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Hourly Hiring


+ About Fountain

Fountain is the Labor ATS for high-volume hiring. Use Fountain to get applicants to their first day of work with an ATS designed for the hourly worker. Learn more at Fountain.com

Fountain for Hiring

UPS is partnering with Fountain to make hiring faster, and easier. Keep reading to learn more!

Modern UI

Focuses on a mobile-first design.


Applicants move themselves through the hiring process.


Make changes to consistently improve hiring.

See how UPS is using Fountain

UPS with Fountain

In 2023, 60.06% of all web traffic came through mobile phones. In a mobile-first world, reach your applicants where they are.

Openings are equipped with rules that automate the process for applicants. An applicant can move all the way to a conditional job offer without ever requiring a manual step from a recruiter.

Hiring needs are constantly evolving. Easily make configuration updates with minimal administrative effort to ensure an optimal hiring process.