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3500 BC

3500-3200 BC

3250 BC

3000 BC

3150 BC

3200-3000 BC

2050 BC

2000 BC

1980 BC

8000 BC

7000-5000 BC

4000 BC


4000-3200 BC

2630 BC

2900 BC

3000-2300 BC

2500 BC

2393-2283 BC

2300 BC

2050-1650 BC

2400 BC

1650 BC

1750 BC

1755 BC

1276-1178 BC

1490-1465 BC

1500 BC

1550-1069 BC

1158 BC

1100 BC

900-650 BC

1200-1150 BC

1180-900 BC

1178 BC

1200 BC

539-530 BC

550 BC

600 BC

336-323 BC

500 BC

521-486 BC

323 BC



Writing in the form of cuneiform develops and cylinder seals start to replace stamp seals (The Met, "How Akkadian cylinder seals served as ancient signatures")

The presence of the Naqada II (Gerzean) culture in Upper Egypt (Earley-Spandoni, "The Neolithic in Egypt")

The potter's wheel is invented by the Sumerians (Earley-Spandoni, "A Discussion of the Pottery Neolithic")

Marked increase in the exploitation of metal ores and demand for metal products (MacQueen, 107)

The first king of ancient Egypt, Menes, who is the first to unify Upper and Lower Egypt and create a basis for national administration (Murnane, 696-694)

The presence of the Nawada III (Semainean)/Dynasty 0 culture in Upper Egypt (Earley-Spandoni, "The Neolithic in Egypt")

Pattern of life that emerges is one based on independent urban communities and peaceful interstate and international trade (MacQueen, 1086)

The kingdom of Ebla loses its power and a period of cultural and economic decline begins in Levant (Lemche, 1195)

Nebhepetre Mentuhotep's victory marks the beginning of a second period of unified rule in Egypt (Murnane, 698)

First settlements and the domestication of plants and animals (Earley-Spadoni, "Historical Introduction")

The earliest pottery is made and permanent village life becomes more prevalent in extensive areas, such as Hacilar in Anatolia and Jericho in Levant (Earley-Spadoni, "Domestication of Plants and Animals, Sedentism, and Pottery")

Urban centers make their appearance alongside the emergence of city-states in Sumer (Charpin, 809)

The presence of the Buto-Ma'adi culture in Lower Egypt and Naqada I (Amratian) culture in Upper Egypt (Earley-Spandoni, "The Neolithic in Egypt")

The Step Pyramid at Saqqara is the first pyramid to be constructed entirely of stone and is built as a central feature of Pharoah Djoser's funerary complex (Murnane, 696)

Earliest known roll of papyrus comes from the Dynasty I tomb of high official Heneka - it is blank (Earley-Spandoni, "Writing and Texts")

The time of Ebla, one of the earliest kingdoms of the ancient Near East, and the emergence of urban culture in Levant (Lemche, 1195)

First examples in which text is preserved on papyrus date back to Dynasty 4 at the Red Sea port of Wadi el-Jarf (Earley-Spandoni, "Writing and Texts")

The creation of the Palermo Stone (Earley-Spandoni, "From Prehistory to History: Late Predynastic Artifacts and the Palermo Stone)

The city of Agade is founded by Sargon, which replaces the political structure of independent city-states with a unified and centralized unity (Charpin, 810)

The Classical age of Egyptian art and literature (Murnane, 700)

Egyptian control over the south weakened with the advent of a new cultural element - the C-Group culture (Murnane, 697)

The founding of the Hittite Kingdom by Khattushili I, first Hittite monarch (MacQueen, 1089)

Internal Anatolian rivalry and increased pressure on trade routes on Asshur by Hurrians to the north and Amorites to the west and south (MacQueen, 1088)

Hammurabi creates the first code of laws in the Babylonian language (Charpin, 817)

The reign of the "Sea Peoples", a confederacy of naval riders who invaded coastal towns and cities in the Mediterranean region (Kline, 3)

The entirety of Babylonia is under Kassite control (Charpin, 817)

The emergence of a new international equilibrium, characterized by the hegemony of four great powers: Egypt, the Hittite Empire in Anatolia, Mitanni in upper Mesopotamia, and Babylonia (Charpin, 819)

The Golden age of Egyptian architecture and art (Murnane, 708)

An Elamite raid on Babylon puts an end to the Kassite Dynasty (Charpin, 821)

The emergence of iron working and the Phoenician alphabet (Lemche, 1210)

Renewed expansion by Assyria and attacks on Neo-Hittite states (MacQueen, 1100)

The ancient Near East witnesses widespread social, economic, and political turmoil - Hittites in Anatolia, Kassite Babylonians, various Levantine kingdoms, and Egypt's New Kingdom (Earley-Spandoni, "The Collapse of the Bronze Age")

The "Dark Age" - movements of new people and emergence of new political units (MacQueen, 1099)

The Battle of Djahy - major land battle between the forces of Pharaoh Ramesses II and the "Sea Peoples" (Murnane, 708)

The destruction of the Hittite Empire by the "Sea Peoples" (MacQueen, 1097)

The reign of Persian power under Cyrus the Great (Charpin, 827)

Anatolia is under Persian rule (MacQueen, 1104)

The Assyrian empire, weakened by its overambitious expansionist policy, is in a period of terminal decline (MacQueen, 1103)

The Wars of Alexander the Great (Lemche, 1215)

Aramaic becomes the language of common speech in western Asia and even in the remote and peripheral areas of the region (Lemche, 1211)

Darius I fosters the creation of a system of military land tenure (Charpin, 827)

The start of the Hellenistic Age (Murnane, 712)