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Homework Grading Guidance

Systems Engineering for Space

Questions & Instructor Support

Late Policy

Due Dates

Submission GUidelines

Viewing Feedback

Helpfful Tips

Due Dates

  • Homework Assignments, Quizzes, Discussion Posts, and Project Deliverables are due at Midnight EST on Mondays.
  • Solution Sets will be released 48 Hours after the initial assignment due date.
  • For specific due dates, please review the Course Outline or the calendar on Canvas.

Late Policy

  • With the goal of providing flexibility for students with unusual work or personal commitments, each student will be allowed to submit two (2) assignments up to 48 hours late with no late penalty applied. Prior notification to the instructors is not required.
  • Any assignment not submitted within 48 hours of the time it is due will receive a zero.
  • After 2 late submissions, all future submissions must be on time or the student will receive a zero.
  • Exceptions: Exceptions to the Late Policy may be allowed in certain situations on a case-by-case basis. Students must request pre-approval from the instructors in advance via email.

Questions & Instructor Support

  • You can post general questions about the Homework Assignments in the specific Homework # Q&A forum in Canvas.
  • You can post questions you wish to have addressed during office hours to the Office Hours - Requested Topics board.
  • You can post general questions about the Team Project in the General Team Project Q&A Forum.
  • For questions related to a specific Team Project Interim Deliverable, you can post in the corresponding Interim Deliverable Q&A Forum.
  • If you have any questions about the content or technical aspects of the Homework Assignments or solutions, please send an email to all instructors Will Devereux (will.devereux@jhu.edu), Richard Anderson (rich.anderson@jhu.edu), and Alexa Valdez (alexa.valdez@jhu.edu).

Helpful Tips

  • Start early – give yourself and the instructors more time for questions and feedback.
  • Review the Homework # Q&A discussion forums – Other students might have similar questions or provide insights useful to you. The instructors will also engage in the discussion forums to provide guidance and clarification.
  • Attend Office Hours – Office Hours is your time to ask the instructors questions and engage with your peers. If you are unable to attend, a recording will be available.
  • Always submit something – partial credit is far better than no credit.
  • Read the solution set – find out where errors were made and learn how to improve for the future. You might also find helpful information for your current assignment in a previous solution set.

Viewing Feedback

  • Scoring and feedback for individual assignments and weekly Team Project Deliverables will typically be released the Saturday following the due date.
  • In the Course Navigation, click the Grades link. Locate and click on the assignment of interest.
  • All assignments/project deliverables for this course include rubrics. Your grader/instructor may leave comments directly in the rubric. The Show Rubric link displays an indicator if comments have been added in the rubric.
  • The View Feedback link displays an indicator if annotations/annotated comments have been added directly within your assignment.
  • Any additional grader/instructor comments added to your submission, as well as any comments added by you, will appear in the Comments portion of the sidebar.
  • We encourage students to read the provided feedback, and review the solution set each week.
If you have questions about grading that are not covered here, please feel free to email Alexa Valdez (alexa.valdez@jhu.edu).

Submission Guidelines

  • Please be sure to use the Submission Templates for all homework submissions.
  • Ensure that all submissions are in PDF format, unless a template of another format is provided.
  • If submitting multiple attachments, please do not submit a Zip file. Canvas allows you to submit multiple attachments to a submission.
  • Messages included with your Canvas submission are only seen by the grader, not the main course instructors.
  • Note that we do not receive notifications for comments left on submissions.