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Quiz Game By: Gio and Ochi

Trench Warfare


Why was Trench Warfare made?

C To have the most secret birthday parties for the U.S luitenates

B For soldiers to protect themselves from heavy artillary

A So they can bait enemy tanks

right answer

C Mexico

B Great Britain

A German


What country invented Trench Warfare?

right answer

C 1923

B 1914

A 1965


When was the first trench made for war

right answer

How many people were saved becuase of Trench Warfare?

C 4 million

B 2.5 million

A 1 million


right answer

How often does the US use trench warfare?

C The US has uses trench warfare in all of its major wars.

B The US uses trench warfare frequently in its milliatary opertians.

A The US has not used trench warface since World War I.


C Trench warfare led to the devolopment weapons such asswords and bows.

B Trench warfare had no impact on military.

A Trench Warfare led to devolpment of new weapons and technology such as gas masks, tanks.


How did trench warfare infuluence the development of military technology in the years that followed?

What was the purpose of a trench in trench warfare?

C To provide cover and protection for soliders.

B To create obtacles for the enemy's movement.

A To provide a place for soliders to rest and eat.


C Small pox

B Trench Foot

A Chicken pox


What were some of the diseases that soliders faced in the trenches during WW1?

C Rifles, Bayontes.

B Swords, shields, and bows and arrows.

A Granades, Machine guns, and flamethrowers.


What were some of the common weapons used in trench warface during WW1?

What were the conditions like in the trenches during WW1

C Dirty and Cramped

B Quiet and Peacful

A Comfortable and spacious


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