Embedding Skills
ACT Training
Created on March 14, 2023
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Outcome 4: Measures, money and time a. Basic measures b. Basic money and time Outcome 5: Shape, space and position a. 2D and 3D shapes b. Understands basic shape / position vocabulary Outcome 6: Learner has demonstrated the skills to undertake the controlled task assessment and this has been booked within the next 8 week period (maximum). Outcome 7: Learner has achieved the controlled task assessment
Outcome 1: Whole number a: Adding two-digit whole numbers b: Subtraction two-digit whole numbers c: Single digit multiplication Outcome 2: Using data a: Interpret and extract data from simple tables, charts and graphs. b: Present information simply Outcome 3: Fractions decimals and percentages a. Basic fractions – half and quarter
City & Guilds Entry Level 2 Essential Application of Number Skills
Outcome 4: Measures, money and time a. Estimate, measure and compare measurements b. Add and subtract sums of money using decimal notation. Outcome 5: Shape, space and position a. Sort 2D and 3D shapes to solve problems Outcome 6: Learner has demonstrated the skills to undertake the controlled task assessment and this has been booked within the next 8 week period (maximum). Outcome 7: Learner has achieved the controlled task assessment
Outcome 1: Whole number a: Adding 3-digit numbers b: Subtracting 3-digit numbers c: 2 digit by 1 digit multiplication d: 2 digit by 1 digit division Outcome 2: Using data a: Interpret, extract and compare data b: Present information effectively Outcome 3: Fractions decimals and percentages a. Understand common fractions b. Understand decimals - up to two decimal places
City & Guilds Entry Level 3 Essential Application of Number Skills
Outcome 4: Fractions, decimals, percentages a: Read, write, order and compare common fractions and mixed numbers. b: Read, write, order and compare simple percentages. c: Find percentage parts and percentage increase and decrease of values. D: Recognise equivalencies between fractions, percentages and decimals, Outcome 5: Shape, space and position a: Work out area and perimeter and simple volume b: Draw 2d shapes in different orientations using grids. Outcome 6: Proportion, ratio and scale a: Work out simple ratio and direct proportion.
Outcome 1: Whole number a: Add and subtract 3 and 4 digit numbers b: Multiply and divide whole numbers c: Multiply and divide decimals up to 2 places d: Round and estimate answers to calculations Outcome 2: Using Data a: Extract, interpret, collect and organise data b: Find the mean and range of sets of data, of up to 10 items. Outcome 3: Measures, money and time a: Read, estimate, measure and compare measurements using common units b: Convert units of measurement into the same system. c: Read, measure and record time in common date formats as well as in the 12 and 24 hr clock. D: Be able to convert minutes in to hours.
City & Guilds Level 1 Essential Application of Number Skills
Outcome 3: Measures, money and time a: Read, measure and record time in different formats. b: Read, estimate, measure and compare length, weight, capacity and temperature using common units. c: Calculate with sums of money and convert between currencies. d: Estimate a range of proportions and understand compound measures.Outcome 4: Fractions, decimals, percentages a: Read, write, order and compare simple percentages. Find percentage parts and percentage increase and decrease of values. b: Recognise equivalencies, work with and convert fractions, percentages and decimals.
Outcome 1: Whole number a: Add and subtract 3 and 4 digit numbers without a calculator in 2 or more steps. b: Multiply and divide whole numbers, as well as decimals up to two decimal places in practical situations using efficient written methods. c: Round and estimate answers to calculationsOutcome 2: Using Data a: Understand, extract and interpret information and be able to present data in various formats. b: Collect, organise and represent discrete data. c: Find the mean and range of sets of data and be able to compare using mean, median and mode. d: Work out simple ratio and direct proportion.
a: Add and subtract 3 and 4 digit numbers without a calculator in 2 or more steps b: Multiply and divide whole numbers, as well as decimals up to two decimal places in practical situations using efficient written methods. c: Round and estimate answers to calculations
City & Guilds Level 2 Essential Application of Number Skills
Outcome 5: Shape, space and position a: Recognise and solve problems using common 2D and 3D representations, and parallel lines. b: Calculate dimension from scale drawings. c: Use formulae for perimeter and area of regular and composite shapes including circumference, radius, diameter and pi.Outcome 6: Proportion, ratio and scale a: Work out ratio and direct proportion. Outcome 7: Statistics and probability a: Express the likelihood of events using fractions decimals and percentages with the probability scale of 0 to 1. b: Record the information using diagrams or tables.Outcome 8: Formulas and Equations a: Understand words and symbols used in formulae represent variable quantities and be able to convert between currencies. b: Understand the order in which calculations are carried out in BODMAS
Outcome 4: Read and understand words a: Listen, understand, and write down words spelled out to them by another person. Outcome 5: Read and understand text a: Understand texts relating to personal information b: Understand the main events of short documents and simple images on familiar topics. Outcome 6: Write relevant and appropriate text a: Write simple phrases and short sentences, including information about themselves.
Outcome 1: Punctuate correctly a: Capital letters b: Full stops c: Question marks Outcome 2: Spell correctly a: Find the meaning of unfamiliar word using a dictionary and/or the internet b: Spelling patterns of regular and some irregularly spelled words Outcome 3: Use correct grammar a: High frequency verbs b: Present and past tense verb forms of “to be” c: Regular and irregular verbs – present and past simple tenses d: Use adjectives and connectives
a: Add and subtract 3 and 4 digit numbers without a calculator in 2 or more steps b: Multiply and divide whole numbers, as well as decimals up to two decimal places in practical situations using efficient written methods. c: Round and estimate answers to calculations
City & Guilds Entry Level 2 Essential Communication Skills
Outcome 7: Speaking and listening a: Understand and respond in face-to-face scenario b: Speak to communicate basic info, feelings, opinions and questions on familiar topics, using appropriate language c: Identify the main points of presentations and instructions
Outcome 4: Read and understand words a: Know different types of word (e.g. linking words (conjunctions), nouns, verbs, adjectives) b: Able to decode unfamiliar words and predict meaning Outcome 5: Read and understand text a: understand the main events of a continuous text and identify the main points and ideas within it. b: answer comprehension questions about the texts and identify important details, events and ideas.
Outcome 1: Punctuate correctly a: Capital letters b: Full stops c: Question marks d: Exclamation marks Outcome 2: Spell correctly a: Spelling patterns of regular and some irregularly spelled words b: Use various strategies for spelling commonly used words and irregular verb forms. Outcome 3: Use correct grammar a: Use basic grammar b: Use various verb forms and tenses to describe situations and events that they are familiar with.
a: Add and subtract 3 and 4 digit numbers without a calculator in 2 or more steps b: Multiply and divide whole numbers, as well as decimals up to two decimal places in practical situations using efficient written methods. c: Round and estimate answers to calculations
City & Guilds Entry Level 3 Essential Communication Skill
Outcome 6: Write relevant and appropriate text a: express themselves using a range of simple and compound sentences at Entry 3 level. b: produce a legible and coherent piece of free writing, either of their own accord or in response to a picture stimulus.Outcome 7: Speaking and listening a: Followed and understood the main points of discussions on different topics and make relevant contributions b: Speak to communicate information, feelings, opinions and questions on familiar topics, using appropriate language c: Speak clearly to be heard and understood, using appropriate clarity, speed and phrasing.
Outcome 4: Read and understand words a: Identify the main points and ideas in documents and images. b: Read and understand relevant key words and phrases to suit purpose. c: Recognise the purpose of a variety of documentsOutcome 5: Read and understand text a: Use organisational and structural features to locate information. b: Obtain information from text and images, including inferring meaning. c: Find the meaning of words and phrases that have not been understoodOutcome 6: Write relevant and appropriate texta: Understand and use paragraphs. b: Practising different techniques for planning e.g. brief notes, flow charts, spider diagrams, bullet points)
Outcome 1: Punctuate correctly a: Use capital letters and full stops b: Use question marks and exclamation marks c: Use apostrophes (for contractions) d: Use commas for lists. Outcome 2: Spell correctly a: Correctly spelling words used most often in work, studies and daily life Outcome 3: Use correct grammar a: Write complete sentences using correct grammar; subject-verb agreement and accuracy b: Use tenses correctly and consistently c: Use conjunctions to express precise meaning (not just ‘and’, ‘as’, ‘but’) e.g. if, so, while, though, since, when.
a: Add and subtract 3 and 4 digit numbers without a calculator in 2 or more steps b: Multiply and divide whole numbers, as well as decimals up to two decimal places in practical situations using efficient written methods. c: Round and estimate answers to calculations
City & Guilds Level 1 Essential Communication Skills
c: Is able to produce different documents (e.g. letters, articles, web pages, emails, leaflets, brochures, essays, reports) Whilst using a variety of text types (e.g. explanatory, instructive, narrative, descriptive, persuasive, informative)Outcome 7: Speaking and listening a: Prepare for discussions and provide information that is relevant to the subject and purpose of the discussion and use appropriate phrases or gestures in order to join in the discussion. b: identify relevant detail and information in explanations, instructions and discussions in at least two different contexts. c: Clarify and confirm understanding and respond to questions about familiar topics. d: Clearly express feelings, statements of fact, opinion, questions, explanations and descriptions of familiar topics as appropriate.
Outcome 4: Read and understand words a: Identify the main points and ideas in documents and images. b: Read and understand relevant key words and phrases to suit purpose. c: recognise the purpose of a variety of documents.Outcome 5: Read and understand text a: Using skimming, scanning and detailed reading as strategies. b: Be able to locate information; features e.g. contents page, index, menus, chapters, sections; subheadings, paragraphs, bullet points. c: Understanding the concept of biasOutcome 6: Write relevant and appropriate text a: Summarise information from reading and from other sources to suit purpose. b: Summarise information from two given source documents (around 500 words
Outcome 1: Punctuate correctly a: Commas. b: Apostrophes. c: Inverted commas.Outcome 2: Spell correctly a: Spelling words used most often in work, studies and daily life, including familiar technical words. b: Use a range of spelling methods and strategiesOutcome 3: Use correct grammar a: Construct and effectively use simple, compound and complex sentences, checking subject-verb agreements and use correct tenses. b: Use pronouns including second and third person. c: Use singular and plural subject-verb agreement.
a: Add and subtract 3 and 4 digit numbers without a calculator in 2 or more steps b: Multiply and divide whole numbers, as well as decimals up to two decimal places in practical situations using efficient written methods. c: Round and estimate answers to calculations
City & Guilds Level 2 Essential Communication Skills
each). c: Understanding which format, structure and layout are best for which sort of task. d: Evidence of preparation could be a list of key points, notes on the source documents, spider diagram, flowchart.Outcome 7: Speaking and listening: Discussions and presentations a: Prepare for discussions in order to say things and provide information that is relevant to the subject and purpose of the discussion. b: Use appropriate phrases and gestures to join in the discussion; support the main points of the discussion and change the topic or bring it back to the point. c: Support opinions and arguments with evidence. d: Keep to the subject and structure talk/presentation in a logical sequence to help the audience follow a line of thought or series of events. e: Respond constructively to criticism. f: Clarify and confirm understanding.