Want to make creations as awesome as this one?

How well are you using marketing tools?


Is your company taking full advantage of marketing tactics?


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Question 1/5



Is my branding consistent across platforms, recognizable, and appealing to clients?

Consistent branding can include colors, logos, and personality that goes across all platforms and material. This distinguishes your company from others, and allows clients to recognize you.


Nice job making your branding consistent across platforms!

Some tips for consistent branding include: 1. Have a mission statement that defines your company 2. Create brand guidelines, including font, colors, and tone of voice, to define the mood of your company 3. Maintain visual uniformity online and offline Want more tips? Get in contact with us to see how we can help!

Question 2/5



Does my website clearly and quickly explain my business/services/products?


Nice job making your website clear and easy to understand!

Besides being updated regularly, your website should be organized in a way that makes it easy for potential/current clients to quickly understand your company and the services/products you provide. Get in touch with us for help on how to improve your website!

Question 3/5



Am I consistently posting content on social media?

Regularly posting interesting content on social media can give current and potential clients the chance to get to know you and your business on a more personal level.

Social Media

Nice job posting consistently on social media!

Creating a consistent and active posting schedule can help with your branding and get your name out to the public. Choose 2-3 days a week where you schedule content ahead of time, and make impromptu posts throughout the week! Looking for more guidance on consistency with social media? Get in touch and we can help!

Question 4/5



Am I creating and sharing engaging content?

Creating content that your clients want to see is a great way to get them to pay attention to you! Engaging content offers something new: a new perspective, an unexpected laugh, bits of knowledge, or something helpful and inspiring.


Nice job posting engaging and interesting content your audience wants to see!

Engaging content offers something new: a new perspective, an unexpected laugh, bits of knowledge, something helpful, inspiring, or entertaining. Using videos and images are a great way to grab your audience's attention (and help get through the algorithm)! Looking for some ideas on how to create engaging content? Get in touch with us for a free brainstorming session!

Question 5/5



Am I actively trying to increase my audience/sales?

Increasing Audience

Nice work actively increasing your audience size and sales!

Trying to reach a wider audience can get more eyes on your company! Promoting on social media, attending community events and exploring new venues are great ways to increase how many people know you. Need more advice on how to increase the size of your audience? Contact us and we can help!

So...how'd you do?

How many 'yeses' did you have?






Needs some work...

Keep working on it!

You're almost there!

Marketing Aficionado!

Excellent job!


You're doing a great job marketing your business!

For a more thorough quiz, check out our digital marketing self-analysis form.


Contact us for a free brainstorming session!