Nextgen Healthcare
Created on March 8, 2023
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Laboratory Definitions
Sort by dragging the answers to the corresponding numbers.
B. Lab vendors, such as labCorp, or Quest Diagnostics, have unique lists of questions that must be answered when ordering tests through them.
D. health care services or supplies that are needed to diagnose or treat an illness and that meet accepted standards of medicine.”
A. is the piece of software that allows one system to talk to another system.
C. lists the items or services that your doctor or health care provider expects Medicare will not pay for
Ask At Order Entry
Advance Beneficiary Notice of Non Coverage
Medically Necessary
Lab Interface
1-B 2-C 3-D 4-A
Hello team welcome to Enterprise EHR core training. Today we will go through the Orders Module, focusing on labs. In the orders module you can create lab, radiology, and immunization orders, complete, print, fax, or send orders, view test results, and sign off on orders. So can anyone give me an example of what a provider would order and why? Yes you mentioned a problem, that’s important and I will explain that in a bit. Excellent! Thank you. Diabetes E119
The Orders Module opens to the results tab. Results - list the lab and radiology test results for the patient. Order Summary - Create. modify, print, fax, or send lab or radiology orders Immunization Tab - Where you place vaccine orders for the patient.
Option Description View Results by Provides a selection list to view the results from various tests by lab short description, lab long description, or NextGen compendium description. For more information, see Test Result Description Examples. Resources Provides links to website resources set up in File Maintenance for external patient education, clinical decision support, and external provider reference. Show Only Results Opens only tests that have results. The result values are not grouped by the test or panel name. You can set up a user preference to View Results Only in the Orders section of the General tab in the Preferences window in NextGen® Enterprise EHR. For more information on setting up this preference, go to NextGen Healthcare Success Community and download the latest Layout and Preferences Guide for NextGen Enterprise EHR. Hide Imported Results Hides the imported results and displays only the NextGen Enterprise EHR results. Refresh Refreshes the contents of the current page. Graph Creates a graph from the values for instances of the same test done on a patient on different dates. Go To Order Opens the order and result details for a selected test on the Orders Summary tab. Tracking Opens the Sign-off and Tracking Comments window where you can view or add comments for a test result. Reconcile Opens the Clinical Reconciliation window where you can reconcile patient's results. The capabillity to import lab results from a C-CDA into the order module
Contains Orders, Results, and Sign Off Panels
On the top of the Summary Orders Grid you can see a set of default filters.
These two icons indicate recurring and future orders.
The paper clip icon tells you the order contains an attached documents or images and the note Icon shows the order has sign off comments.
The order number is a unique identifier for the order its sequentially assigned to the lab order per data base.
The order status is displayed in the Nextgen status column. When an order displays a status of Assigned in Red it tells you the test results have been received
All tests included in the order are displayed in the Description Column. If the filter has been displayed to view all columns, you can view more information about the orders.
You can view electronic results or add manual results
When an order displays a status of Assigned in red, it indicates that the test results have been received and its ready for sign off
Order Summary - Create. modify, print, fax, or send lab or radiology orders
Performing Entity – Is entered in red, which indicates a required field.
Stat – Top Priority Hold – Send order with hold status Ordered Elsewhere- ordered somewhere else
if your practice has enabled the run medical necessity check when order is saved option in the orders module practice preferences the system run the check automatically when you save the order. For demonstration, will use this button to manually run the check. Click the check medical necessity button. The medical necessity check status displays in front of each test. the question mark icon tells you the test cannot be confirmed by the check. The red X icon shows the test fails to check the check mark icon indicates the medical necessity is met.
if a test fails the medical necessity check, you can either click the delete failed test button to remove it from the order or to try to enter another diagnosis that may support the need for the test and pass the check period
On the General Tab we will verify the ordering provider and location field, billing type, order status, Specimen action code, and add insurance.
The test detail is used to add specimen details that were performed in office.
Compendium Code Every lab entity has different codes for the same test, so for easy access we add their code in one. This way we do not have to search each performing entity for their unique test code, we use codes that are mapped to our nextgen compendium code.
On the General tab, the Ordering provider and Location fields default to the options selected in the E.H.R. To change eirther of these, click the icon to the right of the field and make a different selection
The General Tabs displays default values for the ordering provider, location, billing type, order priority, order status, copy to physicians, and insurance.
Billing Type - Used to specify the billing type and select the party responsible for paying the bill order of priority - Used to specify the time frame in which the test needs to be completed. Order Status - This should default to new since this is a new order. Specimen action code - Used to specify the appropriate specimen actions. Cancel - if this is cancelled select the reason for cancelation Copy to Physician - Select other physicians in the enterprise who should receive a copy of the results. Comments - general, patient specific, or order specific Insurance - Add insurance
In the insurance section, the active encounter level insurance in the patient’s chart is displayed. To choose the insurance as the payer for the order, select the payer’s checkbox. Click the Add insurance button
If the order is canceled, you can provide a reason in the Cancel reason field. You can also enter the Clinical information for the order. To notify physicians other than the ordering provider about test results, you need to add the physicians in the Copy To Physicians list. To do so, click the Provider Search button.
If needed, you can enter comments for the order. Comments are categorized as general, patient, or order. The order information entered in the clinical information and comments field will be sent to the lab vendor along with the order.
The test included in the order are listed here. The last test in the list is selected by default.
Next, let’s complete the AOE questions for the test. The globe icon indicates the question was asked for in more than one test but was set up to answer once for all tests. The AOE questions can be set up as a picklist, template field, or free text in the Order AOE questions System Master File. If it’s a picklist AOE question, select the answer from the picklist. You can also type in the answer for the AOE question if it’s a free text. This AOE question is a picklist, so select YES. If your practice does the specimen collection for a test, you can bill the insurance company for that portion of the test. To do so, click the Specimen Charge button.
To view the specimen handling details for the test, click this link. If we actually did the blood draw, then we would fill this out. but in this scenario, they are going to labcorp. We would not complete if we are just sending them to a patient service center.
Based on the specimen handling information, I’ll enter 5ml in the Volume and units field. The Collection date defaults to the system date. If the Collection date is different from the system date, you’d click the calendar in the field. And then select the appropriate date on the pop calendar. Select this box to use
Then select the appropriate specimen charge in the list to include the charge in the list to include the charge when submitting the order. Select this check box. We are done with the Test Details Tab. Lets move on to the General tab to complete the order information.
Show how to add a specimen if we were to do it inhouse.
Results - Here you can view a result that was transferred electronically, or you can manually add a result.
In the Results Panel, you can
- Enter test results coming in with an interface using the Formatted Results, Grid Results, or documents, Images, and URLs tab
- Manually enter results using the New results entry tab
- Manually enter related documents using the New Document and Images Entry Tab
- View and add tracking comments
- Send lab results to Nextgen Enterprise Patient Portal.
To add the results manually
- Click New Results Entry tab
- Enter Results and save
Date - Date of collection Comp Key - 001453 hemoglobin Results 9.5 Flag A
First three tabs you can use to view results coming in with an interface.
- Formatted Results
- Grid Results
- documents
- Images, and URLs tab
We are back in the order summary where our recently added order went into an ordered status. Our goal is to complete the order. The next two steps is to get the results and sign off on the order.
Show Julio Smith, there's a result in there.
Results panel tab The Results panel conatains the following tabs that control the formatting of results and related documents and images. Formatted results, Grid Results, Documents images & URLs, New Results Entry, New Documentation and Images Entry.
Enter Manually In the orders summary tab, select an order. To expand the Results panel, click Results down arrow Click the New Results Entry tab Enter the results detail and click Save. A message appears, confirming that the results were saved. To collapse the Results panel, click the results up arrow.