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Definition of concepts

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Definition of concepts

Determinants in health

It refers to a discipline that studies the effects of human geography and physics on politics, as well as on international relations, therefore, it is a study method used to understand, as well as to explain and analyze how it is developing political behavior at the international level, taking into account a series of geographical variables.


It tries to integrate and associate the economic and social dimensions with the ecological dimension, it arises at the end of the sixties, as a result of the awareness of the growing environmental problems and of the limits imposed by nature on exploitation and uncontrolled economic growth. This concern for the environment is added to a much older and always current debate regarding the exclusive and concentrated form, socially and spatially, of capital accumulation worldwide.

Sustainable development

It refers to a series of personal, social, economic and environmental factors that determine the health status of individuals or populations. Acting on the external factors that condition health, either promoting good prognostic factors or avoiding risky behaviors, is the main task of Health Promotion..

Presentado por: Darly Mayency Rosero Grupo: 151021_32