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Calabrio Logging an Absence

1. Part Day AbsenceThis will be when someone leaves part way through their shift.

3. Long Term AbsenceThis will be someone reporting their absence for a week or longer.

2. Full Day Absence This will be used if someone has called to advise they will not be in for their shift.

You have 3 options when logging an absence.

2. If you are logging an absence for someone who is not in your group, you will need to remove your group default.

1. Firstly select Schedules.

1. Logging a Part Day Absence.

Logging a Part Day Absence.

3. Once selected, the box above the persons name will display dropdown options available to you.

2. Click on the box to the left of the persons name to highlight for action.

1. Enter the name (or part name) of the employee you are logging as absent.


+ in

You will then see the absence added in red.


Logging a Part Day Absence.

4. Hit save to complete.

2. Choose Absence/Sickness

1. Select part day absence.

3. Select the correct timings

+ in

If you have left the page and you notice the log is incorrect, you will need to email People Planning for them to amend.

Before you leave the page, ensure you have selected the correct date and time, as it will NOT allow you to UNDO if you have left the page. If you are still on the below view and you have spotted an error, select UNDO and it will delete the entry and you can start again.


The same rules apply with UNDO. Don't leave this page until you have checked it is correct - spot an error, click UNDO and re-start.If you have left the page, you will need to reach out to People Planning.

2. Then hit save. There is no requirement to adjust the timings.

1. Check the date is correct.

2. Logging a Full Day Absence.

Long term absence is when you are logging an absence which is a week or longer. If you know the block of dates in advance you can use the 'week' option. Watch the video for a quick demostration.

3. Logging long term absence.

If you have any questions, head to your DTM.

Thank you for taking part in this e-learning!