Internal character traits
Fabiana Melo Díaz
Created on March 28, 2023
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prof. Fabiana Melo Diaz creative writing course
Internal character traits
Dear students: In the last weeks we have opened the dialogue to the internal traits of the character of each one of us, I thank you for your participation and interest in the topic throughout the sessions. To close this topic, I would like you to write a personification of the internal traits of each of you. I want you to make a general reflection of how is the vision of each one of you around those internal traits that influence your way of thinking, behavior, way of speaking, among other aspects. For example: What does this internal dialogue I have look like? When I think of the impostor syndrome, how do I see it? Is it a shadow, a person, an animal, or does it have no form? What does that happiness, sadness, anger look like? To do this activity we will spend the first hour of class, the length of this reflection is a minimum of one page. This text will only be read by me, at the end of the class there will be a group reflection of the activity but I will not share any of your personal information.
Structure and organization of ideas Grammar and spelling Vocabulary / Choice of words Closing paragraph Presentation
Aspect to take into account in the reflexion
Socially awkward
Slow to trust
Answer the question Why am I the way I am?
Internal and external characteristics
Answer the question Why am I the way I am?