Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Let's Learn AboutFigma!

A simple yet straightforward tutorial on the basics of Figma by Kendria Miller.


Starting from "Learning Objectives," we'll make our way through the various learning lessons then put our skills to use by creating our sandbox landing page for a website on a desktop.

Figma Activity

Page 22


Page 3

Lesson 1: Figma

Page 6

Lesson 2: Terminology

Page 10


Page 36


Page 29



What Are We Learning?

Throughout the course, we will develop our understanding of how Figma works, learning the terminology behind its controls and UI/UX vocabulary. Then, we will jump into the tutorials so you can create your first simple design layout. To wrap things up, there is a short quiz to analyze your understanding with the course. If needed, there is a gloassary at the end of the course as well.


  • Learn the basics of Figma's mechanics
  • Grasp Figma & UI/UX terminology
  • Implement learned knowledge by crafting a design in Figma

Learning Objectives


For a Brief Overview...

  • Header
  • Body
  • Footer
  • Page
  • Gutter
  • Column
  • Border
  • Padding
  • Margin
  • Toggle Buttons

  • Visual Hierarchy
  • Auto Layout
  • Properties
  • Redlining
  • Component
  • Instance
  • Variants
  • Grid (Rule of Eights)
  • Container
  • White Space
  • Proximity


What is Figma?

Lesson 1

Here, we're learning about what the program's functions do and what they are used for.

Well...What is Figma, Exactly?

Lesson 1

What is Figma?

Understanding Its Purpose

A Background on Figma

Figma's premise is similar to Adobe products such as Illustrator or Indesign if you have used them. Both encapsule the same mechanics such as the shape creation tool, detailed design options and so on.Learning the in's and out's of the program is vital in the UI/UX or any technical design world as this is one of the main components to create user interfaces, prototypes for landing pages, and more.Regarding prototypes, being able to interact with the landing page and see it from a user's perspective adds a nice element of helpfulness for the designer.

Lesson 1

What is Figma?

That being said, Figma has many aspects to it that may be confusing to new learners if they haven't used a similar program. Some of these features include auto layout, creating components, variants, instances, and much more. In order to fully understand the program, we must learn the terminology as it will ease the learning process.

What Features Are in Figma?


Lesson 1

What is Figma?

In conclusion, Figma may seem a bit intimidating at first but will be worth it in the end as the program will enhance your UI/UX design skills.


Lesson 1

Summary on Figma's Program

Let's move on to Lesson 2!

Figma and UI/UX Terminology

Lesson 2

In this section we'll be going over the various vocabulary used for Figma and in the UI/UX design world.


To begin, learning terminology related to the program and field are very useful. As mentioned, knowing the principles first will make the learning process easier. At the time, will improve your knowledge on the UI/UX design field.

Lesson 2

Figma and UI/UX Terminology

Lesson 2

Figma and UI/UX Terminology

The top of a webpage that contains large fonts and logos. Also accompanied by the navigation bar and additional important information.


The large area (usually center) of the page that contains most of the unique content.




The bottom part of a webpage that usually contains information about the website, contact information, etc.

Lesson 2

Figma and UI/UX Terminology

The document that can be viewed through web browsers in HTML language.

The spacing between columns


Lesson 2

Figma and UI/UX Terminology

The vertical dimensions of the lines within a grid.


The thickness of the stroke around an object.




The spacing between bounds of an element and its child elements.

Lesson 2

Figma and UI/UX Terminology

The vertical spacing between the bounds and main content of a webpage.

An interactive button that is typically used to turn a setting or function on or off.

Toggle Button

Lesson 2

Figma and UI/UX Terminology

Reusable interactive or non-interactive design elements. Object is always marked with the color purple.


A copy of the component linked to the original.




Component combinations within a single set with various properties to instances.

Lesson 2

Figma and UI/UX Terminology

Structure with a series of lines that divide a page into modules based on columns and rows.

Used as a measure of increasing or decreasing sizing in increments of 8. Industry standard makes editing simpler.

Rule of Eights

Graphic depicting the "Rule of Eights" by designsystems.

Lesson 2

Figma and UI/UX Terminology

The changeable aspects behind a variant. It is important to label them properly so the program can recognize the commands.


Displays guides for sizing, spacing, and margins of the elements. Very crucial as this function allows you to align your elements so they flow properly.


White Space

Visual Hierarchy

The open, unused space surrounding an object. Makes room for proximity.

Lesson 2

Figma and UI/UX Terminology

Arranging objects in the order of their importance.

A function within Figma that allows changes and arrangements in frames.

Auto Layout

Hopefully the terminology section wasn't too long for you! Now that the tough part is done, we can move onto creating our first project in Figma!


Lesson 2

Figma and UI/UX Terminology

Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea.

Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea.

Interactive Video Tutorials

Figma Activity

In this section, you'll be able to watch the videoes and follow along as you complete the tasks. By the end, we should have a finished design of a landing page.

For Our Figma Project We'll Be Creating This Design:

Figma Activity

Interactive Video Tutorials

pic of final result

Of Course, Yours May Look A Little Different!

Create Styles

View Figma Tutorials

Figma Activity

Interactive Video Tutorials

Create Components

Create Variants for a Component Set

Practice Using Auto Layout for Elements

Set up layout

See Final Results

First, let's watch some tutorials then create our first design in Figma!

Activity Outline

Figma Activity

Interactive Video Tutorials

Layout Grids Tutorial

Figma Activity

Interactive Video Tutorials

Components Tutorial

Figma Activity

Interactive Video Tutorials

Auto Layout Tutorial

Figma Activity

Interactive Video Tutorials

Variant Tutorial

This is a bit of a longer video, so feel free to skim through as you can re-watch it later if needed.


With everything we've learned so far, it's time to put those skills to the test!Be sure to tally up your scores and see how you do!

This feature allows the creator to adjust spacing between the lines (vertically) on grids. What is it?




Question 1/5


By implementing Color Styles

By implementing Components

Question 2/5



How do you create interactive elements for your design?

By implementing Auto Layout

Text tool

Frame tool

Shape tool / Pen tool

Question 3/5



Which tool allows you to draw a shape?


CTRL + C or ALT then drag

Question 4/5



Which keys (or commands) allow you to duplicate items?


The diamond Icon

The half-moon icon

The two square icon

Question 5/5



Which icon allows you to create components?



If you got a few wrong answers, take a look at the vocabulary (or glossary) and tutorials again!

Good Job!


All Terminology from Lesson 2

The bottom part of a webpage that usually contains information about the website, contact information, etc.

The document that can be viewed through web browsers in HTML language.

The spacing between columns

Vertical dimensions of elements.

The top of a webpage that contains large fonts and logos. Also accompanied by the navigation bar and additional important information.



The large area (usually center) of the page that contains most of the unique content.






All Terminology from Lesson 2

The vertical spacing between the bounds and main content of a webpage.

An interactive button that is typically used to turn a setting or function on or off.

Reusable interactive or non-interactive design elements.

A copy of the component linked to the original.

The thickness of the stroke around an object.

Toggle Button


The spacing between bounds of an element and its child elements.






All Terminology from Lesson 2

Used as a measure of increasing or decreasing sizing in increments of 8. Industry standard makes editing simpler.

The changeable aspects behind a variant. It is important to label them properly so the program can recognize the commands.

Displays guides for sizing, spacing, and margins of the elements. Very crucial as this function allows you to align your elements so they flow properly.

The open, unused space surrounding an object. Makes room for proximity.

Component combinations within a single set with various properties to instances.



Structure with a series of lines that divide a page into modules based on columns and rows.



Rule of Eights

White Space


All Terminology from Lesson 2

Arranging objects in the order of their importance.

Visual Hierarchy

Function within Figma that allows changes and arrangements in frames.

Auto Layout

Arranging objects in the order of their importance.

Arranging objects in the order of their importance.


Through all the hard work you've done, you now know the basics of Figma!

Be sure to continue practicing! This module will always be here as a refresher if you forget anything!








