Want to make creations as awesome as this one?




1. If my aunt comes to visit, she .......................... (give) us a present. 2 If it doesn’t rain, we .......................... (go) to the beach. 3 If it .......................... (snow) tonight, we will make a snowman tomorrow. 4 If you don’t try, you .......................... (not succeed). 5 If you .......................... (bring) the sandwiches for the picnic, I will bring the drinks.

  • wont succeed
  • succeed
  • will succeed
  • succeeding

  • bring
  • brings
  • bringing
  • will bring

  • will go
  • go
  • won't go
  • oes

  • snows
  • snowing
  • will snow
  • snow

  • will give
  • gives
  • won't give
  • give


Title 2




1 If we ...................... (go) to London, we ...................... (visit) my friend George. 2 If she ...................... (do) well in her exams, my sister ...................... (go) to university. 3 Jenny ...................... (not eat) supper if she ...................... (eat) all that ice cream. 4 My brother ...................... (drive) us to the cinema if we ...................... (ask) him. 5 Uncle Tim ...................... (phone) us if he ...................... (want) to come with us