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by Francesca Pascarella

The Costitution

The Italian Costitution was born from the work of a commision of 75 wise men wo one 31 January 1947 subbmited a taxt to the Costituent Assembly which after the examination of numerous amendments, was approved on 22 December 1947 and entered into force one 1 January 1948

History of the Costitution

4. The Republic recognizes the right to work for all citizens and promotes the conditions which make this right effective. Every citizen has the duty to carry out, according to his own possiblities and choice, anactivity or function that contributes to the material or spiritual progress of society.




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5. The Republic, one and indivisiblie, recognizes and promotes local automies; implements the broadest administrative decentralization in the services that depend on the State; adapts the principles and methods of its legislation to the requirements of autonomy and decentralization.

Agenda 2030

The 2030 agenda, is a set of articles to be able to carry out by 2030. It contains 17 articles and they are: 1: Overcoming poverty; 2: End Hunger ; 3: Health and well-being; 4: Quality education; 5: Gender equality; 6: Clean water and sanitation; 7: Clean and affordable energy; 8: Decent work and economic growth; 9: Enterprises, innovation and infrastructures; 10: Reduce inequalities; 11: Sustainable Cities & Communities; 12: Responsible consumption and production; 13: Fight against climate change; 14: Life under water; 15: Life on Earth ; 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions; 17: Partnerships for Goals.

Although the situation has improved in many countries, there are still many people in the world who suffer from hunger or malnutrition. Globally, malnutrition affects nearly 800 million people, especially women and children. The 2030 Agenda aims to eradicate hunger and all forms of malnutrition everywhere in the world over the next 15 years. Due to rapidly growing global food demand, it is estimated that food production will need to more than double by 2050. About 70 per cent of undernourished people directly or indirectly depend on agriculture for their survival: it is in fact small farmers who run the risk of malnutrition

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