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Fire Pennies Training.

You will then alert the Alarm Response Team of anyone who is unaccounted for, once assembled at the outside assembly point.

You will confirm to the Alarm Response Team that your zone is clear.

You will ensure your zone is clear, including toilets and meeting rooms.

You will make sure teams exit safely and efficiently from the building via the evacuation routes.

In the event of an alarm sounding and the need to evacuate the building, you initiate the evacuation of your zone.

Key Responsibilities

  • Everyone has a duty to take reasonable steps to ensure that they do not place themselves or others at risk or harm
  • Everyone is expected to co-operate fully with any procedure that may be introduced as a measure to protect the safety and wellbeing of each other and our visitors.
  • Everyone should familarise themselves with the instructions about what to do in the event of a fire.
  • Ensure that you are aware of your nearest fire exit and alternative ways of leaving the building in an emergency.
  • If anyone is planning on being away from the office over lunch time or during breaks, they need to ensure that their Team Manager or Team Leader or another team member are aware.

What are my team roles during an evacuation?

Each Firepenny has a Zone. Check out the Zones in this


Zone Map

Hear the alarm in action

Leaving the building

Your main role

If you hear the alarm


Fire Exits are indicated with the markers on the building map.

Fire Exits

The marker on the map indicates where the assembly point is.

Now you have all the tools to be a Firepenny! Click 'Next' to test your knowledge.

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