gilded Age During the Gilded Age, the United States experienced high immigration and urbanization (growth of cities) as our economy shifted from agriculture (farming) to manufacturing (factories) in a process called industrialization. However, while with that economic growth came many problems. Wealthy industrialists exploited the labor force (workers) with low wages and dangerous working conditions. The laissez faire (hands off) government contributed to the growth of monopolies. The rapid growth of cities led to issues like poor sanitation, high crime, poverty, and the spread of disease. Immigrants faced widespread nativism (anti-immigrant attitudes) and struggled to adjust to their new lives so corrupt urban bosses called Political Machines offered jobs and service exchange for votes but used their government positions for personal gain (graft). Westward Expansion Meanwhile the United States was also undergoing Westward Expansion as many Americans traveled to the West in pursuit of free land offered under the Homestead Act. Some sought their fortune in the cattle industry until the development of barbed wire brought about an end to the Cattle Boom. Others became miners seeking precious minerals during the Gold Rush. The development of the Transcontinental Railroad connected major cities and helped transport goods and raw materials. As Americans traveled Westward, they attempted to assimilate (make them adopt our culture) Native Americans with laws like the Dawes Act which unsuccessfully divided up their lands for farming.

Progressive Era The Progressive Era was characterized by reform. Writers and journalists called Muckrakers exposed many of the issues in society which created public outcry and demand for new legislation. For example, Upton Sinclair's novel, The Jungle, exposed the unsanitary conditions of the meatpacking industry which led to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act as well as the Federal Meat Inspection Act. Other reformers included Jane Addams who established the first settlement house called the Hull House to help impoverished immigrants. African American reformers like WEB DuBois and Booker T Washington fought for equal rights. W.E.B. DuBois was the founder of National Association for the Advancement for Colored People while Booker T Washington established the Tuskegee Institute. The Populist Party was formed by farmers and industrial workers and called for reforms including the free coinage of silver. Although they didn't win the presidential election, many of the reforms they supported such as the direct election of senators and secret ballot were eventually adopted by the Democratic Party and implemented years later.

Which of the following would have supported the free coinage of silver?





American Expansion During the era of American expansion, the United States expanded its naval power under the advice of Alfred Thayer Mahan and ultimately proved itself as a world power in two major military conflicts, starting with the Spanish American War in 1898 and finishing the era with an allied victory in World War I. When the Cuban war for independence from Spain began to threaten U.S. business interests, many Americans called for U.S. involvement but the primary causes of the Spanish American War were ultimately the publication of the De Lome letter which criticized President McKinley, the Sinking of the Maine which many blamed on Spain, and exaggerated/sensationalized news reporting called Yellow Journalism. Described as a "splendid little war," the Spanish American War yielded significant gains for the United States as the nation acquired territories in Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines as a result of its victory.

When World War I broke out in Europe as a result of a volatile combination of militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism, and ultimately, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand,the U.S. initially remained neutral. However, after unrestricted German submarine warfare began to lead to American casualties following the sinking of the Lusitania, Americans once again called for war. These calls were intensified after the publication of the Zimmerman Telegram which revealed a proposed military alliance between Germany and Mexico. Despite years of stalemate caused by Trench Warfare, the American Expeditionary Forces led by John J. Pershing were able to help bring about an allied victory. Although President Wilson tried to create lasting peace with his Fourteen Points which called for international cooperation, Europe ultimately signed the Treaty of Versailles which put the blame and harsh penalties and reparations for the war on Germany, creating the conditions that would ultimately contribute to World War II in the 1940s. Although an international peacekeeping organization called the League of Nations was formed under Wilson's suggestion, the United States refused to join due to fears of being drawn into another foreign conflict.

Which of the following was NOT acquired by the U.S. during this era?



Puerto Rico


16th Amendment

18th Amendment

17th Amendment

19th Amendment

Which ofthe following amendments is associated with Prohibition?

Great Society

Upward Bound

Social Security

Head Start

Which legislation provides an income for retired Americans?

Spanish American War

Wordl War II

World War I

Vietnam War

Which of the following is associated with Trench Warfare?

Freedom Summer

Freedom Rides


March on Washington

Which was a protest against segregated interstate travel?

Open Door Policy

Big Stick Diplomacy

Chinese Exclusion Act

Truman Doctrine

Which of the following is associated with the policy of containment?

Persian Gulf War

War in Afghanistan

War in Iraq

Marines in Lebanon

Which of the following was a response to the attacks on 9/11?