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Verb to be


El present simple en inglés es el tiempo verbal indicado cuando quieras expresar alguna de las siguientes condiciones:

  1. Dar a conocer acciones o estados permanentes
  2. Comunicar acciones o estados que se repiten en el tiempo
  3. Transmitir rutinas, hechos continuos y que se repiten de forma diaria o con periodicidad determinada.
  4. Dar instrucciones o indicaciones.
  5. Mencionar hechos, compromisos o citas que ocurrirán en el futuro en una hora y día determinados.

Select the correct option.


The cat is cute.

The cat are dangerous

El present simple tiene carácter general y permanente


We use the form "is" of the verb to be to talk about animals in singular form.

Select the correct sentence.


Jonathan and I am friends.

Mitchel and Jane are sisters

¡That's correct!

When we talk about two or more people we use the form "are" of the verb to be.

Select the correct sentence.


She is not at work

They not are at school

¡That's correct!

The correct order for a negative sentence using the verb to be is: Subject + Verb to be + not + Complement

Select the correct sentence.


Am you a psychologist?

Are you a student?

¡That's correct!

The correct order for an interrogative sentence using the verb to be is:Verb to be + Subject + Complement + ?

Select the correct sentence.


He is in danger. Isn't he?

She is angry. Is she?

That's correct!

The correct order for a tag questionsentence using the verb to be is:Affirmative sentence. Verb to be + not + subject + ?Negative sentence. Verb to be + subject + ?

Select the correct sentence.


The book with white pages is new

The book with white pages are new

¡That's correct!

The main subject of the sentence is "The book" not "the white pages".


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