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Education in the

Team #6Luis Mario Medellin Prisciliano 1957505 Martha Monica Martínez Mendez 2077765Zayra Edith Martínez Rodríguez 1845266Angeles Beatriz Medina Treviño 1965097Brandon Rafael Muñoz Cansino 1745395

United Kingdom

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Northern Ireland




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Think or investigate all about the educational system of México like the levels, prices and subjects and write the most important thigns to continue

Introduction activity

SEP (Secretaría de Educación Pública)

institution in charge of regulating basic and normal education


Superior Education is free


Age of secondary school

13 to 15 years old

Public Education is free

In your notebook connect the correct answers with a line

3 to 6 years old

Age of preschool education

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Select the correct one


Age of preschool education

SEP (Secretaría de Educación Pública)



13 to 15 years old

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3 to 6 years old

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Public Education is free

Select the correct one


SEP (Secretaría de Educación Pública)



13 to 15 years old

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3 to 6 years old

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Age of secondary school

Select the correct one


SEP (Secretaría de Educación Pública)



13 to 15 years old

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3 to 6 years old

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Superior Education is free

Select the correct one


SEP (Secretaría de Educación Pública)



13 to 15 years old

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3 to 6 years old

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Institution in charge of regulating basic and normal education

Select the correct one


SEP (Secretaría de Educación Pública)



13 to 15 years old

Let's Play

3 to 6 years old

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Age of preschool education

SEP (Secretaría de Educación Pública)

institution in charge of regulating basic and normal education


Superior Education is free


Age of secondary school

13 to 15 years old

Public Education is free

Correct Answers

3 to 6 years old

how many did you get correct?

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In England, students are required to pay tuition fees for higher education, while in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, tuition is free for students who are residents of those countries.

In England, the national curriculum is mandatory for all state-funded schools and sets out what children should be taught and when.

Tuition Fees


In England, children usually start school at age 4 or 5, while in Scotland they start at age 5, in Wales at age 3 or 4, and in Northern Ireland at age 4 or 5.

Age of starting school

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In England, most state-funded schools are overseen by local authorities instead of typically schools are overseen by local education authorities or other bodies.

School Governance


In England, students typically take General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) exams at age 16 and then Advanced Level (A-level) exams at age 18.

In contrast with the education in the other countries that are devolved and have their own separate funding arrangements England is funded by the central government.

Exam System


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Age of starting school

Having a child in a Scottish nursery part-time (25 hours a week) costs an average of 113.31 if he is two years old, and if he is under two years old it is 117,29


Preschool education in Scotland is known as early learning and childcare, and lasts until children are four and a half and five and a half years old.



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Age of starting school

Primary education in public schools is free, and in the private sector the price varies a lot

Depending on the type of financing, the centers can be state schools or public schools , independent schools, private schools , grtan-aided schools. The centers can be for boys and girls, or segregated by sex (single sex) which are private.

Primary education

Primary education in Scotland lasts for seven academic years, and children start school when they are between the ages of 4.5 and 5.

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Tuition prices in the private sector vary widely, from 8744 a year to 29,925 a year at Fettes College


Age of starting school

They start high school at 11-12 and leave at 15-16 years old, in which from the age of 16 they can decide whether to enter the university or stop studying

High school

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Admission to public primary and high schools works according to the catchment areas. Each domicile belongs to an area that has one or more primary and secondary schools associated with it. For example : * non-denominational school *non-denominational institute * catholic school *catholic institute

There are three categories: home, rest of UK and overseas, the price varies greatly from one category to another

The undergraduate degree lasts four years in the UK before finally reaching the Honors level

The UK university system is one of the best in the world, with many institutions appearing at the top of all global rankings, including the Times Higher Education.

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Those who want a more specialized academic level will take the “Higher exam” in the fifth year and the “Advanced higher exam” in the sixth. These exams are important for university admission and your grades are taken into account for it.


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As England and Wales have a shared language, many of people assume that the education systems are the same. However, there are significant differences between Welsh and English education systems and we discuss these below: Throughout England and Wales, pupils aged 5-16 must be in full-time education. Literacy, numeracy and communication skills are embedded across the Welsh and English education systems and are assessed throughout the child’s time in education. However, there remain key differences between the two systems.


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Whilst the structure of year groups and primary-secondary transition will remain the same as England, the framework of subjects and topic-focus will look very different. Key stages 2, 3 and 4 are being scrapped in favour of a more seamless curriculum.

  • Healthy and confident individuals
  • Ambitious, capable learners
  • Enterprising and creative contributors
  • Ethical and informed citizens

The curriculum for Wales has been re-structure to help each school develop its own curriculum to suit the individual needs of its pupils. The Welsh government has underlined the 4 purposes of the curriculum for Wales; the intent for all children and young people to become:

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The new Welsh infant and junior stages took inspiration from Scandinavian models that bring more formal (assessed) education at a later age. Foundation stages of the new curriculum will encourage a greater range of different forms of education for younger pupils (education through play, outdoor based learning etc…).


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In school year nine (or sometimes eight), pupils receive a chose of what subjects to continue their studies in, options must be available across multiple fields but vary between schools. Maths, English, Science and Welsh as a first or second language are compulsory whilst some schools may also make other subjects compulsory.

  • Expressive Arts
  • Health and Well-being
  • Humanities
  • Languages, Literacy and Communication
  • Mathematics and Numeracy
  • Science and Technology

In this level, schools and teachers have greater autonomy to develop topic lists to suit the needs and interests of pupils. The new national curriculum will be centered around 6 areas of learning and experience:


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Many colleges offer leisure learning and training programmes designed to meet the needs of business. In 2014/15 there were 263,315 FE students in Wales spanning the entire availability of FE at multiple placements, including FE, HE (higher education), LA (local authority) Community, and work-based learning.

Further education

Further education (FE) includes full- and part-time learning for people over compulsory school age, excluding higher education. Young people often enrol in FE as an alternative to staying at school after the age of 16. FE and publicly funded training in Wales is provided by 15 FE institutions in 2014/15 and a range of public, private and voluntary sector training providers, such as the Workers' Educational Association.

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In England, Wales and Northern Ireland all qualifications can be compared on a scale beginning with entry level and then followed by eight numbered levels, 1 is the equivalent of a weaker pass grade at GCSE and 8 the equivalent of a doctorate.

Students normally enter higher education (HE) from 18 onwards. Undergraduate students contribute £9,000 a year in fees, and are generally entitled to student loans and grants depending on their family's economic situation for maintenance.The state does not control syllabi, but it does influence admission procedures and monitors standards through the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales.

Higher education

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A postgraduate degree is a level 7 or 8 qualification. It is generally focused on a more specific topic rather than the more general subject taught at undergraduate level. A master's degree is the highest level of qualification.

Undergraduate degrees typically the first higher education qualifications available are usually level 4, 5 or 6. Students will generally need A-Levels or an equivalent at a certain grade to enroll on them but may be able to do a foundation year prior to starting if their grades are weaker.

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Related Video:

Requirements What do we need to study?

Prices What are the costs of education?

Curriculum what subjects are taught?

Structure How is the structure of the educational System?

Northern Ireland


Primary Education

Higher Education

Post Primary Education


In northern ireland education is divided into the following three levels


Primary Education

Higher Education

Post Primary Education




On the other hand, for the higher level, local students costs are capped at £4,160 per year and 76% of institutions charge the full amount.

In Northern Ireland education is compulsory and free from the age of 6 to 16, or until the student has completed 3 years of post-primary level..



International students pay for a humanities or social sciences degree can range from £10,000 to £17,000, a science or engineering degree from £10,000 to £20,000, and clinical degrees up to £38,000.



The Department of Education and Skills, under the Ministry of Education, governs the Irish education system and education is compulsory and free between the ages of 6 and 16.



Also, students whose first language is not English must present a certificate such as the TOEFL

Now, to enter any of the higher education institutes


The requirements are to pass the Leaving Certificate Examination or an international equivalent, these tests are made up of varied questions related to the different subjects previously taken in the Irish education system and the results must be exceed 80% of the note to be taken into account.



Northern Ireland Educational System - Video

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Differences with what is done in Mexico about education, what is valid and what is not

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Differences between England and Mexico

There are several similarities between education in Mexico and England, education in both countries is secular, free and compulsory. Although in England education is compulsory there are some differences with respect to Mexico, according to article 7 of the English education law mentions the following: "the parents of all children of compulsory school age are obliged to ensure that the child receives a full-time, effective and appropriate education for: and age, ability and aptitudes, any educational needs he may have, whether through regular school attendance or otherwise."

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Differences between Scotland and Mexico

Scotland is the frist and so far the only country to incorporate instruction in organizing and running a cummunity-bases enterprise into its formal educstion system "to ensure that by 2024 all school-age children have the oportunity to participate in a social business project in their school career, `resentin the benefits of the model to young people"acordin to the social business action plan currently underway

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Differences between Wales and Mexico

One notable difference is the opportunity to learn Welsh at school. Preschools and kindergartens help children by immersion, and all students learn Welsh up to the age of 16. More and more parents are choosing Welsh tuition for their children even if they are not fluent in Welsh themselves. It is now taught to almost a quarter of primary-age pupils in Welsh-speaking schools

Wales schools and colleges are also taking on the challenge of teaching in the 21st century. They are free to innovate and be different. Education policy in Wales is autonomous, with the National Assembly for Wales taking responsibility for carrying out the necessary legislation. This means that the Wales education system is different from that of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

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There are some differences that are advantages and disadventages of irish universities

DisadvantagesSome countries require a visa for university study.It is a country with a great quality of life, but it is expensive

Differences between Northern Ireland and Mexico

Advantages-Ease of finding employment if you are under 25 years of age.-Master English for better job opportunities along with professional training.-Students with excellent grades can participate for scholarships-University certifications have excellent levels of quality and worldwide recognition.-Internship opportunities in renowned multinationals

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bibliographic references

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Bibliographic references

  • Corchado, I. (2023, 12 enero). Cómo funciona el sistema educativo escocés. The Curiolancer. https://www.thecuriolancer.com/sistema-educativo-escoces/
  • A. (2022, 6 noviembre). Irlanda vs México: Diferencia entre Universidades 2023. Andreina Franco. https://andreinafranco.com/universidades-en-irlanda-vs-mexico/
  • Universidades y Enseñanza en Gales. (s. f.). Wales. https://www.wales.com/es/estilo-de-vida/estudio/pasion-por-el-aprendizaje
  • Blanco, E. (2022, 9 mayo). Las escuelas de Escocia enseñan cómo organizar empresas sociales que atienden problemas comunitarios. infobae. https://www.infobae.com/america/soluciones/2022/05/09/las-escuelas-de-escocia-ensenan-como-organizar-empresas-sociales-que-atienden-problemas-comunitarios/?outputType=amp-type
  • johanna@lumoseducation.com. (2022, 28 noviembre). Relocating? We discuss differences between Welsh and English education systems. Lumos Education. https://lumoseducation.com/relocating-we-discuss-differences-between-welsh-and-english-education-systems/

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  • Gillard, D. (2018). Education in England: A history. Independent Publishing Network.
  • Edwards, T. (2018). Education in the United Kingdom: Structures and organisation. Bloomsbury Academic.
  • European Idiomas. (2022, 18 octubre). Sistema educativo irlandés. https://europeanidiomas.com/sistema-educativo-irlandes/
  • Centro Estudios Cervantinos. (2018, 4 septiembre). ¿Cómo es el sistema educativo de Irlanda? https://www.centroestudioscervantinos.es/sistema-educativo-irlanda/
  • Educations Media Group. (2020, 10 junio). Tasas de matrícula en Irlanda del Norte. educations.es. https://www.educations.es/study-guides/europe/study-in-uk/study-in-northern-ireland/tuition-fees-19076
  • Secretaría de Educación Pública. (2015, 15 marzo). Conoce el Sistema Educativo Nacional. gob.mx. Recuperado 20 de febrero de 2023, de https://www.gob.mx/sep/articulos/conoce-el-sistema-educativo-nacional
  • Universidad Autónoma de México. (s. f.). Plan Educativo Nacional. Recuperado 20 de febrero de 2023, de https://www.planeducativonacional.unam.mx/CAP_07/Text/07_03a.html