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and Margot
By Clarisse
The first black child to goes in a white elementaty school
Ruby Bridges
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and Margot
By Clarisse


The first black child to goes in a white elementaty school

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Ruby Bridges

She was an Amerian activist known to be the first black child to go to a school for white children in 1960 when school segregation officially ends in United states.


From 1877 to 1964 Jim Crow Laws separated black people and white people. This period was called the segregation. Their homes, churches, schools and social life were segregated. For example, "colored people weren't allowed go in the same public place as whites. They had to use diferents facilities."

In the south of america

Video explaining segregation

Historical context

Ruby Nell Bridges was born on September 8, 1954 in Tylertown (Mississipi).When she was 4 years old, her family moved to New Orléans (Louisiana) in 1960. She went to William Frantz Elementary School in Louisiana.

Her childwood before entering in white school

General information

To go to school, crowd of angry white people rejected her


She moves in Louisiana whith her family


Joins the school for whites (she was the first)


Her birth in Tylertown (Mississipi)

Importants dates

Movie called "Ruby Bridges"
After this:

She went to school alone because white people did not want to send their children to school. Despite this, she continued to come to school every day to learn with the only teacher who wanted to teach her.


The municipality of Aladema (California) opened an elementary school called Ruby Bridges

Step by Step...

The children go back to school for studydespite the presence of Ruby

Important dates

  • The story of Ruby Bridges inspired the painting too.
  • The famous American painter, Norman Rockwell made the painting named : "Our problem to all"
  • It is publised in the "Look" magazine in January 1964 during civil rights movment in the USA.
In a Movie :
  • The history of Ruby Bridges inspired the cinema because Toni Ann Johnson made a film telling her story.
  • He came out the 18 january 1998 in USA.

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"We may not all be equally guilty. But we are all equally responsible for building a decent and just society."

"We have tolerance, respact, and equally in our written laws but not in the heart of some of our people"

"Racism is a grown-up diseases, and we should stop using our kids to spread it. We may not all be equally guilty"

"The greatest lesson I learned that years in Mrs. Henry's class was the lesson Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. tried to teach us all : Never judge people by the color of their skin. God makes each of us unique in ways that go much deeper."

"You cannot look at a person and tell whether they're good or bad"

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