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An introduction to

Science Communication

5. What's next

4. Science communicators on Instagram

3. Elements of effective science communication

2. Why communicate science to lay audiences?

1. What science communication?


Source: Nielsen, Kristian H. 2022.Histories of Science Communication.Histories, 2(3), 334–340. https://doi.org/10.3390/histories2030024

Massimiano Bucchi & Brian Trench(2021, as cited in Nielsen (2022) )

"Science communication is the social conversation around science"

Consider the following scenarios ...


Despite differences between:

  • the subjects in the scenarios,
  • their expertise,
  • the contexts in which they were,
All of the presented scenarios are examples of science communication!

Source: Nielsen, Kristian H. 2022.Histories of Science Communication.Histories, 2(3), 334–340. https://doi.org/10.3390/histories2030024

Kristian H. Nielsen

"Science communication [also known as sci-comm] includes everything from popular science specifically produced to disseminate scientific knowledge (or knowledge about how science works) to cultural products, political statements, and social interactions with a science content."

Copyrighted material used with permission from Lifeology and course creator Paige Brown Jarreau for educational purpose only.

Complete Lifeology's microlearning interaction for another perspective on what constitutes communicating science:


Think back on your prior experiences sharing your work or research. Can you see how all along, you have been engaging in "sci-comm", whether intentionally or not, as a natural part of the scientific method?

Why communicate science to lay audiences?

Sharing inspiration & representation

Supporting public awareness of science

Increasing the public’s trust in science

For science experts, preparing to bring science to lay audiences can be time consuming and complex. Why bother? Some benefits of communicating science can include the following:

Source: Foot, G. [Greg Foot]. Why should you bother doing science communication?. [Video]. Youtube.com. https://youtu.be/mIT5KNtRs08

Watch the following video in which professional science communicator Greg Foot walks academics through finding their purpose for conducting sci-comm


Think about your own experience…What brings you to this course? What motivates you to want to communicate science? We will further dive into this in module 2.

Elements of effective science communication

Copyrighted material used with permission from Lifeology and course creator Paige Brown Jarreau for educational purpose only.

Complete Lifeology's microlearning interaction for an example on how to effectively communicate science:

opens the door for a conversation.

is inclusive .

is clear and easy to understand by the audience.

is packaged in an engaging delivery.

is supported by evidence.



As you prepare to venture into this journey, start to think about the elements found in effective science communication.Which of your current skills will help you be a good science communicator?What skills would you like to develop in this course?

Science Communicators on Instagram

Moronke Harris, PhD student in deep ocean science
Hunter Hines, PhD in Microbial Ecology
Gino Caspari, PhD in Archeoloy

Scholars & Researchers

Explore a shortlist including some well-received science communicators on Instagram:

Tracy Fanara, PhD in Env. Engineering, NOAA Scientist
Suzie Martinez, Payload Systems Engineer
Ayana E. Johnson, PhD in Marine Biology, Climate Expert

Industry professionals

Explore a shortlist including some well-received science communicators on Instagram:

Melissa Marquez, PhD candidate, Marine Science Communicator, Writer, Speaker
Kyne, Drag Content Creator specialized in Math
Jack Baker, PhD student, Content Creator, Speaker

Professional science communicators

Explore a shortlist including some well-received science communicators on Instagram:

Explore the Instagram Interface interactive poster

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