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Dear shareholder, November has been a month of achieving objectives and validating strategy. The strategy that we defined previous months to acquaring clients that will transact more monthly is working. We have restructured sales incorporating an SDR and both Carlos (head of growth and I) have directly focused on sales.In general numbers we aachieved 79% more volume of transactions than expected.We anticipate closing the year over €2.2M in transactions.We have held the founder meeting and according to the growth plan of the last few months, we believe that we can reach 20-25M euros in transactions by the year 2023.Approaching the end of the year be be a profitable companyBest regards.Sunil Bhardwaj - CEOSafe Payments

London, October 5th, 2022

Shareholders Report November 2022

Safe Payments Limited (Ezpays)


  • Monthly Transaction Value November: €286k.
  • First two customers integrated, one gorila and one deer.
  • 5 deals waiting to be signed for a total value of 8M per year.
  • 1 Deal signed and integration initiated for a total of 6M per year.
  • 1 Deal signed and integrastion initiated for 400k per year.
  • Viva gym keeps interest but for late 2024 (€100M in transactions)
  • Hotusa keeps interest
  • Cuentica interested to integrate Ezpays (€30M)
  • World2fly lost interest
  • Total Deals in Pipeline of €48M in transactions.
  • Total transactoin contract value signed until November: €11,9M
Where we are:We keep the focus on integrations with third parties. It is what the patients are demanding of us. This October we have finished the integration with Woocommerce.As we already announced in the previous report, an SDR has been incorporated since November 7. After his onboarding he started getting demos from November 21, closing more than 15 demos until November 30.

Link to metrics

METRICS: Highlights

  • CAC rabbit: €18
  • CAC Gorilla: €808
  • CAC Elephant: €2,800
  • LTV Rabbit: €337
  • LTV Gorillas: €9020
  • LTV Elephant: €29,100
  • Monthly burn rate: €20,000
*The average value in the sector that a client stays in the company is 10 years. We have decided to reduce it to 3.5 years.Acces to Metrics dashboard (click the following link). The North Star Metric is Monthly Transactions.ROAD MAP PILOTS EXOTICA (300K/Transactions month) We continue in that negotiationEUROPA FITNES (€2.5M/transactions per month) Postposed to DecemberCheckout.com from £80M to £600M in the final proces to be chosed betwen 2 providers. No news yet

Link to Growth document.

2. Product updatesWe launched in November Woocommerce plugg in. Road Map:Zapier integrationPretashopShopifyProviders functionality.3. Business Updates I attach a link to what we have been doing in terms of growth. But to sum up, after these months of hard work, we have it clear:

  • The ideal Customer.
  • The customer acquisition channel.
  • The value proposition.
Goal:Sell, sell and sell and be close to being profitable in the next 12-18 months.

Goals for December

  • Sign to integration 8 new customers that transact minimim of 500k/year with Ezpays.
New Tech FeaturesDecember will be the month to make sure all tech stach is in place, documents, servers etc.How Can you help us?We need intros with:Marketing consulting companies, Tech companies. Marketplaces and Travel Agents on line.

Goals for December

  • Sign to integration 4 Gorilas
New Tech FeaturesDocuemntation, How Can you help us?We need intros with:Marketing consulting companies, Tech companies. Marketplaces and Travel Agents on line.

Hemos incrementado un 78% el importe de transaciones. La reduccion del Gros Margin aun incrementando el revenue se debe a que al incrementar proveedores para el resto de mercados europeaos se incrementa el mínimo a consumir en llamadas a API con nuestros proveedores, pero en cambio adelantamos el go to market de EU un año. -Terminaremos el año con una desviacion de coste total de un 3-4% pero aumentando el numero de transaciones en un 60%. Este mes de noviembre hemos cerrado contratos por valor de 6M de euros anuales. Creemos que nos llevaran en 2023 a mas de 30M en transaciones.

Projection versus real

Thank you, at your disposal.