Task 3 - Definition of intrasectoral and transectoral strategies
Created on April 23, 2023
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Luis Gabriel Yepez AvilaAdminitracion en SaludUnad2023
Urban air pollution
Task 3 - Definition of intrasectoral and transectoral strategies
Esto es un párrafo listo para contener creatividad, experiencias e historias geniales.
Air pollution in Medellín represents one of the greatest environmental risks to human health. Prolonged exposure to polluted air is related to increases in mortality from respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. The Particulate Material made up of particles less than 2.5 microns in diameter (PM2.5) and that made up of particles with a diameter less than 10 microns (PM10) are the pollutants with the greatest presence in open urban environments, and with the greatest effects on the demonstrated health ((World Health Organization)).
determining factors
The main causes of air pollution are related to the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas). The combustion of these raw materials occurs in the processes or in the operation of the industrial and road transport sectors, mainly.
The flu is only the beginning of the consequences
If the particles are larger than 2.5 microns, the conditions they will produce are nasal congestion or upper respiratory tract type, since they can get trapped in the nose hairs that serve as a protective shield.But when they are 2.5 or less than 1 micron, these particles enter the body and travel to the alveoli, in the lungs. Since the exchange of air between the lungs and the blood takes place there... the particles have access to the bloodstream, that is, to the rest of our organs, such as the heart. This in adults means pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases, but in children (the most affected according to Professor Marín Pineda) it can also cause: asthma, low birth weight, premature births, leukemia and otitis.It does not mean that these diseases appear at the same time that a red alert occurs in the city, but rather that many of these diseases appear over time, but we do not imagine that they originate from air pollution.
On the other hand, if we wanted to talk about solutions, we would have to start with the scrapping process, use electric cars (accompanied by economic benefits for those who decide to make the purchase), implement the use of biofuels, integrate electric buses into the transport system (area where Medellín is a pioneer) and above all, to design alternative routes for dump trucks and trucks so that they do not have the need to circulate through the interior of the city.
Prevention or solution for air pollution
We have many entities that are concerned about measuring air quality in Medellín, such as the AMVA with its Medellín Early Warning System and the Aburrá Valley - SIATA, which continuously monitors air quality and is an input for the UPB Environmental Research Group – GIA, which is currently implementing the Comprehensive Plan for Air Quality Management – PIGECA -. But it would also be necessary to include a measurement according to the source that originates it, since the damage caused by a particle that comes from burning sugarcane or a volcano is not the same as that produced by engines that use gasoline. or diesel. It is not the same because they cause different damage to health.
Referencias Bibliograficas
Mesa, C. D. (2021, 8 septiembre). 5 datos sobre contaminación del aire en Medellín. UPB. https://www.upb.edu.co/es/central-blogs/divulgacion-cientifica/contaminacion-aire-medellin#:~:text=Son%20muchos%20los%20responsables%20de%20la%20contaminaci%C3%B3n%20del%20aire&text=A%20su%20vez%20las%20fuentes,%2C%20que%20corresponden%20al%2019%20%25.Atmosférica, C. (2006). Causas de la contaminación del aire. Ecologistas en Acción. https://www.ecologistasenaccion.org/5681/causas-de-la-contaminacion-del-aire/#:~:text=Las%20principales%20causas%20de%20la,del%20transporte%20por%20carretera%2C%20principalmente.