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Juan Carlos Cajica River
Alcira Marlen Sanabria Escobar
Laura Carolina Lancheros Bernal
Tutor: Christian Camilo Zamudio Rodriguez
Sandra Minelli Castro Ramos
Andrea Giseth Romero Tuta
Task 2 - Plans, Hopes and Expectations
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Juan Carlos Cajica River

Alcira Marlen Sanabria Escobar

Laura Carolina Lancheros Bernal

Tutor: Christian Camilo Zamudio Rodriguez

Sandra Minelli Castro Ramos

Andrea Giseth Romero Tuta

Task 2 - Plans, Hopes and Expectations Members


My name is Sandra Minelli Castro Ramos, I am currently studying Public Accounting at Unad, I have worked for the same company for three years, I am married and I have children. I have worked very hard to finish my degree. I have lived for more than twelve years in this city before living in Bogotá, I have high expectations in this English course, I want to learn to be able to speak and understand the language fluently. I have always wanted to be an accountant to have my own company. I wanted to be an accountant to have my own company.

Step 2:

My name is Laura Carolina Lancheros. I have started my studies in public accounting at UNAD after many years. I have worked very hard to give stability to my children, Angie and Edwin, who are 22 and 19 years old. A few years have passed and I decided to bring this world to my son Daniel Esteban, he is 5 years old, I am married and I have maintained a relationship with my husband for more than 20 years, as a woman these have been my greatest achievements, I have also been elected by popular vote as a councilor for my town Turmequé, which has taught me many things about the management of public resources in our country, I have been fortunate to have the support of my husband and my family. I am grateful for having been able to start my studies at UNAD, it has been very gratifying to fulfill the dream of being a professional.

Step 2:

My name is Andrea Giseth Romero Tuta. I am an accounting assistant and I currently work with this position in the city of Bogotá. I am enrolled in the public accounting program at CEAD Tunja. I decided to continue with a career in accounting, since I really like numbers and now systematized accounting is a good tool that is of great help for the accounting records of a company. One of my biggest accomplishments was bringing my beautiful baby Evelyn into the world. At this moment I have to spend my free time taking care of my baby and at the same time fulfill my studies. It hasn't been easy but it hasn't been impossible either. I can say that another achievement has been to continue with my studies without having to postpone.

Step 2:

One of my medium-term goals is to finish my professional career and start exercising my position as a public accountant. I aspire to carry out this position being an ethical person with a sense of responsibility and honesty, since it is one of the most important positions in companies because Its job is to guarantee reliability and transparency in the accounting information presented according to the company's activities. I would also like to start managing my housing project with the help of current homeownership subsidies so that over time I can have my own home and either live in it or rent it out to acquire new income. As for my family goal, in 5 years I will enroll my beautiful daughter in preschool, dedicate time to help with homework and, in addition to being her mother, I will be her personal teacher so that she can acquire much more knowledge and excel in her academic performance. Andrea Giseth Romero Tuta

Step 3:

Sandra Minelli Castro

I will continue working in the same company this year, I will continue with my studies to graduate in a few years as a public accountant, then I will work in my own company, I will have more time to enjoy and share with my family and friends, after that I will continue studying because in my career I must be continuously updating. I will start saving to travel, which is one of my dreams to fulfill in the long term.

Step 3:


Step 3 :

  • My medium-term plans are: I will finish my degree in Public Accounting at UNAD, I will begin specialization studies in public budgeting, as I am currently a councilor, I will campaign with my party in the next elections, if the candidate I support wins, I will work in the municipal administration of my municipality, if it is not possible I will start my own business where I will provide support to the communities from my role as a public accountant. In addition, I will celebrate the professional degree of my two children, I will accompany my youngest son at the beginning of his studies at school I will participate in each of the activities to be carried out since he is beginning his educational process, I will accompany my husband to consolidate the cargo transportation business where we will employ several people, my support will be from the accounting and administrative part, I will travel with my family to the beach, I will be present in each of the projects that my children start after becoming professionals. Day by day I will carry out my activities as a mother and wife in my home, offering affection and understanding to all the members of my family, if possible we will all travel to Mexico, as a leader I will continue to collaborate in activities such as the organization of the festivities in Honora la Virgen del Carmen.

sandra minelli castro ramos

In ten years time I am going to live in another city, a smaller and quieter town, I will continue to work, I will be traveling continuously because I want to visit many tourist places. My children will be working in their chosen careers, my eldest daughter is already a mother so I will have the opportunity to accompany my grandchildren. See them grow up and give them all my love.

Step 4

Laura carolina lancheros

In the long term I hope: I will be providing my services as a public accountant in the public sector, I will carry out consultancies in different municipalities, in a few years I will have my own accounting office where I will give employment to people who also study at a distance, open working in the municipal administration, I will know more in depth the issue of the budget and the management of the public and I will aspire to the mayoralty in my municipality. I will do the specialization at ESAP where they will give me the necessary tools to understand the management of the public sector and thus provide that support to the community. My children will have worked as engineers in Medellín because they will study and settle in that city, my son Daniel will leave school and begin his professional studies at the university, my husband and I will have consolidated our transport company, we will have our old age insured, I will be a grandmother and I will enjoy the pleasure of being. I will buy a country house where I will be calm with my husband.



Peer - Assessment


1. Did you study the contents presented in the E-Book for the task development? YES 2. Did you read the guide and all the information presented by your teacher about the task? Did you attend the activity web-conference or checked the recording? YES 3. Did you participate in the forum in advance or just at the end? JUST 4. Did you accomplish the duties of your role in the collaborative work or just work alone? NOT 5. As a group, did you do a review of the final document and the presentation before uploading it in the evaluation environment? NOT

1. Did you study the contents presented in the E-Book for the task development? If I read and studied all the proposed units. 2. Did you read the guide and all the information presented by your teacher about the task? Did you attend the activity web-conference or checked the recording? Yes, I read the entire guide, but I did not find out that they had made a website. 3. Did you participate in the forum in advance or just at the end? I entered from the beginning and tried to complete the tasks on time, but due to a lack of understanding in one part of the guide, I missed performing a part. 4. Did you accomplish the duties of your role in the collaborative work or just work alone? Do the part of creating the presentation and send the link to the forum. 5. As a group, did you do a review of the final document and the presentation before uploading it in the evaluation environment? The truth was that communication with our colleagues was quite complicated, therefore the review was last minute and not everyone participated. Sandra Minelli Castro ramos

Dear colleague Laura, it see ms to me that you comply with what is requested in the guide.

Dear colleague Laura, it see ms to me that you comply with what is requested in the guide.

3 rd Paragraph: Minimum 200 words explaining his/her future longterm goals (10 years down the line) including examples with future perfect tense. He/She wrote at least 3 sentences with this tense. These sentences are highlighted.

Dear colleague Laura, it see ms to me that you comply with what is requested in the guide.

2 nd Paragraph: Minimum 200 words explaining his/her future midterm goals (5 years down the line) including examples with future simple (will), be going to and future continuous. He/She included at least one sentence with each future form. These sentences are highlighted

2 nd Paragraph: Minimum 200 words explaining his/her future midterm goals (5 years down the line) including examples with future simple (will), be going to and future continuous. He/She included at least one sentence with each future form. These sentences are highlighted

Peer - Assessment

1 st Paragraph: Minimum 150 words introducing his/herself and describing his/her current achievements using the present perfect tense. These sentences are highlighted.

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